I work all weekend, and on Sunday I don't ditch dinner. It's at Nella's house once again, and I know Marcus will be there, but it's different now. I feel different. I don't need to avoid him anymore.
On Friday night, after Holden picked up his brother, he called me. I was on my couch and when he said he wanted to see me, I didn't freak out or make up some excuse. I told him my address, then met him downstairs. I got into his truck beside him and I felt better. He smelled so good , like paint and Cologne and toothpaste. I had no idea what we were doing, but I had no doubt that I wanted whatever it was. We drove around Boothbay next to each other, and ended up at the Harbour, eating frozen yogurt. And when he pulled back into my building's parking lot, he told me that he had been thinking about kissing me again for two days. So I leaned in and kissed him first. It was amazing and I wanted more, but somehow I said goodnight and we went our separate ways.
So now it's Sunday dinner at Nella's and I don't avoid Marcus when he comes in, and strolls through to the kitchen, where I'm helping Nella get dinner ready. She made tacos and I'm cutting up veggies and also trying to keep Willow busy, by playing Eye Spy.
Kayleigh is on her way, even though Phil is still working out of town. George is in the garage grabbing some beers and some soda.
Nella glances and me and then looks at Marcus. It's been a wild few days and I haven't really thought about him or what I'd say to him when I saw him next.
"I texted you a few times..." he starts, and I look at him before nodding towards the other room.
Willow follows me into the living room, and Marcus follows behind her. I sit on the sofa and watch as Willow runs towards her toy bin. Marcus strolls across the room but doesn't sit.
"I'm sorry I didn't get back to you. It's been a weird week," I say plainly.
He nods. "It's been two weeks since I've seen you."
"So... I'm glad you're okay. Really. That must have been really scary."
"Yeah." I sigh. "I'm just glad he's in jail now."
"George said that your... that Holden was with you. When it happened?" Marcus goes on. It seems like it annoys him to say Holden's name.
I don't want to go through all of this with Marcus right now, but I nod. "Yeah. He got stabbed."
"What?" Marcus says, too loud. I guess George didn't tell him the whole story.
"Long story. But yeah... I'm okay. We're all okay," I finish.
Marcus hesitates and then takes a few steps closer. I watch him take in a deep breath and I hear the door open and close. George calls out to Nella about something. I look at Willow but then look back at Marcus again.
"I'm sorry I acted like a dick, at the cook-out. I just knew I was losing you and I was... it was wrong," Marcus says to me, quietly.
"Oh. No, it's okay. I mean I was being wishy-washy about things and..." I let my voice trail off.
"Marcus! Go move your car so Kayleigh can pull in the driveway!" George yells, then appears in the doorway to the living room. He looks between us and then shrugs, waiting for Marcus to do what he asked.
And that ends our conversation. That ends anything that was ever between Marcus and I, and it feels so final. I'm okay with it, and I hope he is, too. I watch him walk across the room and towards the door to go outside, and then stand up and walk back towards the kitchen.
It somehow feels like a normal Sunday dinner. I'd been so worried about facing Marcus, but it turned out okay. Nella loves hosting but she's getting tired easily and ends up asking us all to leave early. Marcus hugs her and does some weird handshake with George before turning to where Kayleigh and I are, near the door.
"See you next week," he says, talking to both of us.
Kayleigh nods and offers him a hug, which he takes. I wait, and then the three of us go outside together. Kayleigh was going to give me a ride home, since Nella wanted to go lay down and George was going to give Willow her bath.
At Kayleigh's car, Marcus nods at me. "We're good?"
I give him a smile, because he deserves it. He's being really cool about all of this. "Yeah. Friends?" I offer.
I see him cringe slightly but he agrees, anyway. "Yeah."
"Have a good week, then?" I say, and it sounds a bit forced.
"You too."
I pull open the door and get inside beside Kayleigh and glance at her as I do up my seat belt. She's smiling but then shaking her head.
"That went better than I imagined," she tells me. "I mean, I heard about what happened at the cook-out, and then what happened at Nella's... things have been crazy for you."
"Yeah," I agree. "And has my dear sister told you about-"
"Holden. Of course," Kayleigh interrupts. "That was a shock, too. I mean, I didn't think you'd even talk to him again, let alone this."
She backs out of Nella's driveway and pulls out onto the road. It's a short drive up to my apartment and I know she wants more details.
