Chapter Two - New
"You stupid slut, why haven't you died already?"
It took everything I had to not roll my eyes at the way she flipped her hair. It was like she thought talking to an omega made her superior somehow.
I clenched my jaw and turned away, desperately trying to ignore her and her ridiculous posse of wolves.
I made it only a few steps before someone grabbed my arm. I turned, then a hand cracked across my face. My butt hit the linoleum floor and I heard the cafeteria go dead silent. I felt my lip split open and a strangled gasp escaped my throat.
I looked up to see our future Alpha glaring at me distastefully. My hand flew up to touch my bleeding lip and I crawled back a little, fear pounding through me.
"How dare you disrespect your future Luna?" he snarled.
I immediately dropped my gaze to the floor and bowed my head deeply in submission. "I apologize Alpha, and Luna for my disrespect," I whimpered, his presence making my shoulders hunch over in defeat.
"Now make yourself scarce before I beat you," he spat and I leapt up and hobbled to the nearest bathroom.
I couldn't believe he let me go. Maybe he wasn't as bad as the rest. If he didn't change, then maybe there's still the absolute tiniest chance for me once he replaces his father.
Yeah, right, I snorted internally, grimacing sharply at my stupid thought before turning my gaze to the mirror.
I cringed at the sight. A fresh bruise was forming on one cheek and an older one was on my jaw. My already busted lip was starting to swell on one side and blood trickled down from the cut. Scratches covered my cheeks and chin from when I was thrown onto the floor yesterday.
I had a purple bump growing on my temple, still tender to the touch. My gaze wandered down to the scars decorating my neck and I tug my sweatshirt up a little. If I looked at them too long, then I just know I'd want to try again. It takes every ounce of my remaining energy to convince myself I'm strong enough to endure this. I hope.
As soon as I returned to the pack house, I received a brutal beating from the Beta. He told me he needed to teach me a lesson for disrespecting the future Alpha.
I had black and blue splotches on my ribcage, what felt like a broken arm, and I was pretty sure my nose was broken.
I was actually lucky, disrespecting your Alpha was normally a death sentence, but mine was less since he was the Alpha's son. I considered it extremely unlucky, I had purposefully embarrassed the Alpha in public before in the hope of finally escaping this nightmare, but they never killed me, just tortured me until I was almost dead then left me alone just long enough for me to heal.
I wished they would just kill me, then the pain would finally be over. I still had another few months of school left, after which there was a chance they'd find another, probably more twisted, use for me. Other than the pack punching bag anyway.
I shook my head and pushed the thought to the back of my mind. I was sitting on the floor of my old bathroom. It was connected to my old bedroom. It was massive and filled with comfortable furniture, a TV, and even a mini fridge.
They kicked me out when I got back. They said a traitor didn't deserve to live in such a nice room. All I could do was sneak into the bathroom on occasion since no one would let me use any others. Thank the Moon Goddess they thought my room was cursed or something, no one will even open the door.
It was my sanctuary when the house was empty, I kept my stolen medical supplies and snacks in the bathroom.
I wrapped my ribs in a compression bandage and put ointment on the scratches on my face, gingerly picking out the fragments of rock still embedded in my skin. Then I dared to look at my foot.
I hadn't really checked it since I broke it almost two weeks before, and I was regretting it. It looked so much worse.
My ankle had swollen to twice its size and it looked bent and twisted unnaturally. I had to try and put it back into place before it would start healing on its own.
I sucked in a harsh breath and gripped my foot tightly. I shoved my balled up shirt into my mouth before I closed my eyes and jerked my hands. The pain from my foot had my body spasming and convulsing violently. I thought I might puke.
The shirt stifled my howl but did nothing to stop me from crying. Tears streamed down my face in an endless river and I fisted my hands so hard that my nails were making my palms bleed. It took two more excruciating yanks before it seemed to be realigned. The floor swayed and I fought to stay conscious. I tossed the shirt into my bag and rubbed my eyes, breathing deeply. I quickly downed an old protein bar and half of a bottle of water, instantly feeling better with something in my stomach.
My foot was still swollen but it actually looked like a foot now. I wrapped it in the compression bandage, my hands shaking from my shuddering sobs as the waves of pain persisted with each touch.
Something caught in my throat and I rushed to the sink as I erupted into a coughing fit. Sharp pain shot through my lungs and down into my abdomen with every movement of my chest. I knew I had some internal damage and bleeding, I just didn't know how serious it was.
