Brutal Dawn
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Trust was a fragile thing. It took years to build, and only seconds to break. It was something I didn't give away lightly, and when I did it was usually a mistake. I'd made that mistake. I'd made a grave one, one I hadn't seen coming, one that was hidden in plain sight, a chameleon hidden among the crowds.
After arriving at the camp through the portal, Astra and Wanda helped Gilliam to the medical tent. I made my way towards Primavera's tent alone, throwing around scenarios in my head about how I was going to break the news about Chameleon to her. I knew it wasn't going to be an easy truth to get across, but she needed to know, especially if we were going to fight him soon or later.
She was waiting for me at the entrance of her tent, fingers threaded together in front of her, wearing an expression I couldn't decipher. I swallowed. There was no going back now.
"I am pleased you have returned," she greeted in a gentle tone. I smiled nervously, and she knew automatically that something was wrong. Her blank expression melted into a worried one. "What is it, child?"
I took a small breath. "There's something I have to tell you."
She gestured towards the tent, and I followed her through. I explained everything that happened – the hot springs, the Killing Caves, rescuing Gilliam...and Chameleon.
The colour drained from Primavera's face when she heard the word traitor and his name put together in the same sentence. Her jaw tensed as she clenched it, and her hands balled into fists. I'd never seen her that angry and I wanted to get out of the firing line as fast as I could.
"Why would he do this?" she growled through gritted teeth. "Does he have any idea what damage he will cause siding with that lunatic?"
"I tried to get through to him," I said. "He wouldn't listen. Eon's grip on him was too strong."
She slammed her fist into the table, making me jump. "He is a fool! Eon is no hero. He is a tyrant. He is dangerous. He will destroy time and enslave it, not save it!"
"I know," I replied in a small voice. "I'm sorry, Primavera. I tried. I really did."
The Lady of Time took a deep breath, returning to her calm stance. "I know, Andromeda." She closed her eyes. "You have done what you have been ordered to do. You have completed the mission. Now we must take the war to Eon and rescue to the Lord." Her eyes snapped open, glowing white with power. "It is time to end this."
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I sat alone in front of one of the campfires, elbows resting on my knees and hands out to warm them, the flames blazing brightly in the darkness enveloping around me. The grounds were almost empty, only a few Walkers wandering around either aimlessly or to their tents. And with that, I was alone.
My watch swung from its chain in between my parallel legs attached to my belt, and I grasped it. I ran my thumb along its golden surface to wipe away the dust and grim. It felt heavy in my hand, heavy like the burdens that I carried on my shoulders.
It was my first anchor. It was given to me when I became a Time Walker. I thought it only fitting I'd give it to you, Andromeda.
What does it do?
It binds you to us. It binds you to all of time. It is a burden you must carry, and one you must carry alone.
I do not know if I can, Eilian.
You must. And you will.
I wanted to throw it. I wanted to launch it over the dark dunes of the Chronos, throwing away all my problems and burdens with it. I was tired of being betrayed by those I thought were close to me. I was tired of having to risk my life again and again to save a race that was ungrateful at every turn. I was tired of living. I just wanted it all to end. I was...just so, so tired.
My eyes drifted up to the Chronos attempting to spawn dawn. A brutal dawn. A dawn rising above a war brewing dangerously.
"You okay?"
I didn't reply as Steve took a seat next to me, so close we were almost touching, making me feel uncomfortable. I didn't think even he could lift me out of the darkness of my own thoughts, but that doesn't stop him from trying.
"I'm sorry about Chameleon," he said gently, taking cautious steps toward that subject, understanding that the wound was still raw. "None of us saw it coming."
"I should have," I muttered. "How could I have been so stupid?"
"Hey, hey." He went to rest a gentle hand on mine that held the watch. "It's not your fault. He was a good actor. He was–"
"A chameleon?" I grumbled ironically. I pulled my hand away. "I understand where he's coming from, though. Time has been unmended for such a long time. So many of us have died because of it. Chameleon just doesn't want anyone else to suffer." I sighed. "Either way, I'm to blame. No matter how you word it, that's the way it is."
