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Caroline and Klaus woke up with someone knocking on their door without stopping.
"What the hell? Who has a death wish?" Caroline asked still with her eyes closed and when opened then she saw the clock. "Seriously? It's 3 am! Who the hell decided it would be fun to interrupt my sleep?"
"Love, don't get up. I'll go. You keep sleeping." Klaus said.
"That's probably the greatest idea you ever had." Caroline said and closed her eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep, as she felt Klaus leaving the bed and walking over to the door.
"Hey... Something's happen." Caroline heard someone say with a very concerned tone, making Caroline open her eyes and get up from the bed.
"What's going on?" Caroline asked. "You can talk to me, Davina."
"I woke up with a feeling of someone practicing magic and I draw who it was... I know now witches can practice spells and all that but I got this feeling that was something more."
"So the dreams and that whole painting stuff is happening again?" Caroline asked.
"Who is the one you felt practicing spells?" Klaus asked.
"I don't know. I just draw the face..." Davina said still shaken up with everything. "I know I probably should have gone to Bonnie but... I thought you would like to know first..."
"Yes. You always come first to me." Klaus said.
"And by that what Klaus means is thank you. We appreciate you coming to us. Try to get some sleep and tomorrow morning we will figure out who is this witch and if we should be worried or not." Caroline said.
"Tomorrow? We should investigate about this witch now! What if it's part of a plan to hurt our baby?" Klaus asked.
"Klaus, now we won't be able to investigate all that much about her because it's 3 am. Normal people are sleeping or drunk by this time. Now, let's all go back to sleep." Caroline said.
"Goodnight. And I'm sorry for waking you up."
"It was for a good reason." Caroline said with a smile and Davina nodded then left, so Caroline closed the door of the bedroom. "Now, I'm gonna back to bed."
"Caroline, this might be someone trying to hurt you and our baby..." Klaus said.
"I know but right now I just want to act like everything's alright and normal and go back to sleep." Caroline said. "Can you do that? Pleaseeee...? For me?"
"Alright, Love." Klaus said and lay down next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him as she rest her head on his chest.
"Thank you..." Caroline whispered.
"For what?" Klaus asked.
"For staying here, for being there for me when I needed you, for showing me the guy you are behind the facade of the big bad wolf..." Caroline said softly.
"I didn't had much choice... there's just something about you that drawn me immediately to you and that let's me be able to actually talk about the things I do not let myself talk about with others. I feel that we have this..." Klaus said softly.
"Connection." They both said at the same time, which made Caroline laugh softly.
"Your laugh is my favorite sound." Klaus said softly, making Caroline blush and then he gave a peck on her forehead.
Stefan woke up and noticed it was still the middle of the night, so he decided to go to the kitchen and grab some blood until he would feel sleepy again.
Once Stefan reach to the kitchen he saw Rebekah drinking wine.
"Hey! Couldn't sleep?" Stefan asked.
"Hey! Yeah. Did I woke you up?" Rebekah asked, feeling guilty for waking Stefan up in the middle of the night.
"No. I'm just not that tired and came here to get some blood and make time until I'll feel like sleeping again." Stefan said and opened the fridge to get a blood bag.
"Oh! Okay..." Rebekah said with a smile.
"So... there's a reason to why you're having trouble sleeping?" Stefan asked, wanting to get closer with Rebekah, he liked to be her confident.
"Yeah... No."
"Are you sure?" Stefan asked.
"No... yeah." Rebekah said.
"You can talk to me." Stefan said.
"Why do you think there must to be a reason for me to not feel like sleeping?" Rebekah asked.
"Because when I asked you if there was a reason you said in a high pitch voice yeah... no. And when I asked if you were sure you used again a high pitch voice saying no... yeah." Stefan said.
"No... yeah. Shut up!" Rebekah said in a joking way, making them laugh.
"But for real... Is there anything bothering you or worrying you that is stopping you from sleeping?" Stefan asked.
"It's... doesn't matter."
"Whatever it is you can tell me. I won't tell anyone."
"Not a single soul. Not your brother. Not your best friend..."
"No one." Stefan assured her.
"Fine. Let's go to my room. During my thousand years of existence, I've learn walls have ears." Rebekah said and before Stefan could say anything, she grabbed his hand and took him to her room. "Alright, in here we can have some privacy because of the room being spelled."
"What is it? You're starting to worry me." Stefan said, wondering if there was something wrong with Rebekah, if she was in danger or if she was unhappy.
"I'll tell you but you need to promise me again that you won't tell anyone about this."
"How about this? I promise. But if it will make you feel better, if I say something to someone, which won't happen, you have the liberty to torture me."
"Even kick you in your precious goods?" Rebekah asked.
"Yes." Stefan said.
"Okay. You pass the test." Rebekah said with a smile but then vanished away. "I'm having trouble sleeping because I keep wondering about Nik, Caroline and their baby. What if Nik does something terrible like he does every time we start to be happy and Caroline decides to leave and not let Klaus be part of their baby's life? What if Caroline decides that it's too dangerous to let people know the baby is Klaus's and will disappear? I like Caroline but I'm afraid she'll do something like that, even if it's her way of protecting her baby... Nik does not forgive the ones who betray them, that's why I was so shocked when he gave Caroline a chance after she broke the sire bond and help the other hybrids do the same thing."
"I know Caroline. She's an amazing person who is caring, and protective of the ones around her, she's generous and positive and tries to find the good in everyone..."
"If you like her so much why don't you marry her?" Rebekah mumbled without even thinking, feeling jealous of Stefan complementing Caroline.
"Rebekah, I see Caroline only as a best friend. She's the person who was there for me when things were rough, she's my sponsor buddy, she's the one I could go to when I was having relationship troubles or just talk about another fight I had with Damon. I've got to know her very well along the years and I know the last thing she will do is to not let Klaus being part of their baby's life." Stefan reassured Rebekah.
"How can you be so sure?" Rebekah asked.
"Because Caroline knows what's like to have absent parents. She knows the importance of the presence of parents in a kid's life. Her mom is the sheriff of Mystic Falls, which is basically a magnet town for supernatural creatures, making her mother always busy and having multiple shifts, making Caroline having days without seeing her mother. And her father barely visited her and the last time he did, he tortured her because she was a vampire." Stefan said.
"So there's no chance on her leaving town with the baby nor leaving town without the baby?" Rebekah asked.
"There's no chance. Caroline always wanted a family. This might be different than she imagined but that doesn't mean it will stop her from loving it." Stefan said. "And I gotta say, this baby already has an amazing aunt. The baby isn't even here and you're already worried about it."
Next on The Pact
"We can't get stuck on the ifs. Ifs always have a happy ending guaranteed but if we get stuck on the ifs we might miss the happy ending of our real live, of the good things that are happening right now."
"What happened?"
"I-I'm Sorry. I will clean it. I just... I got this feeling taking over me. Like something bad happened. I don't know..."
AN: Hey guys! Hope you're liking the story so far. What did you think of this chapter? I wanted to write a bit about Caroline and her feelings about Tyler and what happened bc that didn't happened in TVD and I feel it's important to have some background to understand why Caroline is a bit uneasy with letting herself open up to someone even if she believes in love as a strength and not as a weakness. Anyway, I have some chapters as drafts and you guys have no idea how much I want to publish them all at once but bc I'm not writing often, I can't just publish many chapters at once. Anyway, before I go I hope you're all staying safe, I want to thank you for your support and I hope that you are spreading love and not hate. Not just in times like these but every single day. Don't you ever forget that we should be spreading love and not hate.
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