"I was thinking about what you said, about living in the moment. Well I realized, that if I'm going to live in the moment, then I just want to live in the moment with you." -One Tree Hill
I sighed in frustration as I smoothed down my dress.
I couldn't believe this was happening.
My mind recalled what had happened a few short hours ago.
I'd been reading peacefully in my room when someone knocked.
"Come in." I had called out.
My father stepped inside hesitantly. After a few awkward moments of silence he finally spoke up.
"I've arranged a small party tonight, to announce Sara and my engagement. I'd really appreciate it if you joined us." His voice had been almost timid.
We were enveloped by a thick silence once more.
Finally, I had given him a silent nod.
I had almost laughed at how surprised he looked, like he'd been expecting me to fight or throw a tantrum. Honestly, I had been surprised myself by how calm I was.
I had realized that it was easier just to accept some things.
Sometimes acceptance made things easier, less painful.
I could hear people laughing and talking downstairs. The party had started an hour ago but I couldn't bring myself to join them.
The door suddenly flung open and I turned around, half expecting it to be Danielle or Jace, I'd invited them for moral support.
My smile faded when I saw who it was.
"What the hell are you doing here Nichole?" I snapped.
She chuckled coldly. "It's my sister's engagement party, where else would I be?"
"Get out of my room." I gritted out.
She shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah. I like it here, I'll stay."
I could feel my anger flaring and I watched her walk around and touch my things.
My breath hitched when I saw her pick up a photo-frame on my dresser, the one with the picture of me and my mother. It was the last present she had given me.
"Put that down." I spat out.
She turned towards me slowly. Her lips drew into a smirk.
"Okay." She responded.
I watched in horror as she flung it to the ground. My heart dropped as I watched it break into a thousand pieces.
My shock was soon replaced by anger.
"You will pay for this." I hissed in fury.
She just laughed. "What are you going to do about it? Run away for another three years again?"
I snorted. "You know, I'd like to hate you Nichole but you're nothing but an insecure and pathetic spoiled little girl and I only feel sorry for you."
Her eyes blazed. "Take that back." She threatened.
"Make me." I taunted.
She took a step towards me and my hands curled into fists, prepared to fight. I wasn't going to back down. Not this time.
"What's going on here?" A new voice suddenly broke in.
My eyes trained on father's fiancé standing by the door.
"What did you do Nichole?" Sara's voice was hard.
"Why do you assume it was me who did something?" Nichole snapped.
"Because you're my sister and I know you." Sara retorted evenly. Her eyes trained on the broken frame littered on the floor and her lips drew into a thin line.
Sara's furious gaze trained on her sister.
"Leave." Her voice was calm but her eyes flashed with challenge.
"Don't tell me what to do." Nichole spat out.
"I don't want you ruining tonight for Scarlett or me for that matter. You're going to go and ask the driver to take you home right now or else I'm going to tell mom and dad all about this and you know what will happen then. Do you want to go back to that place?"
Nichole's face paled a little at her sister's words. They both glared at each other for a few moments. I watched in disbelief as Nichole turned to walk away.
When she had gone Sara turned to me, her face apologetic.
"I'm very sorry Scarlett. My sister can be. . . difficult. I don't think she can help it." Her voice was sad.
I just stared at her still in shock over what happened.
No one had ever stood up to Nichole for me.
"Thank you." I told her truthfully.
She smiled. "You should go downstairs, your friends are waiting for you. I'll clean up this mess."
"No! You don't have to clean-" I started but she cut me off.
"Please Scarlett. It would make me feel better. She's my sister and I feel really guilty about everything."
I sighed in defeat. I knew I couldn't change her mind.
I gave her one last grateful smile before walking out.
I took a deep breath as I slowly made my way downstairs. My eyes immediately fell on Danielle and Jace who were standing together in a corner.
I sighed in relief. Thank God they were here! I started to make my way towards them.
I yelped in surprise as an arm curled around my waist and spun me around.
My eyes locked with a pair of dark grey ones.
"Hunter?" I sputtered in disbelief.
"Surprise." He murmured in my ear, his lips drawn into a smirk.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered, still in shock.
He shrugged. "Your dad invited me. We're neighbors remember?"
I guess that makes sense.
"I need to take you somewhere. Come on." His smirk widened as he started tugging me away.
"Hunter I can't do that. This is my house. I can't just abandon the party." I hissed as I tried to get out of this hold.
"I wasn't really asking." He murmured his grip around my waist tightened as he started moving me towards the exit.
I turned to look at Danielle and Jace but they only eyed us with amusement. Neither one of them made a move to help me. Traitors.
I gave up struggling after a few minutes.
"Hunter let go of me!" I gritted out in frustration once we were outside.
I was seething.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I snapped. "You can't just drag me around whenever you want."
He finally let go of me but I wasn't done.
"I don't know what you think is going on here but let me clarify, we are not friends. We're not even associates. We are nothing."
I noticed how his face went completely blank at my words.
"What's today's date?" His voice was so soft, I almost didn't hear it.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What day is it today Scarlett?" He said again, his tone flat.
"October Second." I answered automatically.
That's when my heart dropped.
Today was October second!
Which meant...
Today was Megan's birthday!
My eyes cut to Hunter's face and the look of devastation I saw there almost made me crumple to the ground.
He didn't want to be alone on Megan's birthday, that's why he asked me to be with him.
I am a horrible person
At this particular moment I hated myself.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
His gaze remained fixated on the ground. My heart clenched as I watched him turn away from me without another word.
I have to do something.
My breath hitched in panic as he started to walk away.
He was walking away from me.
