Chapter 44: Snooping Around.
Kelly's POV.
I hissed in pain as I retracted my hand from the hot vessel. I had made myself some tea to soothe my restlessness. Valerie was going to text me once she reached the gala and that was my cue to go to Derek's house.
I sat down on one of the dining chairs and sipped on the hot liquid. Coming to this town was supposed to be my break. When Val first called me up, I was hesitant to help her even when she was my good friend, but later my boss said how I needed a breather and I should take on the case.
But as I spent more time, I realised the severity of the situation. There were many sleepless nights where I wondered to myself how was I unsuccessful in catching the killer and what made this case so different that I was unable to help.
One fine day, I got my answer. The residents of Maplebirch were smarter than I pegged them to be. They were masters at deception and could lead on anybody who did not belong to this town and they had been fooling me and Blake all along. Well, probably not all of them but Derek and the other shady people we previously suspected to be the murderers.
Living in the city, I was used to a different kind of culture. So, it was easy for me to point out the people who lied to me. It was the complete opposite here. I knew nobody and had zero idea how things worked around here.
When I first met the group, I knew I could trust no one. I did background check on every single on of them and that is why I was skeptic about Jordan at first. He had criminal records and although they were not to serious, I did not want to take my chances.
As time passed by, I knew Jordan could not have done it. It was Blake's hunch and his hunches were never wrong.
Upon investigating solo, I stumbled upon new facts that gave me an entire new perception about the case but still led me nowhere. I was impressed by the killer. Derek had done a good job covering his tracts. Then again, he had a lot of time to get rid of the evidence because the cops of the town ruled our murder and announced that it was a suicide.
Upon reading the clues a lot, I also discovered that this entire game was personal. Blake and I did not belong here and we were not needed. This was a a vendetta against Valerie, Brianna, Lenny and Jordan. So, I stayed out of it unless I was needed desperately.
I took one of the last sips of the tea and stared into the darkness. It has become a close friend of mine. After solving every case, I always returned home only to be met with this darkness.
I had made a wall of the stronger bricks and made sure nobody entered inside. There was a part of me that feared if I let myself allow to feel something, I would get hurt because the person was bound to leave me after knowing the things I know about the world.
Plus, having a loved one and being a detective is a very dangerous risk. Every single person you have put behind the bars hates you automatically and if they ever get out, to get to you, they usually target the people you love. So, it was easier for me to live alone.
Blake was the only one who knew me the best because we had clicked immediately. Plus, I helped him get over his first case which was a very brutal murder and made sure he did not suffer from serious PTSD. Slowly, the both of us grew closer and closer. Blake, just like me, had also shut down his emotions and banned himself from feeling anything ever again.
I wanted him to experience love but I could never talk about it with him because it would make me a hypocrite. So, I was on top of the world when he could experience love with Valerie.
She was so gentle with him and never pushed him to speak up or show emotions because she knew she had her own flaws to concentrate on.
My phone pings, lightening a little part of the dark room and I check the notification to see Valerie informing me that she has reached. I grab the phone and shove it in my back pocket, making my way on the couch to get the bag.
Brianna had sent one of the rented cars here so that I could drive. I got inside and drove straight to the McAllister's.
The house stood alone in the gloomy street, it's sadness radiating the surroundings. A passerby could easily notice the change in the glow of the structure. It was almost as if the house held the pain of the lost one and the secrets of the evil one.
I walked towards the door and bent a little to check the lock. I opened my zipper bag and removed a hairpin, entering it inside the keyhole and shuffling a little. After trying a few times, the lock finally gave in and opened the door for me. A victorious smile tugged my lips upwards as I succeeded. Fortunately, the alarm system did not go off, saving me from the trouble of figuring out the password for it.
Placing the hairpin back, I removed the torch and turned on the button, illuminating the dingy room. I rummaged through drawers and cupboards, hoping to find something. My main focus was on checking Derek's room, but as a precaution, I inspected the living room.
Upon finding nothing, I took long steps towards Derek's room and opened the door. The first place I checked was a study table. There were documents and papers scattered on top of it. Picking up the papers and scanning through them, I found nothing of importance. Most of them were business related documents. Although I found no evidence, I did find the agreement where Derek's father made him his business partner and the future heir.
Again, to be precautious, I clicked a picture of it. I turned around to face the nightstand and opened the drawers of it. I found a photo album and a few loose pictures of Rosalind. I grabbed one of them a observed. She was a pretty human being. Her eyes matched the colour of Derek's and their face shape was also similar. Her face had a very bright glow but at the same time, her small smile gave away the pain.
I sat there, eyes the ceiling and thinking to myself. After working so many years as a detective, I still had no idea why people were so cruel. How could they commit such a crime? I guess I would probably never find out.
I put back the picture and continued my quest that would help us arrest Derek with ease. After spending another hour in vain, I let out an exasperated sigh. I looked in every nook and corner
of his room but found nothing.
