Chapter 26: Kiss and Tell.
"Hey there," Blake's exhausted voice greeted me.
It had been two official days and people now expected me to open my eyes.
Doctors had performed several tests on me these past couple of days.
My mom and dad came rushing in the room and mom almost broke down after looking at my condition. My dad tried to talk to me, but he failed miserably.
Kelly had been reading me Little Women trying to motivate me in her own way.
I felt Blake's fingertips brush my hand and then caress my cheeks. "It's been officially two days and you haven't spoke a single word yet. I miss hearing your voice and your parents miss you too."
A heavy sigh followed by another statement, "I'm not really good at these confessions so I apologise in advance if I didn't meet you expectations, but you need to know that I tried my best. I mean, you can't blame me for wanting to make it perfect, because I'm doing this for the first time and-"
Oh come on! Say it already. The anticipation is killing me more than the stab wound.
"I like you," Blake blabbered. "A lot. I never really thought that I would be lucky enough to experience these feelings for you, but I do. I've been wanting to say this for a long time now but recently you started getting really awkward around me and I didn't want to ruin anything."
"Well, I was awkward because of Brianna," I replied, knowing that he couldn't hear me.
"But now I'm desperate and want you to open those wonderful brown eyes, so that I can get lost in them," he said.
Even though I didn't get to witness Blake's expressions, I felt his emotions.
I could feel the desperation in his tone and plea in his eyes.
I wanted to open my eyes and wrap my eyes around Blake now more than anything. In my ignorance, I developed feelings for him.
I just felt so damn special knowing that he tried to control his snarky comments because I told him to.
A minute later after the confession, I heard the chair screech, implying that either Blake had exited the room or he stood up for some reason.
After losing the battle with myself after multiple tries, I gave up and rested. I couldn't wake up, not even when I tried to force myself.
After what felt like hours, I sensed commotion in the room.
Someone had just pushed open the door and was now approaching me.
My fight or flight mode kicked into gear after knowing that it wasn't my parents, Kelly or Blake.
"Get well soon, sweetie," A deep, hoarse voice wished me and then left.
I couldn't comprehend the touch because instead of feeling the fingers, I felt cloth. Whoever the person was had gloves on.
I had a gut feeling that the person was no one other than the killer. But then again, I had pissed of an entire gang by sending Lucas to jail.
Thinking about Lucas gave me flashbacks about how I was attacked. I felt the pain near my abdomen and lived through the entire torture again.
Not being able to take it anymore, I woke up with a jerk and gasped for air. I also succeeded knocking down the glass placed next to me with the sudden movement.
I let out another shriek when my dress started to soak in my own blood.
The door swung open and Blake rushed by my side.
"Valerie! You're awake," his happy voice greeted me.
He pulled me in an embrace and I closed my eyes at the soothing feeling that I got.
I was quick to break the hug and scanned Blake's face.
His features were relieved and his eyes didn't leave mine.
I closed the gap between us by connecting our lips. Fireworks exploded the moment I felt his soft lips on mine.
The pain, the agony all slowly left my mind and all I could think was how heavenly it felt.
Since Blake was surprised by this sudden move, the kiss started off a little rough, but as both of us let go, it turned into a tender and passionate kiss.
We both broke the kiss and I tilted my head to see Brianna standing near the door, her hands folded and feel tapping the ground.
"I knew it! I knew there was a strong chemistry between you guys and as much as I didn't want to interrupt you guys, I had to because Valerie is bleeding," she spoke.
All of our glances turned to my wound that was now all red.
"I'll get the doctor," Blake awkwardly said and got up.
"I'll stay here," Brianna smiled.
She rushed to my side and gave me a tight squeeze.
"Kelly called me and told me everything. Val you have no idea how freaked out I was. I left everything and came here as soon as I could," Brianna gushed, worry written all over her face.
"I'm fine now," I gave her a tired smile.
"Of course you are! You made out with Mr. Bodyguard. You should be on cloud nine," she laughed and I jokingly slapped her shoulder.
"I can't believe you left everything for me," I changed the topic.
"Of course I did. I've already lost Rosalind, I'm not losing you. Plus, now I get to stay here for long as I want. I've sorted everything with me manager."
The doctor joined us shortly after I informed Brianna about how I ended up here.
He dressed up the wound and warned me to not make sudden movements and to get as much rest as I can.
I was advised to not leave the house and not take a lot of stress. He also said that I may suffer from PTSD after going through such trauma and I could consult a therapist.
Once he left the room, Brianna pulled up a chair and sat next to me, handing me a piece of paper.
I opened the note and my eyes widened after reading what was inside off it.
"It was sad to see no one came to meet me after that threatening note I received. But then I remembered that got rid of all of you. I'll always be a step ahead and there is nothing you can do about it. Take care, sweetie. XOXO."
My heart dropped after reading the letter.
"The killer was here," I whispered, only audible to Brianna.
"I was unconscious, but he was here. He placed his hand on my cheek and asked me to get better. That's how the note got here. He was right next to me and I couldn't do anything about it," I panicked.
"Hey hey hey, it's alright. You need to stop worrying about this stuff for a while now," Brianna comforted me.
"She is right," Kelly spoke. "You are not going to think about this. Not until you get better."
She gave me a side hug and placed a soft peck on my forehead.
"Fine. I won't meddle anymore."
Hello Angels!
Blake and Valerie kissed!! We need a ship name for them ASAP.
The killer was in the same room as Valerie? That's pretty risky.
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