Mabel's Guide to Life!!!
Mabel's Guide To Dating
-Camera's POV
*sitting down in a table surrounded by plushes*
Mabel: As we all know, I am a dating expert. In fact, I can't get the boys to leave me alone!
*static, then shows Mabel out the window holding a cardboard cutout of a boy*
Mabel: "Mabel, I love you so much, baby!!! Why won't you let me into your life?!?"
*static, then shows Mabel back at the table*
Mabel: You know what you did, Zac!!! *focuses on the camera* Today we're gonna test the date-ability of three of Gravity Falls's swingin-est bachelors!!!
*shows Soos, Dipper, and Stan each sitting in a cheer*
Mabel: Soos!!!
Soos: *facing the side* Get ready to fall in love, America!!! Am I- am I looking at the right camera?
Mabel: Dipper!!!
Dipper: Who are you even making this for?
Mabel: Grunkle Stan!!!
Stan: I'm only here because you promised bacon!
Mabel: Eh! *throws bacon at Stan*
Stan: *catches the bacon in his mouth and eats it* I'm pacified.
You: To be honest, they all suck at dating, but my money's on Soos.
Mabel: And now for a simple nine-thousand question dating quiz!!!
*static, then shows each guy answering a long paper*
Stan: "Should men always pay for dinner?" What is this, Russia?
Soos: "How many kids would you like to have?" Seven, preferably! That's one to love every day of the week!
Dipper: "How do you treat a gal?" Hm, well hovering nearby and laughing at everything she says, obviously! *writes on the quiz* Nailing this.
You: ... oh boy.
Mabel: While they're busy working, we give you: animal dating!!!!
*show three clips of Mabel forcing animals to get together as she gets hurt in the process, then a cardboard cutout square with the word Results and shows the three bachelors each in their chairs*
Mabel: *holding a list* Grunkle Stan, on a scale of one to five, you scored a three.
Stan: Yes!!! Yes!!!
Mabel: This will limit your dating pool to widows, lady plumbers, and convicts.
Stan: I still consider this a victory!
Mabel: *walks over to Dipper* Dipper, your score is-... eesh!!!! You know, scores don't really matter, you should just focus on being you...!
You: Yikes, he failed that bad?
Mabel: *walks to Soos* Soos, on a scale of one five, you scored-... a twelve?!?
You: I knew it!!!
Soos: My grandma was right all along!!! I am the world's most perfect man!!! *raises his arms as pigeons land on him*
*a cardboard cutout square that says Final Thoughts and shows Mabel on the table again*
Mabel: Love is all around us, and if it seems that you two aren't the perfect fit, force it!!! Oh no, the squirrels, they're back!!! *gets attacked by two squirrels*
Mabel's Guide To Stickers
*Mabel is sitting on a chair as Dipper laid in his bed reading a book and you were on your bed/mattress playing with a tiny fireball*
Mabel: Throughout history, stickers have been the backbone of many great civilizations!
Dipper: No, they haven't.
Mabel: *opens a history book* The ancient Greece used leaches for stickers!!! The more stickers you had the cooler you were!!!
Dipper: Nope, not true!!!
Mabel: The ancient Aztecs chest skull was the modern equivalent to today's *shows a Jamaican orange sticker* Orange You Happy, mon?
You: *snicker*
Dipper: Yes, Aztec war paint was exactly like a rasta orange. Mabel, have you ever read a history book?!?
Mabel: Edited out!!!
*static, making Dipper disappear, then she edits many stickers on her face*
Mabel: Cut away!!!
*static, then shows Mabel holding a journal titled Sticktionary*
Mabel: Let's take a look at my personal Sticktionary!!! *opens the journal* Stickers fall into several distinct categories* Puffy stickers,
Soos: *touching the stickers* So soft! *pulls his hand away*
Mabel: *turns the page* Goofily-eyed stickers, *shakes the journal*
Soos: Ah, it's like they're watching me!!!
Mabel: *turns the page* Bumper stickers, *turns the page* scratch and sniff, *turns the page* sniff and touch, *turns the page* listen and taste, *turns the page* and price stickers!!! You can get these ones free at the store!!!
You: Uh, don't they need those?
*static, then shows Mabel at a store taking the price stickers off the TVs*
Mabel: Sticker sticker sticker. *leaves*
Man: Free TVs everybody!!!!
People: *start stealing the TVs*
*static, then back to Mabel and her journal*
Mabel: Listen, (y/n), you shouldn't doubt my authority! In the sticker world, I'm the girl who can get you things!
*static, then shows Mabel eating ice cream and leaning against the counter with Stan behind the counter*
Stan: I need a sticker to put on my car that will, you know, get the cops off my back.
