Chapter 5
Ashley's POV
I don't know what to do anymore. Should I give him another chance or should he suffer the consequences? Uggh. This is going to be much harder than I thought.
"Hey sis?" Nick said peeking into my office, "Have you made a decision yet?"
"No," I replied,"I'm not sure what I should do." I ran my hands through my hair. It's been a week since the incident happened. Zak disappeared the day after I was released from the hospital, and Nick has been here ever since. There was no way he was going to let his sister go through this by herself.
"Why don't you just give Zak the house?" He said. "Because he didn't buy the house Nick," I retorted,"I bought the house."
I looked at Nick then looked down. "How about I let a friend stay here while I go live in Miami?" I suggested,"She can pay rent while she lives here."
"Sounds good,but where are you going to stay?"
"The beach house."
"What beach house?"
"MY beach house Nick."
"You have a beach house?"
"Since when?"
"Since forever ago."
I gave Nick a look. He is really testing me right now.
"Well, if you think this is a good idea then go for it," Nick said, "I wanna see you happy sis."
I smiled. "What am I supposed to say to Zak?" I asked, "Where is he going to stay?"
Nick rolled his eyes. "Zak will be fine," He said,"If anything he knows how to find Aaron."
"Why not you?"
"Do you really think I wanna talk to him after the way he's done you?"
"Ok then."
I got up from my desk and began packing my belongings. I figured I would leave around Friday or Saturday.
After I got done packing, I decided to call one of my friends who has been looking for a place to rent in Vegas and tell her that my house would be available for the time being. As soon as that was done, I walked into the living room and chilled with Nick.
"Have you talked to Aaron lately?" I asked,"I'm pretty sure he needs to know what's going on." "True," Nick replied,"I'll call him and see if he wants to come over."
Nick grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called Aaron. When Aaron answered, something inside of me felt like he already knew what was going on.
"Hey dude," Nick said,"Ashley and I need to talk to you, so feel like coming over?"
Nick's eyes widened. "Are you serious?" Asked Nick concernedly.
"What's going on?" I whispered.
Nick waved his hand telling me to be quiet. It must be pretty serious.
"Ok dude," Nick said,"Get here as fast as you can."
Nick hangs up the phone and looks at me.
"Zak's been crashing at Aaron's house for the past week."
"Um...ok?" I say,"What's so bad about that?"
"He's got you know who with him."
I looked down at the floor trying to hold in the tears. Don't cry...Don't cry...Damn it.
"Don't cry Ash," Nick said as he hugged me,"Everything is going to be ok."
I continued to sob. How come everything was so perfect and now it's being destroyed? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?
"Why me Nick?" I cried,"Out of all the people in the world why me?"
"I know, I know," He said,"Maybe it's just not meant to be sis."
I pulled away from Nick and started to walk upstairs. "Where are you going Ash?" Nick asked. "Up to my room where I can just cry my eyes out," I replied. "Don't do this to yourself Ashley," he said,"He's not worth it." I continued to walk up the stairs ignoring my brothers comments.
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