Eomma gets MAD!!
HELLO WE ARE back also school is almost here for me so when school comes pray for me because i am creating a K-pop club at my School I just hopes it does well (0_0) also my friend blanktaeforthewin has a book she is starting and she needs people to fill up slots here is the book's link https://www.wattpad.com/story/118275761-look-at-me-just-once-bts-open well lets get this chapter done enjoy ~ Yoru
The Next Day in the Boys Dorm Jin POV
I was carrying on with my cooking this nice morning for my children i mean *Cough Cough* band mates *Cough Cough* and then i see this mysterious girl outside the window she was outside Yoongi's Window when i ignored her and then she was gone. "hmm that is weird." i said to myself. when i went to call the children down- i-i mean *sigh* whatever they are my children okay. i went to my husbands room (Namjoon) and i heard some noise come from the room next to his. Yoongi's room is right next to Namjoon's ,and he is relatively quiet you can barely hear him. i walk into Yoongi's room right after i wake up Namjoon and scream at the sight. There was a Girl with Black Hair but i couldn't see her face. She was on top of Yoongi and was grinding on him. she noticed me and then fled the out of the window. I woke Yoongi and hugged him. "Oh MY GOD Yoongi are you okay." i asked really concerned. "Huh what are you talking about?" Yoongi asked confused. There was a girl here and she was grinding on you. she had black hair and i don't any more knowledge i couldn't see her face. "oh" Yoongi said.
At School 3rd POV
Jin had driven all his children and his husband to school. When he had gotten out of the car he again saw a girl with black hair who was on top of Yoongi. Except she had no mask on their school uniform and had a smile on her face. Jin swore she was the person in Yoongi's room this morning. Y/n had seen Jin just standing around d lookin at a girl. "Uhhm Jin-Oppa are you alright?" Y/n asked. "Oh.....uhmm....yeah I am fine Y/n- ah"." Jin had said. "I see alright I was just asking because yo have your eyes glued to Areum Seung." Jin looked at Y/n surprised. "No no no it is just this morning I saw girl in Yoongi's room and while he was asleep she was grinding on him." Jin had said astounded and disgusted. Y/n looked at Jin wide eyed and shocked. "Someone actually did that to Yoongi-oppa." Jin put a hand over her moth so that she didn't scream. "Yes yes someone did." Jin had removed his hand off of Y/n mouth. Yoongi had spotted the two talking and walked over and tapped Y/n on the shoulder. "AAAAAAHHhhhh!!!" Y/n screamed from the shock of Yoongi tapping her on the shoulder. "Y/n chill it is just me." Yoongi said chilly. "Oh sorry Yoongi-oppa." Y/n said. "Ehh it is okay. But what are you and Jin talking about??" He asked. "We were...actually talking about you." Y/n said shyly. "oh me huh?" Yoongi said curious. "yeah we were talking about you." Y/n said. Yoongi laced a hand around her waist and pushed her closer to him.He went close to her ear and whispered in it. "so exactly what were you talking about with me as the topic." he asked in a husky voice. All flustered Y/n took Yoongi's hands off her. "Yoongi please don't do that it is embarrassing." y/n said shyly again. "anyways we were talking about how Jin went to go wake you up and he saw a mysterious girl in your room doing something gross to you." Y/n said cringing. "oh that yeah i am creeped out too i don't even know how the fuck she got into my room." Yoongi said chilly. "anyways i have to go run some errands for some of the first year teachers today before class starts see you." Jin said happily. "Huh and then there were two." Yoongi said. "actually make that 1 because i have to go and get ready for class." Y/n said. "oh well alright see you later then." Yoongi said.
In class
Jungkook and V walked I to the classroom and went to talk to Bf/n. "Oi Bf/n Noona have you seen Y/n Noona?" A Taehyung asked politely. Bf/n responded. "Aww sorry no I haven't seen her I know she is here though." A split second layer Y/n walked into the classroom and saw Jungkook and Taehyung with Bf/n. "Jungkook? Taehyung? What are you two doing here?" You asked. "Oh Y/n Noona we came to see if you are alright." They said walking up to Y/n. "Noona I am glad you are alright." Jungkook said hugging Y/n. "Me too Noona." Taehyung said. "Thank you guys for worrying about me but I am fine I promise okay." Y/n said smiling up at both of them because they were taller than her. "Well you guys better get to class quick before your teacher gets mad." Jungkook and Taehyung left the classroom and headed to their class. "So you must like it sucking up to Jungkook and Taehyung-ah huh?" Jangmi said. "Ugh could you maybe piss off Jangmi." Y/n said clearly annoyed. "Is that anyway to talk to me? It sure was rude huh." Jangmi said smirking evilly. "Ugh could you shut the fuck up I swear this is exactly why no one likes you." Y/n walked off to her desk when Jangmi came and pulled her by her hair. "OI LEAVE ME ALONE BITCH!" Namjoon noticed what was going on then he went up to Jangmi and squeezed her wrists until her grip went loose. "Look Jangmi can you not hurt my friend Y/n over her she is like a daughter to me okay. " Jangmi blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry Namjoon-oppa." Jangmi then ran out of the room crying in shame. "Oi Jangmi wait please don't run." Namjoon said trying to explain he did what he did to Jangmi. Areum Seung walked into the room and smacked Y/n. "Look what you did to Jangmi bitch" Areum said angrily. Leaning closer to Y/n ear she then whispered. "Oh and Y/n if you take one more move at Yoongi I will personally kill you consider yourself warned." Areum then walked off to go and also look for Jangmi. Namjoon came back into the classroom with an unconscious Jangmi. "Oi namjoon what happened to Jangmi?" Bf/n asked kind of concerned. "Areum came out of the bathroom and told me Jangmi was in the girls bathroom cutting herself." Namjoon said shyly. Y/n then noticed the blood dripping down her arm and how many freshly made cuts were there on her silky clear skin. Namjoon set her down and went to go get some bandaids and some cleaning supplies to go tend to Jangmi wounds. Jangmi's arm had a wet paper towel on it and some applied pressure so the blood wouldn't split out of her arm. "Please don't get hurt." Y/n said concerned. "I may hate Jangmi but she doesn't deserve this."
So yeah cliffhanger but it was worth it I know what you are thing dann this story just took a deep dark turn so I've been meaning to ask you guys. This is going to be in a later later chapter but should there a be a lemon in this book like I was considering it but idk what you guys would say so please comment if there should be also leave some ideas for the next chapter of later chapters please. Okay well thanks guys ~ Yoru
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