Mabel: *gives Stan a Baby-On-Board sticker*
Stan: Oh! *reaches for the sticker*
Mabel: Uh-uh! My price!
Stan: *sighs before giving Mabel a ginormous box of sprinkles*
Mabel: I'm gonna get so sick~!!!
*static, then Mabel eating sprinkles and Dipper reading in his bed*
Mabel: *eats more sprinkles*
Dipper: Mabel, don't you think those are hazardous to your health?!?
You: Yeah, eating all of that can be pretty dangerous...!
Mabel: Edit!!!
*she edits off you and Dipper and the sprinkles on her face, then she adds sunglasses, a boombox, and Soos holding a burger and soda*
Soos: What?!? How'd I get here?!?
Mabel: Thanks for watching Mabel's Guide to Stickers!!! And now a riddle: what kind of sticker can save your life?!?
*static, then Mabel standing a few feet apart from Waddles*
Mabel: Waddles, if you please!
Waddles: *shoots the grappling hook hitting Mabel's chest and shoots her back*
Mabel: *sits up and unbuttons her sweater* Puffy stickers!!! *laughs* Still really hurt, though.
Mabel's Guide To Fashion
*a lot of pictures of Mabel modeling*
Mabel: *leans back against the counter talking to the phone*
Grenda: The attitude!
*in your bedroom as Dipper sits in his bed wearing sunglasses*
Mabel: *models by*
Grenda: The boys love it.
Dipper: So wait, what do you want me to do?
Grenda: *whispers* Flip up your glasses.
Dipper: Like this? *flips up his glasses*
You: *snort as you you hold a laugh*
*static, the shows Mabel in between hers and Dipper's bed*
Mabel: Guesswhatit'sMabel!!! Everyone wants to look as amazing as me, but most people don't have time for fashion in their busy day-to-day life! that's why I've created....!!!!
Candy and Grenda: *jump into frame*
Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: FLASH MAKEOVERS!!!!!
*static, then shows Soos drinking coffee in the couch*
Soos: Hey guys, what are you a-
Mabel: Grenda, hold him down!!!
Grenda: *tackles Soos to the ground and Mabel took out the makeup kit*
Soos: AHHHH!!!
*static, then shows Soos with some rock and roll vampire look*
Soos: These pants are so tight!!! I can't move!!!
Mabel: You can thank us later!!! *runs out with Grenda*
Soos: If you're watching this, call for help!!! *falls* I'm down!!! Soos is down!!!
*static, then shows you walking down the hallway*
You: *notice the girls* Uh, hey guys...?
Mabel: GET HER!!!
You: !!!
Grenda: *leaps to tackle you*
You: *turn phoenix and fly up before she could* What the heck?!?
Mabel: Abort mission, ABORT MISSION!!! *runs off followed by the others*
You: What the f-?
*static, then shows Stan in the bathroom in front of the mirror*
Stan: I'm Stan and I was wrong, I'm singing-
Grenda: *tackles down Stan and starts to paint Stan's face*
Stan: What's happening?!?
Mabel: Beauty is happening!!!!!!
*static, then shows Mabel and Grenda standing beside Stan who looks like a tiger*
Grenda: *gives him a mirror*
Stan: I'd be pretty mad at you girls, if I didn't look so fantastic!!! *grabs the mirror*
Mabel: SUCCESS!!! Take it to the streets, girls!!! *runs off*
Grenda: *takes a bottle* I'm taking your aftershave. *follows Mabel*
*static, then shows Mabel and Grenda staring at Old Man McGucket*
Mabel: Ok, gals, we need a real challenge.
McGucket: Old Man McGucket!!! *spits in a bucket* Spittin' in a bucket!!!
Grenda: This one is a toughy.
Mabel: Let's try something bold!!!
*static, then shows Mabel drawing a cartoon face of the back of McGucket's head*
Mabel: *finishes* Am I good or am I good, girls?!?
Grenda: Absolutely stunning!!!
Mabel: *goes to face McGucket's face* Now we cover up that... problem area... *uses his beard to cover his face and as the cartoon's face's hair, then combs it* Now you just have to walk backwards everywhere you go and bingo!!! You're fabulous!!!
McGucket: That's the way my body naturally wants to move anyways!!! *leaves making a woman in the background scream*
Mabel's Guide To Color
*in your room with the lights off so Mabel could show the pictures on the wall*
Mabel: Ah color, it's all around us!!! From the green of a nauseous twin brother, to the weird orange of an old man's noise, to the shiny beautiful tones of (y/n)'s phoenix form, to the beautiful sky blue of toilet water!!! *shows a picture of you sleeping in an uncomfortable position*
Soos: I'm in that one!!!