I spat the blood into the sink and felt my breath come out as a rattling wheeze. My lips twisted into a grimace as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and rinsed the taste of blood out of my mouth. Great.
I slowly crept out of the bathroom after cleaning up the mess and returned to my closet. I had a thin mattress in the corner and a frayed blanket. I tossed my backpack onto the floor and pulled my hoodie back on.
I lied down, the mattress springs squeaking, and curled up under the tattered fabric. I put my good arm under my head to act as a pillow and fell asleep before my eyes were even fully closed.
Shouting woke me. It was distant though; the warriors were lining up for training outside the pack house. It wasn't my favorite way to wake up but it sure as hell beat getting kicked awake.
My eyes snapped open and a smile crept up onto my face. Eighteen. This day could not have come soon enough. I knew it was stupid to get my hopes up. I knew my mate would probably reject me and completely shatter them, but I couldn't help being giddy. There was a chance.
I crawled out of my bed and checked my wounds, happy to see that they were starting to heal. My ribs were still messed up but it was much easier to breathe.
My foot was no longer as swollen but it was still extremely tender. I searched through my room until I found my only pair of skinny jeans.
Just as I was about to put them on, I realized how difficult it would be to get it over my foot and ended up tossing them in the corner.
I pulled on my black sweatpants and a red tank top that stopped fitting more than a year ago. It made my cleavage ten times more noticeable but nobody would notice it under my hoodie.
I hadn't gotten new clothes in six or seven years, and I stopped getting the pack's old, worn out garments a couple of years ago. I had two pairs of sweatpants, one pair of skinny jeans that barely fit, three shirts and tank tops that were all too small, a pair of worn out boots, an old hoodie, and a very ugly sweatshirt.
I used my fingers to comb out my hair a little before braiding it down my back. It ended a little below my waist and I secured it with a hair tie. I couldn't remember how long it had been since I cut it.
I put on my sneakers and grabbed my bag before hurrying to the kitchen. I handed out breakfast and managed to sneak some bacon and bread into my mouth without the servants noticing before hurrying outside.
The forest was quieter at this time. The only ones out were the guards, everyone else was sleeping.
It would either be the happiest or the most miserable day of my life. No matter how much I prayed or wished or dreamed, I knew it would probably be the latter.
The forest was beautiful in the morning, just after sunrise. The sky still showed traces of pink and purple and the sun was barely visible above the distant mountains. Light shined through cracks in the dense thicket of trees and made the forest look almost magical. I nearly forgot about all of my worries as I stared.
My foot suddenly caught on something and I didn't even have time to yelp before my body hit the ground. Laughter surrounded me and I sighed in defeat. Of course, nothing ever went smoothly with me.
I slowly pushed myself up and saw my brother standing over me, his friends watching behind him.
He shook his head at me with a smirk. "What on earth could you have to daydream about?" He snorted.
I stared down at my feet and kept quiet. My head hung in embarrassment, not fear this time. Please don't remember.
"Oh my Goddess." Fuck. "You're turning eighteen today, aren't you?" He sneered, his voice full of sarcasm and mockery. His friends snickered.
I bit the inside of my cheek and he laughed. "Hey guys, the omega is finding her mate today," he chuckled, nudging his friend with his elbow.
"I wonder who will have the honors of giving the rejection?"
"I don't really care, as long as I am there to see it," one of his friends cackled. Tears were starting to well up in my eyes, I tried to blink them back but every word that came out of their mouths pushed me closer to losing it.
I internally growled. I have already accepted everything they're saying, why is it bothering me so much!
"Run along little bitch, we don't want to be seen in the school with you," I heard somebody say and I immediately started walking.
I shoved my hands into the pocket of my hoodie, clenching my jaw. I was trying so hard to keep it together that I didn't even notice when I arrived at my classroom. I sat down in my usual seat in the corner and leaned against the wall. I took a few deep breaths and slowly blinked the tears away.
The bell rang and the class filled quickly. I stared at the defaced desk and half listened to the teacher. He said something about a new schedule for school that would be in effect next week and also that there was some big event later today.
I suddenly felt eyes on me and looked up. My gaze landed on my brother who smirked at me. The look on his face had me gripping the edge of the desk until my knuckles turned white.
The last time he looked at me like that, he tried to kill me.
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