Chapter Twenty-One | Motive
Haral hurried back into the room, thrusting his communication device into my hands. "The HyperZipline operators are willing to pull us back quicker, but they need to talk to you." I snatched the earpiece away and fastened it onto my ear, speaking, "This is First Officer Autumn. What do you need to get us moving?"
"G'morning, Ms. Autumn," said a voice lazily. "I just need your identification account number and proof of rank before I can admit this request."
Identification account number? "I don't have either."
"Then I'm afraid you will be moving at the regular pace."
"For the love of—" I made a frustrated noise. "Stay on the line." Ripping the earpiece off, I jammed it into my pocket and moved to the pilot's console. Officer Peterson was watching the screens intently as Officer Byrne typed rapidly into her device. I snagged the phone-like thing and a selection of contacts appeared on the screen. Mayor Spencer had input his own contact in case of emergency before we took off. I hit the button.
It picked up. "Hello?"
"Mayor Spencer, I need a favor."
"Of course! What do you need? And how is Earth looking?" He sounded delighted that I'd called.
"I don't have time for formalities. First, I need someone to call the operators of the Earth HyperZipline and tell them to get us back here within the day. Second, I need some of your military to surround my ship and make sure no one gets on or off."
There was a moment of stunned silence. The pilot nearby shifted his feet. "She just ordered a Mayor around . . . That can't go well." Mayor Spencer fumbled with his words before he finally got something comprehensible out. "I'll call the HyperZipline operators. As for the military, are you sure you want them aware of your ship? I had some I trust throw an invisibility net over it after you left. Showing them the ship now will send rumors across Settlement Mirah that the Patriot exists and that you've arrived. There will be no more hiding or subtlety."
Without hesitation, I answered. "So be it. I need my ship surrounded and protected until I get there. If someone comes out of the ship, detain them. And only send men or women you trust to that ship."
"I'll do it. Did something happen?"
"Not yet. If there are any complications, call me." I hung up and pulled up the earpiece with the operators on the line. "You should be getting a call from the Mayor of Settlement Mirah himself. I ought to be moving within five minutes." I didn't let them argue and tossed the earpiece back to Haral. He caught it, pale. "She just ordered them around like it was nothing."
"What is that bit of technology, Pilot Rafel?" I asked, finally taking note of the earpiece. It was sleek. The black metal clicked around the ear with a small piece like an earbud and a small arm that rested on the cheekbone. Flustered, Haral looked down at it.
"It's called a portal."
"What can it do?"
"Make calls, receive them, check the database, and so on." He set it on his ear and pressed a small button. The arm on his cheekbone unfolded and a small screen appeared in front of his eye. I made note that I needed to get myself and the crew one before turning to Officer Peterson. "Report."
"They've stopped," answered Officer Peterson. "The door to the chamber has stopped him. He can't get in. It's the most heavily guarded door on the ship, besides the Bridge. He's stuck." He sunk into the seat with relief.
"I don't get it," said Officer Byrne distractedly. "He knew the ship well enough to find the chamber with ease, but didn't know about the security? It makes no sense. Why bother getting on if he can't get to where he wants?"
"Then he's not there for the chamber." I put a hand on the pilot's seat and leaned to the screen. The figure was wearing something other than a neque. It was akin to a black skinsuit, showing that this person was obviously male. "What else is down that hall?"
Officer Peterson shook his head. "Nothing but—" I realized it just as he did and stood up sharply, cursing myself. "He's not after the crew. He's after the electron batteries."
Officer Byrne looked up. "He shouldn't be able to get in there, either. The door isn't as solid, but it's hardly weak."
The ship abruptly lurched under our feet. I caught the chair to keep my footing. Officers Byrne and Peterson were sitting. Haral wasn't as lucky. He fell onto his ass with a yelp. "They've activated the HyperZipline!"
Officer Peterson scrambled out of the seat as the ship groaned, rattling under our feet. "If I don't get us turned into the pull and engines moving, we'll be torn apart!" The pilot sat down and started frantically pressing buttons. "They need to sit down before we get moving."
I sat down without hesitation, strapping myself in. The two officers followed suit. I clenched the straps as the ship turned away from the free-floating debris of Earth and started to move with the tug. The ship stopped rattling. Officer Peterson was looking down at his glass tablet and exclaimed, "The signal's gone!"
"You won't be getting anything until they shut down the HyperZipline's pull," Haral answered. He was working quickly on the console. "In order to keep us stable, they activate blockers that prevent any other interference. This is going to be rough, Officers. This ship isn't built for maximum speed. We won't crash anywhere, but we won't be perfectly intact, either."
"But without a signal I can't see anything!" Officer Peterson protested, aghast.
"We're going to have to deal with it." I nodded at the pilot that was waiting for my command. "Let's move."
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