Mabel: Yes you are, Soos. It wasn't always this way!!! According to history, the world was black and white until color was invented by a magic wizard named Grandolf The Fabulous!!! What's your favorite, Gravity Falls?!? *snatches the camera and points at you*
*static, then clips of many people saying their favorite colors, then you all go to Stan*
Stan: None.
Mabel: What?!?
Stan: I don't have a favorite color, I don't even like colors.
Mabel: No even... rainbows?!?!?!?
Stan: Beats me, I've never even seen a rainbow.
Mabel: WHAT?!?
*back at your room with Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda*
Mabel: Alright, guys, how can we get Grunkle Stan to see a rainbow, I need ideas, people!!!
Grenda: Sometimes if I drink expired milk, I see rainbows!!! I'm gonna try it right now!!! *takes out a bottle of expired milk and starts to drink it*
You: Or we can take him to the enchanted falls, there's always rainbows there.
Candy: *takes a pen and paper and does a quick sketch* What if we reflect the rainbow from the falls into Stan's window?
You: Huh, that's not a bad idea!
Dipper: Yeah!
Grenda: Yeah!!! *faints*
You and Dipper: !!!
Candy: It's fine, she does this.
*static, them shows you, Dipper, and Candy with the reflection*
Mabel: Alright, we're about to unleash the power of the Roy-G-Biv-A-Tron into Stan's office!!! *hides when she hears the door open*
Stan: Nothing brightens a dark room like a light from a window!!! Time to open the windo- OH!!! NO!!! WHY!!! *falls to the ground covering his eyes in pain* WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!?
Mabel: *appears wearing special sunglasses* Ta-da, surprise!!!!
Mabel: Maybe we overdid it a little bit...
Stan: IT'S SO HOT, IT HURTS!!!!!
*static, then shows you, Dipper, and Soos tying bandages over his eyes and Mabel talking to the camera that you were now holding*
Stan: Get those bandages good and tight, I'm not not giving my life savings to some quack doctor!!!
Mabel: That's it for today, join us next week where we'll be doing Mabel's Guide to Apologizing to your Great Uncle!
Stan: I hate color more than ever!!!!!
Mabel: *laughs awkwardly* He's just saying that!!! *whispers* Cut, cut it!!!
Mabel's Guide To Art
*Mabel at the end of the stairs in from of the door*
Mabel: Ah, art, it's all around us!!! From the big triangles of the desert, to the pens that go like *moves the pen in front of the camera* Boop~! Broop~!
*static, then shows an elephant painting on a canvas*
Mabel: Even old Jumbo is getting in on the act! *laughing* Don't quit your day job, Jumbo!!! That's... that'll really bad...
*static, back to Mabel*
Mabel: No one knows what art means or where it comes from, but one thing is for sure: I'm great at it!!! At age two I was naturally gifted, by age five I was a master of portrait, age seven was a time of free exploration, but everything changed when I saw this amazing caricature!!! *shows a drawing she made of (a really creepy) Dipper*
Dipper: *grabs the drawing* Gimme that, gimme that!!!!!
You: *walk in taking a sip of Pit Cola*
Mabel: Hey (y/n)!!!!! *snatches the drawing and shows it to you* Look at this awesome drawing I made!!!!!
You: *turn away spitting you Pit Cola before coughing roughly* Oh god, that's horrific!!!!!
Mabel: And what can be an even better, you ask? I give you: the cat-icatures!!!!! *takes out a drawing of a car with the pine tree hat* Just compare this amazing likeness to Dipper!
Dipper: That doesn't look anything like me-
Mabel: You're right, it does look exactly like you!!!!!
*static, then shows Mabel showing Stan many of her cat-icatures*
Stan: Uh, it's just the same crumby cat face with a different hat each time!
Mabel: Exactly, and I sell them for ten dollars each!
Stan: need an agent? I am now your agent.
*static, then Mabel in Toby's office holding a cat-icature with Toby in his desk*
Mabel: *gives Toby the drawing*
Toby: It looks exactly like me, right down to my actual cat whiskers that the doctors can't explain!!! *hugs the drawing* Meow meow meow!!!
Mabel: You're always weirder than I remember...
*static, then Stan selling many cat-icatures to people*
Stan: Mabel, these cat-icatures are selling like hotcakes!!!
Mabel: Cat-icatures are good, but I've moved on to the next level! Behold: Humanicaticatures!!!
Customers: ... *start to fight to buy the humanicaticaters*
Stan: Somebody get this girl more cats!!!!
Hey guys!!! So first of all, I'd like to apologize for not posting anything throughout the week, but this was actually my first week of high school and I wanted to get used to things. I hope you all understand. And second, yes I'm writing the shorts again because they're hilarious af and they always make me laugh so. Anyways, 'till next time!!!
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