I knew that if I didn't do something right now he'd walk away forever and I didn't know if I'd ever be able to live with that guilt.
So I did the only thing which came to my mind.
I ran.
I ran towards him till I collided with his back. He staggered forward from the impact and I quickly wrapped my arms tightly around his waist so that I was hugging his back.
For a moment he just stood there stiffly but after a while his body finally relaxed.
"I'm sorry." I said again, my voice was muffled by his shirt.
He sighed.
He gently unwrapped my arms from around his waist and turned around so that he was facing me.
He rested his forehead against mine.
"What am I going to do with you?" He whispered, his voice was almost pleading.
He closed his eyes and he opened them again I saw unimaginable amount of pain behind them.
I want to take away your pain Hunter.
"Will you come with me?' He murmured as he held out him hand for me.
I placed my hand in his.
"We're at our old High-School?" I whispered in disbelief as we lurked outside the closed gates of Winston High. "What are we doing here?"
Hunter turned to look at me his gaze was intense.
"This is Megan's gift." He responded.
He sighed when he saw my baffled look.
"It was just a month before graduation." Hunter whispered. "She died a month before graduation. I never understood why she did it, she was so excited about graduating. She never got the chance and that's not fair. She'd already completed all her credits."
I could feel my heart breaking with every word he spoke.
"What are we going to do?" I asked after a while.
"We're going to break in and take her diploma. It's supposed to be Megan's, not some decoration piece in this school."
"How will we know where to find it?" I questioned.
Hunter's eyes flashed angrily. "It's in the Principal's office, I know because I went to ask him about it a few weeks ago and he said it was the schools property now since the student wasn't there to receive it herself and he shoved it into his drawer in front of my eyes."
My mouth hung open in shock.
"He said that! What a jerk." I snarled.
"So you're in?" His gaze turned to me expectantly.
"Of course." I said firmly. "Anything for Megan."
We sneaked in through the front door. I still remembered the place by heart. The hallways were completely dark except for the dim lights from our phones. I shuddered uneasily. Hunter moved closer to me as if he sensed my discomfort.
We finally reached the Principal's office.
"The door's locked!" I whispered in panic as I tried the lock.
Hunter smirked and my eyes widened in shock when I saw him holding up a single key. "I swiped it the last time I came here."
"Hurry up then! What are you waiting for?" I hissed.
He unlocked the door and we hastily stepped inside.
"Do you remember which drawer it was?" I asked as I walked up to the desk.
"Yes it was the second." He responded.
I quickly yanked the drawer open and fumbled through the contents. My heart leapt when I saw a rolled up parchment.
I took it out with shaking hands and gently opened it to confirm if it was Megan's.
My fist pumped the air in triumph. "We got it!"
I placed the scroll in my purse and closed the drawer.
The sound of approaching footsteps suddenly caught our attention.
I gasped, my eyes widened in panic. Hunter turned off the light from his phone and motioned at me to be quiet.
We crouched down under the desk. Hunter's large frame barely fit. We were completely pressed against each other. We were so close that I could hear his heartbeat.
"Come on. Let's go." Hunter murmured finally.
He clasped my hand in his and guided me towards the exit.
"Well that wasn't so hard." I grinned.
I had spoken too soon.
"Stop right there!" An angry voice called out.
"Shit it's the night guard! Run!" Hunter shouted.
My heart thudded as we made a run for it. I could hear the guard chasing after us.
Running was proving to be difficult as I was still wearing the dress I'd put on for the party. I cursed as I tripped over the material.
The next second I felt myself being lifted up into a strong pair of arms. Hunter ran easily with me pressed against his chest.
He didn't put me down till we'd reached a safe distance.
"That was awesome!" I squealed as I jumped up and down like a little kid.
"Oh my God! I can't believe we did that! I don't think I've ever experienced anything so exhilarating!"
I gasped. "You know what? I just realized that we're criminals now! We just stole a graduation scroll! Damn! I'm so happy. I feel great! Let's go rob a bank next!" I babbled.
Hunter gripped my shoulder's to study me. His eyes were dancing with amusement.
"Easy there sweetheart. Calm down. This is the adrenaline talking."
I just grinned like a maniac.
He just shook his head at me, trying to hide his smile behind his hand.
"Come on, let's go. We're not done yet." He said finally.
I gave him a questioning look. "Where are we going now?"
"To see Megan."
The graveyard was terrifying at night. The white head stones seemed to glow unnaturally in the dark.
I shuddered.
We finally reached Megan's grave. Hunter sank down to his knees and I followed suit.
"Hey little sister." He greeted softly. "Happy Birthday."
"Happy Birthday Megan." I whispered.
I watched as Hunter took out something from his pocket. It took me a moment to realize that it was a candle. He lit it carefully and placed it in front of the headstone.
The warm light of the candle enveloped us and suddenly everything didn't look so scary anymore.
"We brought you something." Hunter spoke up.
His eyes met mine.
I gave him a small smile understanding what he wanted.
I took out the scroll from my purse and placed it in front of Megan's head-stone beside the candle.
"I miss you Megan." I murmured.
I could feel tears prickling my eyes.
Hunter scooted closer. His fingers interlaced with mine.
We sat there together, comforting each other with our presence.
The only way we can relieve our heart of the pain it suffers is by being with someone who understands our pain. There's comfort in knowing that we are not alone.
He understood my pain and I understood his.
Hunter and I had found solace in each other.
And tonight, neither one of us was alone.
Thank you so much guys I can't tell you how much this means to me!
What do you think about the story so far?
And what are your thoughts on Hunter? ;)
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love you all! xx
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