Steve shot me a glare. "You're in no way to blame for this, Andi. Why are you saying you are?"
"Because it's true. I'm weak!" I stood and hurled my watch far away from where I stood, the tether connecting me too it extending further and further, but not breaking. "I didn't collect the Shards fast enough. I didn't have the strength to do it. So much blood is on my hands because I was too busy..." the next words hurt more than I thought it would, causing me to lower my head and close my eyes as I looked away, "...frolicking with humans, rather than doing my duty. And now Eon has the last shard. " I turned to glare at him. "Can't you see, Steve? I've failed. I've failed in my duty. I've failed my people." My fists clenched. "I've failed Eilian." I felt a single tear trace down my face like ice. "He was right. He's been right all along. Establishing connections is...dangerous. I should not have done so."
And with that, I turned on my heel and left the campfire, abandoning him. Abandoning what felt like everything we had together, damaging it even further, perhaps so much that it was irreversible.
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With Gilliam back in the Walker ranks, it was time to carry out the next part of the plan: rescue the Lord of Time and take down Eon once and for all.
When he entered Primavera's tent, he looked so much healthier than he had when we rescued him. He regained a lot of his body weight and muscle, enough for him to carry the armour he wore proudly. His silver beard and hair had been trimmed cleanly, and the bold glint in his eyes had returned.
I smirked. Time Walker magic. It did wonders.
"It is time for the assault," Primavera announced to her general, the Avengers, and I. "We must take the fight to Eon."
"But we cannot do that without the Lord," Gilliam continued, his shaky and nervous voice replaced with the booming and daring attitude I remembered him having. "With that said, the final attack will be divided into three parts. The Lord must be rescued, but the camp here must be protected. As much as we want to take the fight to him, there is a very good chance that Eon will bring the fight here to cause maximum carnage. With the injured, elderly, and young hidden in parallel worlds across time, I say let him."
"But there is another we must retrieve," the Lady added, arms crossed and a finger to her lips. "One that will turn the tide of the war in our favour. One that will destroy Eon and all he holds dear once and for all." She turned to a Walker, possibly no older than seventeen. "Where is Astra?"
"Preparing the youngest for war, milady," the girl replied.
"Send for Astra immediately, Lily. It is time."
Lily nodded and took off out the tent, her long brunette hair flying behind her.
"Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?" Tony pondered from the corner as he fiddled with the helmet of his suit.
"I agree with Shellhead," Hawkeye added. "When someone calls the homerun hitter 'the One', I'm inclined to get a little nervous and suspicious."
Lily returned a moment later with Astra, the Walker dressed in an outfit like mine but with armour combined with it.
"It is time to collect it," Primavera told Astra.
Astra raised a curious eyebrow. "Are you certain? If Eon gets his hands on it–"
"He will not. The hands that hold it will be safe."
Primavera waved her hand over the map. The Chronos landscape melted away and a new one I'd never seen before rose in its place. It was divided into two areas; a desolate place and a dark and decaying area, a rippling portal separating the two. On the far right of the table stood a single tower.
"Nice trick," Sam remarked.
"While the camp is being defended and the Lord is being rescued, there must be someone who travels to this tower and retrieve what will turn the tide of the war in our favour," Primavera explained.
"And what exactly is in that tower?" Steve asked, his voice heavy with suspicion.
An orange glow engulfed the top of the replicate tower on the table, and a small oval-shaped object rose out of it; a gem.
I knew exactly what it was. I knew exactly where the location was. I recognised the Spacial Rift dividing the two plains. I recognised Temporal Tower. And I knew what was inside of it, and it sent shivers down my spine.
I rose my chin in realisation. "The Time Stone."
"An Infinity Stone?" Stark clarified, baffled. "You have an Infinity Stone here?"
