I curled myself up into a tighter ball, pressing my face closer to the stone wall that reeked of blood just to get farther away from him. "Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone?" I growled, exhaustion pouring over me.
"Why did you have to kill my parents right in front of me?"
"Liam you need to grow up and get the fuck over it! That's what normal people do when someone dies. They grieve and then they move on! The longer you hold onto their deaths the bigger a baby you become, and now you just sound absolutely pathetic!" I snarled.
I heard him growl and bang against the bars. The harsh sound made me flinch but otherwise I didn't move. "You little bitch. How dare you call me pathetic when you're the one sitting in prison because you can't behave and deal with your own mate!"
I rolled my eyes. "That's the dumbest comparison I've ever heard," I muttered.
"Why don't you come out here and say it to my face you whore!" he spat, yanking on the bars again.
I finally rolled over to look at him. I shook my head, my lip curled in disgust. "I'm not going to fight a blind wolf, that would be an unfair fight, not to mention it'd make you look like a complete dumbass to get your ass beat by your little sister," I sneered.
He shouted and screamed incoherently and banged on the bars so loudly that the guards actually came over. "Bye big bro! Love you!" I sneered, watching with amusement as he struggled against the guards who decided to just start dragging him away.
I heard Ryland's hoarse chuckle followed by a short coughing fit. "You know, I miss seeing you like this," he rasped.
I sat up, propping myself up on my elbows so I could see him. "What do you mean?"
"The sassy, sarcastic alpha female that wasn't afraid of anybody," he muttered, "the wolf I haven't seen since you were kidnapped."
"Well seeing your former bully scream like a sissy tends to get rid of all that fear, not to mention I think I actually made him blind so it's really hard for him to hurt me now. Especially while I'm in this cell," I sighed.
"Honestly it's probably a hell of a lot safer in here than it is with Thayne. You might want to figure out a way to make him keep you in here instead of in his bedroom," he suggested.
"Yeah that's probably a good idea, I don't know how though."
He made a face. "I have one idea but it's going to hurt like a son of a bitch," he sighed.
I peeled my eyes open and craned my head to see who it was. I spotted Thayne's face on the other side of the bars and my lip curled in disgust. I rolled back over and closed my eyes again. "Leave me the fuck alone," I muttered.
His growl echoed in my ears and I held my breath, bracing myself for the yelling, for the pain that was coming. But it never did.
I opened my eyes again and rolled over. Thayne was leaning against the bars of the cell, a smirk on his face.
"You must think I'm stupid," he said.
"Well I still think you're smarter than your father if that makes you feel any better," I snorted.
"My father was pretty fucking stupid so not really. There's a reason he's dead and I'm the alpha now," he grinned.
"If your father really is dead then why did you tell me that you wanted to know how I healed so you could save him? You told me he was dying not dead."
"I figured Roxie was still the type to try and help others and so I thought that would make you more cooperative but the Night pack turned you into a little demon," he chuckled. "No empathy whatsoever."
I growled. "Empathy? You're gonna talk to me about empathy? You're a fucking cold-hearted monster Thayne. You're worse than my douchebag brother," I spat.
"You can insult me all you want, you're not staying in this cell," he growled back.
Fuck, I snarled. "Where am I staying then?"
His lips curled into a smirk.
"You have to be fucking kidding me!" I growled.
He raised his eyebrow at me. "Not at all."
"Uh, you can put her in the room for unruly patients, it's the one at the end of the hall. Here's the key," a young woman said, handing it to one of the guards restraining me.
My arms were locked behind my back in silver cuffs and they burned with every movement but I kept struggling against them. I dug my heels into the floor but it didn't even faze the guards. They just dragged me down the hall as if I was a doll.
I felt my cheeks redden. Dozens of people watched as I was dragged down the halls. I tried to ignore their staring eyes but they were burning holes into my skull.
We reached the end of the hall and one guard unlocked the door. My stomach flipped at the sight inside. They yanked me to the other side of the large room and locked a thick collar around my neck.
The collar was attached to the ground with a heavy chain about a meter long. It forced me to sit on the floor or kneel.
The guards removed my cuffs then disappeared from the hospital room. I looked down at my burning wrists and saw they were starting to heal already.
My eyes snapped up as the door opened. The woman from before entered with a smile on her face. "Hi Roxanne, I'm Samantha. I'm one of the new pack doctors," she said in a sweet voice that made me cringe.
"I'm not hurt so what the fuck am I doing here?" I growled in annoyance.
"Alpha Thayne wants me to check on all of your wounds to make sure they healed properly," she said, sitting down on a chair. I smirked a little when I noticed she deliberately remained a couple of meters away from me.
"My wounds are fine. Look my wrists are already healing. Now tell me what the fuck I'm doing here!" I growled angrily.
Her smile was suddenly gone and she glared coldly at me. "Alright fine. I am supposed to study you and figure out how you managed to use wolfsbane to heal yourself as well as remove the silver from your body," she said.
"Of course he's still fucking obsessed with that."
She stood and started moving equipment towards me. I slid backwards until my back hit the wall and then sideways until the collar tugged.
"I need to give you an IV and do a few tests, if you don't cooperate I will sedate you and do it while you're unconscious," she growled.
I clenched my jaw tightly. "If you take care of Ryland's injuries, I'll do whatever you want. He was severely injured and in the prison they don't have anything to help him heal."
She narrowed her eyes at me for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I will take care of your friend. Now don't move, this is going to hurt a little bit," she said.
I let out a relieved sigh. I didn't move as she stepped closer and crouched down to put a needle in my arm and inject a red liquid into my inner elbow. It stung a little and I bit my cheek.
She moved away and started rummaging inside one of the cabinets.
Everything started to sway and I shook my head. It didn't help. "What the fuck?" I muttered, bracing my hands on the floor.
The woman's face was suddenly right in front of me. "Don't worry sweetie, I just gave you a little medicine to help keep you from escaping. It's going to feel a bit like you're drunk," she said in that awful, sickly-sweet voice.
"Why would you do that? I said I'd cooperate," I said, blinking hard and taking deep breaths.
"Well you see, I don't plan on helping your friend at all. And sooner or later you'd realize that and we can't have you trying to escape."
My head started to throb and I grit my teeth. "What the fuck is wrong with you? It's bad enough you follow an Alpha like Thayne," I growled.
Her face was blurry but I could clearly see her smirk. "Maybe, but see I became a pack doctor because it's the only profession where you can hurt people and not get into trouble for it. Even warriors face consequences for hurting one another but I don't. That's why Thayne assigned you to me, he knows that I can make you talk."
"You're a fucking sadistic torturer, not a pack doctor," I muttered.
She laughed. "No dear, I'm still a pack doctor. I have to be to get all that wolfsbane out of your blood. Thayne can't exactly mate with you if your blood burns him, now can he?"
I felt bile rise up in my throat and I growled. "I will never mate with Thayne," I snarled.
She chuckled. "Sweetheart you're not going to have a choice."
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