Caroline was in her new room, freaking out because she was starting to find harder and harder to keep her distance from Klaus and to hide what happened to her.
Caroline could feel Klaus being more curious about her past and wanting to find out what happened that made her dislike compulsion and drinking from the vein. Caroline was scared of what would happen once Klaus would figure out what she's been hiding from her past, which was driving her crazy, so she decided to do what she usually does when she feels like she is going crazy, she called her best friend Stefan, the one she would confide in, especially when was something related to vampires.
"Hello?" Stefan said.
"Hey! It's Caroline."
"Oh... Hey! What's up?"
"You know how I usually call you, asking you to tell me that I'm not crazy...?"
"I need to talk with someone because I'm going crazy."
"Care, you are not crazy. I'm on my way." Stefan said and hung up, quickly appearing on Caroline's room.
"I'm sorry for calling you but..."
"You don't have to apologize. Just like you are there for me, every time I need my sober sponsor, I'm here for you when you feel that you are going crazy." Stefan said, making Caroline smile, appreciating Stefan being such a good friend. "Now, tell me. What's going on?"
"I think Klaus is starting to be very curious about the reason why I don't like compulsion nor drinking from the vein." Caroline said. "And I'm afraid of what would happen if Klaus would find out why... you know..."
"Do you think he is suspicious?"
"I don't know. I just know that whenever we argue about compulsion and drinking from the vein, he starts to make questions about why I'm so against it and how I know so well what's like to have someone compelling you and... I just don't want him to find out." Caroline said and Stefan hugged her.
"No one will say anything. Even if he starts to wonder, no one will make him be certain of his suspicions." Stefan said.
"Maybe... But once he starts to wonder if I used to be compelled and do things I didn't want to... he will... doesn't matter."
"Come on! You can trust me. What are you afraid of?"
"I'm afraid he will start to look at me as this defenseless and broken person..." Caroline whispered. "Since I've turned, I changed and I started to be able to take care of myself and stop being that insecure little girly Caroline I used to be..."
"No matter if Klaus will find out or not... You will still be this strong, confident woman that you are." Stefan said and Caroline hugged him.
Elena and Rebekah decided to watch a movie and invite everyone to watch it with them, so they could forget a bit about all the drama.
"I'm sorry, love. I had no intentions to upset you." Klaus whispered to Caroline's ear, after seating next to her.
"Apologies accepted. Let's just forget about that." Caroline whispered.
"As you wish, love." Klaus whispered, making Caroline smile.
Klaus noticed Elena and Elijah whispering a few times and smiling to each other, which left Klaus feeling uneasy because every single time Elijah developed feelings for a doppelgänger, it would always end up ruining Klaus's plans.
"I'm gonna get some blood bags and popcorns. Anyone want anything."
"Can you bring me a coke?" Elena asked.
"For me too, please." Bonnie and Davina said at the same time.
"Of course." Caroline said and left to the kitchen and Klaus quickly went after her.
"Love, do you need some help?"
"Wait. Klaus Mikaelson, volunteering himself to bring food and drinks to others? What's happening? Am I in some weird alternative universe?" Caroline asked with a shocked face.
"I won't ask again. You might take use of it."
"Alright. You can put the popcorn in the microwave." Caroline said.
"I am wondering about something and I need you to be 100% honest with me." Klaus said, making Caroline's smile quickly vanish, as she started to panic a little bit about what he was wondering and if he figured out everything about her and Damon.
"What is it?" Caroline asked, trying to act normal.
"Is there something between my brother and your doppelgänger friend?" Klaus asked, making Caroline scoff as she felt a pry of her upset with Klaus wondering about Elena and Elijah.
"I think they became good friends. Why?" Caroline said with an annoyed look.
"Just friends?"
"Yes. Which might be a good thing because it won't make her stay be so unbearable." Caroline said and asked. "Why so interested?"
"I just had bad experiences with Elijah becoming attached to doppelgänger's." Klaus said and noticed Caroline's look, making him smirk and whispered. "If I didn't know any better, I would start to think that you are jealous?"
"Get over yourself. Why would I be jealous?"
"Exactly. There's no reason for you to feel jealous... especially of Elena." Klaus whispered, as he pulled her to be closer to him, making their faces be inches away from each other.
"Klaus..." Caroline whispered and before she could say anything else or he could do something, the microwave let out a bip, because of the popcorns being ready.
Once Klaus and Caroline were back to watch the movie with the others, Caroline sat and started to drink one of the blood bags. Klaus was drinking a blood bag as she kept an eye on Elena and Elijah, thinking about what he should do about those two.
"Klaus..." Caroline whispered to his ear.
"Yes, love...?" Klaus whispered and Caroline gave him a signal, to make him realize that he was starting to lose his control and was starting to show his hybrid face.
"Try to drink more blood." Caroline whispered as she gave him another blood bag, which he drank but didn't work.
After taking deep breaths and drinking 3 blood bags, he still felt upset, which was unlocking his hybrid side, so he went to the bathroom and Caroline quickly followed him.
"Love, you should go back. I'm starting to lose control."
"When it was me, you didn't leave my side... meaning, I won't leave your side." Caroline whispered and made him seat on the toilet. "Try to think about calming things. Try to take deep breaths."
Klaus pulled Caroline to seat on his lap and started to take deep breaths with his eyes closed. He felt Caroline rest her forehead in his, which gave him a feeling of calm and peace.
"That's it..." Caroline whispered as she noticed him calming down, then she asked. "What's going on? What made you be like this?"
Klaus had no idea how to answer Caroline's question without seeming that he was jealous of Elijah and Elena.
"Oh my God! It's because of Elena and Elijah, isn't it?" Caroline asked in disbelief and before he could reply, she scoffed and left.
‼️Please read this ‼️
Very important AN: Hey guys! First of all, I wanted to thank you all so much for all the support you give me and how kind and understanding you are to me. It truly means the world to me how kind you are to me. I need to tell you something... I'm having some trouble writing this story (as well as my other one). I thought after the exams that I would be able to go back to writing and everything but now, when I thought I would be more free, I still find myself very busy because right now I'm looking for a internship. I only have one chapter written ahead and it's not that long... I just feel that I owe you an explanation to why I might make a break of writing. This is not definite. I'm not even sure that will happen or not but if it does, I want you guys to know the reason for that to happen. Your support means the world to me and I feel that I'm letting you down for not being able to do everything but I gotta focus on my priorities and right now I have to focus on getting an internship and being able to start work in things that I'm interested in. I hope you all understand. And I truly feel very grateful for having your support and I like to think that even if we don't know each other we have this relationship of understanding and support, which is why I always feel that I can talk with you about what's going on in my life when things aren't all (as Monica from Friends once put it) breezy... I love you guys!
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