The desperation reminded me of the time they found Rosalind's fake suicide note under her bed and so, with determination and hope, I went to Rosalind's room and crouched down.
To my surprise, I found a wooden box with bunch of papers. None of them confirmed Derek's crime but a particular one caught my attention.
It was a receipt of rat poison. I took it in my hand and examined it. The credit card number further caught my eye and I opened my phone to check whether it matched with Derek's but when it did not, my interest got peaked. If it didn't belong to him, that meant that he had an accomplice or we were still looking at this entire thing wrongly.
I went to my contacts and stared at the one number that would help me out immediately. But did I want to dial it? After contemplating for about a minute, I tapped on the screen and waited to hear a voice on the other end of the phone. I voice I was longing to hear.
"Hello?" A sweet, feminine voice answered the call. The grogginess in her voice indicated that she was asleep and had woken up because of me.
"Gigi, hey!" I greeted. "I kinda needed your help with something urgent."
"What's up," she asked, her voice a little worried.
"Remember how I told you I was going to a town to solve a murder? Well, we just found a credit card number and it does not belong to the man we are suspecting the killer to be. So, I was wondering if you could scan it?"
"Kelly, you know this is an unofficial case and boss may have given you the permission but you know I can't help you."
"I know and I am so sorry for calling you, but I really need this. I have been having a tough time here."
"Fine," she finally gave up. "But when you come back, you better ask me out on a date."
My cheeks immediately flustered at the thought of going on a date with the most beautiful I had laid my eyes on.
"Deal," I smirked.
I felt her shuffling a little before hearing the familiar sound of a computer turning on. I recited the numbers to her and waited until she did her magic.
Both of us fell silent. The only thing that could be heard was the mouse clicking.
"Okay, so I entered the number into our system and it belongs to a Lenny Grande. Do you know him?"
I sat down on the floor in shock. As I mentioned earlier, the town people knew how to manipulate others. Lenny helped poison Rosalind. An unsettling feeling bubbled in my stomach. He was going to propose to his girlfriend and why would he help poison her?
"Kelly? You there?" Gigi's faint voice brought me back to reality.
"Yes, sorry for drifting off. Thank you so much," I said.
"You don't sound alright, Kells. Talk to me," she insisted.
"It's nothing. I just know Lenny very well. He has been helping me with the case and right now..." my voice faded as I realised that Lenny was at the gala right now and a part of the plan. I needed to alert the others before something bad happened. "Gigi, can I call you later? There is something I need to do."
"Of course," she said. I hung up the phone and a pang of regret took over me. I wanted to let Gigi know how stoked I was for this date. When she first came to work and I saw her, I just knew right away she was soon going to have a special place in my heart.
Which she did. The more time we spent, the more our chemistry strengthened. There were so many times when she flirted with me and every inch of my body wanted to flirt back, but I stopped myself.
Now, I finally had the chance to tell her how I felt on this date and I needed myself not to mess it up. I think Gigi understood my dilemma and she already knew my emotions for her. As many times when I tried to do something bold and failed, she would just hold my hand and pat it gently, telling me it was okay.
I looked down at my phone again and called up Valerie. After a few rings, she picked it up and I was met with a sniffling voice.
"Is everything okay over there?" I asked as anxiety started to envelope me.
"It- its Brianna," she cried out. "Brianna and Jordan were doing their part and the three of us were waiting ou- outside when the doors burst open and Derek exited holding a knife at Jordan's neck."
"Where did they go?"
"I don't know, but Derek warned to not follow him and I rushed inside the room to see Brianna unconscious at the floor."
"Okay, first of all, calm down," I said, asking her to breathe.
"Do you know where would Derek take Jordan?" I asked.
"N- no," she sniffled. "But Blake and Lenny are following Derek's car."
"Blake's with Lenny?" I gasped.
"Yeah, why?"
"Valerie, Lenny was in on the murder. He was the one who purchased the poison," I told her.
A small gasp left Valerie mouth and I knew she was panicking. "Kelly, Blake is with Lenny. Oh my god, what do I do? I can't let Blake get hurt." Her crying intensified.
"I want you to stay with Brianna and get her medical attention. I'll go after Blake and Lenny," I told her.
"But how do you know where he is?"
"We have each other's locations. Valerie, don't try and alert Blake. I know you're worried but we have been in this situation a few times and he can take care of himself."
There was a long pause before a heaved a sigh and a small 'okay.'
I tucked my phone away in my pocket and got up. I had no time to waste so the first thing I did was put everything back to its place, locked the house and entered the car. Turning on the GPS, I searched for Blake's location and finally found the address. He was still in the car.
I turned on the engine and stepped on the gas to save the only friend I had.
It was going to be a long night.
I want to edit this chapter but I'll do it later.
Anywhoo...Lenny was in on it?!! How did that happen?
Well, the next chapter is going to be from his point of view, so you'll know soon.
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