"How did you get your hands on it?" Steve added.
"It was given to us," Primavera answered. "The Cosmic Entities entrusted us with protecting the gem when they disappeared."
"If Eon were to get his hands on it, all Hell will break loose," Astra said, "and mind you, that's an understatement."
I stared at the gem replicate floating in front of me. I...I didn't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, I believed that it seemed logical that the Time Walkers were the obvious choice to protect the Time Stone. On the other hand, I thought it was stupid. Why? Because only an idiot would honestly think that Eon would have no idea that the Time Stone was here in the Chronos.
And I had a feeling I knew who was going to be the one to go get it. My eyes drifted to Primavera. "It's me, isn't it? You want me to get it."
The Lady of Time clenched her jaw as she raised her chin, mimicking me. "Gilliam must remain to fight the army. Astra and I must rescue my husband." She walked up to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, gripping them tightly. "Behind the Lord and I, you are the most powerful among us, Andromeda. I cannot be the one to retrieve the Stone. Neither can Gilliam or Astra. The Stone is a powerful weapon, my dear. We have darkness in our hearts, and the Stone knows it. It will corrupt us. You are the only one who holds a tether to the light. You are the only one who has the power to hold the Stone without destruction taking you over."
And I didn't have darkness in my heart? I probably had more than everyone standing in the room! It was a mistake to send me. It felt like that decision was like playing right into Eon's hand, like it was exactly what he wanted.
"I'll go with her." I turned to Steve next to me, who wore the most determined expression I'd ever seen. "I'll keep her safe."
I never got a chance to protest when Primavera continued with the plan, returning to the war table. "Andromeda and the Captain will retrieve the Time Stone from Temporal Tower." She turned to Astra. "You and I will rescue my husband."
"Barton and Wanda will go with you," Steve added. "You'll need backup."
Astra didn't seem too pleased with that, but she opted to keep her mouth shut.
"Gilliam will lead the charge here with all that remains," Primavera concluded. "We have an army, but not a large one." She turned to me. "We must have the Time Stone in order to win. You do not have a lot of time."
I nodded. I didn't have a choice. As much as I strongly believed that I was the wrong candidate for the job, I needed to do it for the good of the Chronos. I just hoped that I didn't turn into beef jerky when I touched the Rock of Complete Destruction.
And then a loud hum erupted into the atmosphere, a hum so loud that I could feel it inside me as I pressed my hands to the sides of my head in an attempt to block it out.
"What the hell is that?!" I heard someone scream.
I saw Lily by the tent's entrance gesturing to come outside. I ran after her, bursting out of the tent. And what I saw...crap.
The biggest portal I'd ever seen since the Battle of New York tore open the atmosphere in front of the camp mere metres away. And a ship – a legitimate space ship – blasted out. I'd never seen anything like it. Its build was certainly unique.
It landed nearby, and then there was nothing but silence. A crowd had gathered in front of it, mumbling and whispering in curiosity. As I made my way through, I was actually worried about who or what was inside. The last thing we needed was an ambush before the battle had actually begun.
The other Avengers with Primavera, Astra and Gilliam were with me as I warily made my way towards it to investigate. I jumped as the ship rumbled, a ramp extending out to open.
My heart was racing, the beat roaring in my head, my pulse throbbing at my neck.
Please don't be Marvin the Martian. Please don't be Marvin the Martian.
A...human man stepped out, his face covered with some sort of mask. Following him was a woman, also humanoid, but...with green skin, following her another man who was bald with red skin. And by the time the racoon holding a gun and the walking tree came out, I was done. Just completely done.
I stood my ground as the mysterious group advanced. The masked man – who I gathered was the leader – pressed a finger to his ear, and the mask collapsed outwards, revealing a face of stubble and slight middle age.
"Who the hell are you?" Stark asked.
The leader grinned. "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy."
❈Author's Note: Hey, there! If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a quick vote! Thanks for reading!
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