6: we all know how romeo and juliet ends (two innocents die)
Screamed remus
He continued, pushing his way onto the podium.
"My... dear... boy what in the name of gods young and old is the meaning of this?"
Asked the king, the anger in his eyes daring his son to continue.
Terrance, the guard holding the cup spoke up
"Mi lord, please do not think me disloyal but we should check.."
"Do you question my word, knight?"
Terrance fell quiet.
"The king has cheated the trial and gone against the gods! Both cards read death!"
Declared remus. A collective gasp ran through the audience, but the king was quick to recover, rounding on Dee.
"The warlock has cursed my son!"
He said, pointing at the young man accusingly.
Dees entire demenor changed
He said, a sly smirk growing on his features
Remus didn't understand.
"The wizard will be burnt in the morning! For now however, put them both in the dungeons. The wizard is a danger to us all, and remus, your a danger to yourself."
And so they were lead away, Dee walking as though his chains were the finest of gold, and remus kicking and screaming. Only when they were alone did remus calm down enough to be coherent.
"Dee what in the name of—"
"Remus I had no choice! After the stunt you just pulled, it was the only way to save you."
"But why would you save me?"
Dee fixed him with an incredulous stare
"Because I love you, you moron."
"Oh indeed."
"But when I confessed you said..."
They sat in silence. There was so much to say, so much that they'd never get the chance to say it all, so why even begin.
MidDay turned to dusk, and no guards emerged.
Remus felt his dagger grow heavy in his pocket. The guard (Terrence) had neglected to remove it from his possession...
But had it been neglect?
Or a way out that they could use on their own terms? A fate less painful and public then the flames?
Remus was no fool, he knew he'd die for attempting to betray his father. He knew that no help could come.
Only it had, in the form of a dagger.
"Forgive me?"
"What do you—"
He was cut off by his own scream, staring down at the knife Remus had plunged into him.
The guards came running, but Dee was looking at remus
Was all he could muster. Remus reached out and withdrew the knife, shortening his time further.
"I couldn't save you, mi Amore, but I could grant you a kinder death."
Dee was shaking now, from sorrow or pain remus didn't know, but he knew it was better this way.
Dee fell slack against him, his breathing shallow.
"I'm sorry love, may gods grant you the rest you deserve."
And so Dee died in his arms.
Not long after, remus was acaused of being the magician in a cloaking spell.
He didn't even try to fight when the guards tied him to the stake.
When they asked his last words, his reply was
"May our deaths mark the beginning of the end of the kings rein"
After that he had only screams of agony as the fire consumed him.
As always no vote on a death chapter.
I hated writing this.
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