It was a difficult morning in the French Quarter, they were all still processing and trying to handle Davina's death.
Kol decided to make some pancakes and orange juice to try to comfort Bonnie, because he knew Bonnie cared deeply about Davina and was hurting. Once Kol knocked on the door, Bonnie opened and closed the door again.
"Come on, darling! I made you some breakfast." Kol said as he knock on the door, making her open the door again.
"Kol, thank you but I just want to be alone, right now. So... just leave me alone."
"Darling, you need to eat... And I'm here for you." Kol said.
"I don't deserve your support nor anyone's. I deserve to be alone hurting."
"What? Why? What makes you even think like that?" Kol asked confused and shocked with the way Bonnie was thinking.
"Because this was all my fault. Davina trusted me, I tried to convince her that doing the sacrifice would be alright because she would come back and now... Now, where is she?! If I knew this would happen, I would take her far away from New Orleans... I would try to get her to some place safe."
"Bonnie, this wasn't your fault. You had no way to know this would happen. The ones we can blame is the bloody ancestors. It was their plan to make the sacrifice to bring back the girls but now they are dead and no one is back. The ancestors just do what the bloody hell they wish." Kol said upset.
"Why would they do this? They were all so young... They had an entire life ahead of them." Bonnie started to sob, which made Kol instinctively hug her.
"I know you think it's better for you to be alone, but I'm not leaving you, especially when you are feeling down." Kol said and once they broke the hug, he gave her a peck on her forehead.
Klaus woke up without Caroline by his side, which worried him, but he sensed her scent was still in the house and found her on Davina's old room, grabbing a t-shirt.
"Good morning, love." Klaus said.
"Good morning? Davina is gone! How can it be a good morning?" She said upset and Klaus just look down, not knowing what to say, letting Caroline keep talking. "She was so young... so full of life. I know we saw her sacrificing herself, but part of me was hoping that once we would wake up she would be back... That the ancestors just took longer than usual..."
As Klaus saw Caroline starting to cry, he quickly walked over to her and hugged her as she cried on his shoulder.
"It's not fair! She didn't deserved any of this!" Caroline cried.
"It's going to be alright, love." Klaus tried to comfort her.
"No, it's not. We convinced her in sacrificing herself... That won't ever be alright." Caroline cried.
"Love, even if she wouldn't sacrifice herself, she would die because the power was too much to handle." Klaus said and Caroline just hugged him and cried, making Klaus whisper to her ear. "I'm here, love. I'm right here."
Klaus was in his room with Caroline, trying to comfort her, when her phone rang.
"Can you get that for me? I don't feel like talking." Caroline said.
"Sure, love." Klaus said and answered the call. "Caroline's phone. You're speaking with Klaus."
"Finally we are able to contact you, Klaus." Danny, one of Klaus's hybrids, said, making Klaus realized his phone had no battery.
"What's going on? It better be important." Klaus said.
"It is. We have a big problem." Danny said and gave him the address where to meet him, then Klaus hung up the phone.
"Love, apparently there's something going on. I will handle it. You stay here and if you need something just ask Bonnie to send me a paper because I have to let my phone here, charging." Klaus said.
"Thank you. And be safe." Caroline said with a weak smile.
"Will do, Love." Klaus said and gave her a peck on the lips.
Once he got to the address Danny gave him, he saw there were many of his hybrids and some vampires that he trusted reunited in a circle, along with Marcel. As he stepped into the circle, to see what was going on, he found two vampires, not only desiccated, but also with the same magic symbol carved into their foreheads, laying inside a magic circle created with salt.
"We came to mess with the witches, just like you said. And these two, they went missing." Danny said.
"We found them like this. They weren't even staked... Just dead." Hayley said.
"Two more of my guys gone. Nice job, Captain." Marcel said to Klaus, then turned around and started to walk away.
"Where are you going? Someone has to account for this!" Klaus yelled.
"You want revenge, then get it yourself. The mark is clearly tied to some bad mojo." Marcel said to Klaus and then looked at the small crowd of hybrids and vampires. "If any of you got some brains, you'll head back to the compound and stay the help out of this."
After that being said, Marcel walked away, not wanting to be involved with what was going to happen.
"Do not worry. I will find whoever did this and I will show them what suffering is."
The four figures of the other night, were once again reunited and discussing what was happening.
"Do not worry. Our plan is already in motion." One of them said.
Next on The Pact
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