Elijah went to Elena's room after making sure Alaric could not leave the guest room he was put in and Damon was trapped in the basement.
"Hello! I'm sorry to disturb you but I wanted to check up on you."
"I'm fine." Elena lied.
"You are lying. You could be the best liar in the world and I'd still know that was a lie. Today was full of emotions and... You clearly are not fine." Elijah whispered.
"Can you close the door? I don't want people to... You know..." Elena whispered so Elijah closed the door, giving them privacy to talk about whatever they wanted.
"You can talk to me..."
"I know... thank you." Elena whispered with a small smile. "Here's the thing. I am mad at Ric and Damon for putting Caroline's life in danger... but I weirdly understand what they were doing."
"Would you care to elaborate?"
"What I mean is... What they did was wrong. But I know they only did that because they wanted to help me and they think Caroline is being compelled which I know she isn't... I just... I can't help but have mixed feelings about all this." Elena whispered.
"It's alright." Elijah whispered, because he knew very well what was like to have mixed feelings, especially when it was about something someone close to them did.
"I know they tried to ruin Klaus's plans... But can you please convince Klaus to not hurt them. They did the wrong thing. They made a mistake. We all make mistakes."
"I'll try my best, Elena." Elijah whispered and gave a peck on her forehead, then left the room.
Stefan went to the kitchen after argue with Damon about the dumb thing he did, finding Rebekah drinking a blood bag.
"Still up?" Rebekah asked.
"Yeah... I couldn't sleep, knowing what a jerk my brother can be. I get that they hate this pact but... there's other ways to solve things out."
"There might be but my brother only understands violence." Rebekah whispered.
"Do you think he is going to...?" Stefan asked, not even wanting to think about Damon dying because of his dumb mistake.
"I don't know. I can talk to him but it's Nik. He goes against us all the time." Rebekah whispered.
"I'm just... worried. My brother might be a dick but I love him. We only have each other." Stefan whispered and Rebekah hugged him, trying to comfort him.
*Next Morning*
Stefan went to the basement to see a very weak Damon, because he hadn't feed since last night and because he was tied with ropes that were full of vervain.
"Hello, brother!" Damon said with a fake smirk.
"Damon... What the hell were you thinking when you decided to kidnap Caroline?"
"I was trying to put blondie's ideas back in the right place. I have been watching what was going on with the help of a witch. While you were trying to figure out if you have feelings for Barbie Klaus or not, Caroline has become closer to Klaus and she is now even defending him. This is Klaus we are talking about. Less than a year ago, he tried to kill Elena because of that stupid sacrifice and he only keeps her around because Caroline convinced him to Elena giving her blood every once in awhile. But sooner or later, he will want more and more until he drains Elena completely. Caroline's Pact was so we could all be alright but lately Elena has become a prisoner who will only leave to train with Elijah. Elena is not safe here. Sooner or later, Klaus will get tired of waiting for the next dose of blood and drain Elena. Then he will have all her blood and even with the pact broken, he will simply make more hybrids. And if Caroline keeps acting like she has been, she will stay by his side."
"Caroline would never stay by the side of someone who hurt her friends. She's not like that." Stefan argued. "Besides, what you did might only make Klaus more protective of where Elena is."
"Stefan, open your eyes. Klaus needs you now because of his plan to get his throne back, but once he has that and once he make more hybrids who are sired to him, he will stop being so nice..." Damon said.
"You need to stop. You will get yourself killed."
"Maybe that's the price to make you open your eyes and see that this Pact will only make you Klaus's slave." Damon said.
"I'm not a slave." Stefan argued. "We all know what we are doing."
Elena went to the guest room where Alaric was and looked at him with a disappointed face.
"What the hell were you thinking? Torturing Caroline... Are you crazy?"
"Damon and I thought she was being compelled or that someone put a spell on her to stay by Klaus's side."
"You're crazy! Caroline sometimes is on his side but she also spends a lot of her time fighting with him because of the ways he likes to do things. She's actually making him take better decisions..."
"We thought..."
"I told you we had everything handled. And why didn't you do anything when Damon made me drink his blood? Were you going to let him kill me? You know how I feel about being human! You know how much I enjoy this life. I should be the one deciding to be a vampire or not. Did you even thought that if Klaus picked Caroline, I would turn into a vampire and Klaus would kill you, Damon and whoever got in his way for ruining his plans of making more hybrids?"
"I knew Klaus wouldn't let you die."
"So that makes it okay to risk my life?" Elena asked in disbelief. "Can't you see that this might make Klaus kill you? I don't even know how Caroline was able to make him be nicer... He is like a ticking time bomb. Why would you try to mess everything?"
"Because you are not safe here. You might die..."
"Then let me die. If I have to choose between dying or hurting my friends, I will always choose to die. I already lost so many people, I can't afford to lose more... even if that means me staying inside a house 24/7 being a walking blood bag for Klaus to use." Elena said.
"That's not life."
"It's better than having everyone I care about dying. That's what happened to Katherine and look how she is now. She's full of hate... I don't want to be that." Elena whispered and left.
Next on The Pact
"Are you mad? After what they did? I killed people for much less than what they did. If someone ever questioned my orders they would die. Why would I give them a free pass?"
"Klaus... please let them go."
"Are you trying to threat me? I'm the original hybrid! I don't take orders from anyone!"
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