Once Caroline, Rebekah, Bonnie, Elijah and Kol got to the location that Davina gave them, they found themselves in an abandoned house and once they left the car, some vampires appeared.
"Let's get this party started." Kol said then speed over to the vampires and snap a vampire's head off but then he started to feel a big headache as a witch appeared.
Bonnie quickly made a spell that would knock out the witch unconscious for a few minutes as Elijah rip the other vampire's heart out.
"Did you just kill for me? That's so sweet." Kol said to Bonnie.
"No! I simply made her unconscious for awhile."
"Seriously? Are you gonna keep chatting like there's nothing going on?" Caroline asked rolling her eyes and started to walk over to the abandoned house.
"I told you that you didn't need to be worry about Caroline leaving Klaus." Stefan whispered to Rebekah.
Stefan, Rebekah and Bonnie quickly followed Caroline while Kol and Elijah stayed a few seconds in their place, processing how Caroline, a newbie hybrid, was bossing them, original vampires, around.
"She and Nik certainly have things in common." Kol said to Elijah and they walked inside the house as they saw Rebekah and Caroline snapping heads of vampires and Bonnie making them have aneurisms.
Caroline noticed vampires approaching Kol and Elijah so she quickly grabbed a pieces piece of wood and throw them to the vampires.
"Really? Be aware what's happening around you." Rebekah said. "We are not your babysitters."
As everyone fought vampires and witches, Caroline finally managed to go after Klaus's scent, taking advantage of everyone being distracted with fighting.
As she walked over to the room, she found three vampires in front of the door and they went towards her, one of them grabbed her wrist but she quickly turned him around and twisted his arm, then kick him against the wall, then another vampire grabbed her from behind making the other vampire walk over to her to rip her heart out but she jumped to kick the vampire away, then grabbed the arms of the guy who was grabbing her and she ducked, making him fall to the floor, and when the first vampire went after her she snapped his neck.
Caroline finally kicked the door open and when Marcel looked up she snapped his neck.
"You promised you wouldn't leave the house." Klaus said when saw Caroline.
"Seriously? What about: thank you for coming saving me Caroline. Oh you're welcome, Klaus. We are a team after all." Caroline said.
"I won't apologize for worrying about you." Klaus said.
"Whatever. Let me just get these chains off of you." Caroline said, walking over to Klaus. "By the way, Marcel is not that bright... I mean, texting me that was a huge alert."
As Caroline tried to get the chains out, it burn her.
"He must have made someone spell this to make sure no one get me out of here." Klaus said.
"Caroline!" They heard Bonnie call her. "I thought something had happened to you."
"I'm fine."
"Those guys on the floor..."
"Yeah, it was me." Caroline said. "I can't take these chains out off Klaus."
"Let me try. Maybe it's just hybrids and vampires who can't take this." Bonnie said but wasn't able to unlock them, so then she make another spell that made the chains melt.
Klaus was chained by the ceiling making him fell and Caroline quickly helped him get up.
"We need to go! Many of them are waking up." Bonnie said and then they heard a noise, making them turn around and see Marcel.
"You guys really shouldn't test me." Marcel said and took out a white wooden stake but before he could make a move, Caroline speed to him and bite him.
"You need to learn to not mess with me nor the people I care about." Caroline said.
Rebekah suddenly appeared and saw Marcel on the ground on the floor, with his hand on his neck filled with blood and his other hand with the white oak stake.
"Thank you for this." Rebekah said taking the stake from him and snap his neck.
Suddenly they saw Stefan being thrown against the wall of the room they were in.
"Hey! You guys are okay. Could you give us a little hand. They are all waking up and it's starting to look like the walking dead..." Stefan said.
"Stefan, can you take Marcel to the car? We are going to teach him a lesson." Rebekah said with a cold look.
"Okay, but I need you guys to come so they won't take him from me." Stefan said.
"Stay behind me." Bonnie said and left the room, quickly making the vampires who were walking over them to get a big headache, giving time for Rebekah, Elijah and Kol to snap their necks, while Stefan took an unconscious Marcel to the car and Caroline taking Klaus to the car.
Once they all went back to the Quarter, Rebekah put Marcel in the basement then went to see Stefan and thank him for everything, Elena made Elijah go to the kitchen with her to make sure he would drink some blood, Kol thanked Bonnie for everything, Caroline made Klaus go rest in the bedroom and Bonnie started to wonder how she would tell Davina that it was Marcel who kidnapped Klaus.
Caroline made Klaus lay down on the bed and then bite her wrist, to make him drink blood.
"Love, you're pregnant. You shouldn't just put yourself in danger nor let yourself bleed."
"I heal quickly. Perks of being a hybrid. Now drink!" Caroline said, making Jlaus sigh and drink the blood on her wrist, but the wound was healing so he bite her, making her say softly. "That's it. Drink..."
Caroline got on his lap, to give him more access to the wound and he quickly used that to bite her neck, making her moan in pleasure.
"You're delicious, love." Klaus whispered and started to kiss her neck.
"I was really worried about you." Caroline admitted.
"Because of our baby?"
"No. I mean, of course I don't want our baby to grow up without you... but my first thought wasn't that, it was just me wanting to save you. I always thought that you're invincible and..."
"I'm immortal. I'm the original hybrid. I can't be killed." Klaus tried to assured her.
"You can. If someone gets a white oak stake." Caroline said. "Promise me you'll be more careful."
"Alright, Love." Klaus said and she hugged him tightly.
Next on The Pact
AN: Hey guys! I remember that one time when I asked your guys suggestions someone gave me the suggestion of seeing the girls unite and being badass... I'm not the best at writing fight/action moments, but I hope you liked this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to the person who gave me this suggestion.
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