"You're doing good?" I ask instead. "No more morning sickness?"
"It's getting better," she agrees. "I feel more like myself most days."
"That's good."
"Maya, back to you and Holden, please." She smiles and looks at me for a second.
"It's happened pretty fast. A week ago we went for coffee, just to talk about stuff. And then... Nella's called and my ex was there and... Holden got stabbed. He was in the hospital for a few days and when I went to check in on him on Wednesday... it just sort of..."
Kayleigh whistles and I see her grinning. She's turning onto the street where my apartment is. We are almost back. "You made your way back together. It's pretty amazing."
I hadn't thought about it like that before. "Yeah, I guess so."
"I heard he has his own exhibit in New York City coming up. I've seen some of his work, it's amazing. I bet he's so excited."
I smile, thinking about the paintings that I have seen. Two of me, the one of his mom, the floral one. I can't wait to see more. "Yeah, it's in a couple weeks."
"Well, make sure you book off any days you need, if you're planning to go up to New York to see it," she tells me, pulling into the parking lot.
I hadn't thought of this, either. Would I go to New York to see Holden's exhibit? I would love to, but we hadn't talked about it at all. His family doesn't even know that we are... whatever we are. So much is going to change, now.
"I will," I tell Kayleigh, as I un clip the seat belt. "Thanks for the ride."
"Of course. See you Wednesday at work?"
"You know it," I finish.
I'm in my pajamas and have a cup of hot lemon tea in my hand as I curl up on the couch, twenty minutes later. Everything feels so good and okay in my world, tonight. It might be the first time in two months that I've felt this free.
I'm literally thinking about calling Holden when my phone buzzes. It's him, a Facetime call.
"Hey," I answer, angling the phone up so he can see me. I felt good already, now I feel even better.
"Good evening," he says, then laughs. "You look cozy."
"I am indeed. Just got back from Nella's for dinner, a bit ago," I tell him.
He seems to be thinking for a minute before speaking again. His phone is propped up somewhere and I can see him from the chest up. He's in his living room.
"How'd that go? Was Marcus there?" he finally asks.
"Yeah, he was. It went good. We talked a little." I watch as his face changes a bit. Is he jealous? "We'll try to be friends. I mean, we have to be civil."
"For sure. Well, that's good." He shakes off whatever he was feeling and smiles. "Landon and I did so much planning today, for the wedding. I booked the tents and chair, and linens, and we interviewed some Djs... it's been a day."
"Wow. Sounds like it. You're a wedding planner, now," I say, then giggle at his reaction. "It's end of June?"
"Yeah. June is going to be crazy."
"I was going to ask... should I book some days off work, to go see your exhibit?" I ask, after a few moments.
"You want to come see it? I'll be up there for two weeks. Then I'll be back here for a week for the wedding, and... oh my God I'm just realizing how soon it is." He looks surprised and sort of freaked out, suddenly.
"You could come for the opening? Mom and Landon are coming. It's a six hour drive-"
"Sure, yeah. Just let me know the days..."
Holden sighs and I can tell he's feeling overwhelmed. "Sorry. My day was so busy, and it's just hitting me all at once I guess. I miss you."
"You saw me two days ago," I say, smiling.
"I know. But like I said... I want to be with you all the time." Man, why is he so sweet?
"Holden... I wanted to invite you up, Friday night," I admit. I want his reaction to this.
"To your apartment, you mean?" he asks, keeping calm.
"And you didn't because..."
"I had just told you I wanted to not rush this. If you came up, we would have rushed," I tell him.
"Rushed?" he repeated and then grins. "You're right. We should go on a date, then."
"Friday night was a date, was it not?" I ask.
"I guess. But a real date, like a movie. How's tomorrow?" he wants to know.
My hands are sweaty, suddenly. He has this impact on me. "I have to work. Tuesday?"
"Okay. Tuesday. I'll pick you up at 6P.M." He's being a bit too serious right now.
"Okay. But... you'll call me tomorrow, right?" I tease him.
There's his big smile. "I'll probably come and see you before work. Or at work. Or both."
I yawn and then he yawns, and then he leans his head back against the couch and sighs. I like seeing him like this. He's at home, and comfortable. He's himself, like he always was with me. And even though I've been feeling things for him all week, right at this moment it's like a light bulb turns on.
"Sleep well, Maya," he says finally, and I know he's exhausted.
"You too," I say back, and then add, "See you soon."
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