The search for the Artic charm
The night passed quickly, everyone was exhausted. Lynn awoke before daybreak but decided to let everyone rest more.
Lynn: Guys it's time to get moving we have a very busy day ahead of us.
Jim: Morning Princess... Sorry Lynn, it's a habit. Do you want me to head out now to spread the word of tonight's meeting?
Lynn: Yes that would be very helpful Jim. After you have spread the news if you could return to aid us in the search for Elaine's charm that would be great.
Jim: Will do Lynn see you later.
( everyone else awakes
Blake: Good morning.
Elaine: Come on let's go!! I can't wait to find my charm. Let's go!! Let's go!!
Lacy: Jane will you stay and watch the pups while we are gone?
Jane: Of course, Lacy you know how I love pup sitting!!
Lynn: First things first we should check this den since we are already here. If anyone remembers any hiding spots that charm could be in please say something.
( an hour later)
Lynn: Anything?
Blake: Nada
Lillian: Nope
Elaine: No...
Lynn: Don't look so down, Elaine we will find your charm. We should expand our search to where you used to play as a pup, any ideas Elaine.
Elaine: I remember always playing near a stream that was near here.
Lynn: Then we will search along the stream, Lacy do you know how to get to the stream if so could you lead the way.
Lacy: Here we are this so the stream we played in before the battle.
Elaine: It's not here, I don't think we will find it...
Jim: Don't give up we will find your charm we will search more after the meeting.
At the meeting
Elaine: I know this place I've seen it in my dreams before.
Blake: Maybe your charm is here, I've seen the location of my charm in my dreams before so maybe your dreams we're telling you where your charm was.
Elaine: You really think so Blake!
Blake: Of course I do.
Lynn: We will search the area after the meeting, everyone is starting to arrive.
Elaine: Okay. Mom, how do these meetings normally work?
Blizzard: Well first off we introduce any new shifters that have arrived in the last month. Then we assign new roles so that everyone has a chance to locate new shifters. Afterwards, we discuss matters of the island and collect any charms that have recently been located.
Elaine: Woah a lot goes on at these meetings, but what happens to the charms that have been found?
Lynn: Well each shift has a box that they are placed in when they are found.
Jake: How do we know that our charms are not in the boxes?
Jim: Well son any person who shares a blood connection to the owner of the charm is able to pick out any family members charm. Every month each family goes through the boxes to try and locate any family charms.
Michael: So Rosa and Russell have been looking for my charm?
Russell and Rosa: Yep! We look for the king's charm every month.
Michael: That's so sweet of the Prince and Princess of the jungle to look for my charm.
Lynn: Welcome to the island meeting. I know it was last minute but we have some excellent news to share with all of the shifters. I'd like to introduce Elaine daughter of Alpha Blizzard, Jake son of Cheif Flyer Jim, Michael heir to the Dark Cats clan, Lillian who is a dear friend of mine but most importantly Blake Prince of the Twilight Dragons.
Sandra: Wait the eldest child of Alex has returned? ( whispers to Cristy) Michael has returned dear your friend is safe.
All shifts: Horray!!! The Princess and Prince live!
The meeting adjourned and most of the shifters left except for Sandra and Cristy.
Elaine: I remember a small hidden spot towards the back of the cave. THERE THATS MY CHARM!! Dang it I'm too big to fit into the spot.
Jim: I may have an idea the fledglings should be able to fit in there but they may take a while.
( to the fledglings) Can you guys go into this little crevice and find Elaine's charm.
The fledglings: ( baby babble) mmcoooyee
( Cristy would approach Michael)
Christy: Do you remember me, Michael? I'm Cristy.
Michael: inner thoughts. It's really her she's okay!! She's even more beautiful then I remember! Of course, I remember you, Cristy!! I missed you so much I thought you were gone I thought they killed you!
Christy: Well they didn't and I missed you so much!
The main part of the group started on in confusion.
Lynn: That's how the bonds between two shifts can work Michael and Cristy have been friends since birth and we'll...
Sandra: meant for each other.
Jim: Elaine they got it! Here's your charm and it's absolutely stunning.
Elaine's charm was an intricate image of a moon and a snow flake.
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