"I already compromised too much when I let your precious friend live and when I accepted your pact." Klaus growled.
"I compromised by convincing her in being your little walking blood bag for hybrids. I compromised by making a pact, that has plenty advantages to you. I compromised a lot to. And so did the other hybrids. But we can't compromise our freedom. We want to be able to have a personal life, to go visit our family and friends. We don't want to be your little slaves." Caroline said upset, now with a hybrid face.
"I am the Original Hybrid. I'm immortal. I can't be killed. I don't need to compromise anything." Klaus yelled angry.
"What's wrong with you? I've been trying to calm down the hybrids, Bonnie and Elena because all you know is to use threats and to yell at people. I've been trying to remain calm and to make everyone stay here and do what you tell them to do because of that pact. I have been trying to show you my loyalty. I came here to have a serious conversation about the future but all you can think about is what you want. Maybe I shouldn't have made any pact, maybe I should have done the same thing Katherine did. Maybe I should have simply ran away with my friends and family." Caroline yelled, no longer being able to control her anger.
"Is that what you're planning to do? To run away once I be king?" Klaus growled lowly.
"No. When I give my word it means something." Caroline whispered with an upset look.
"And when I give my word it doesn't? Did you change your mind that quickly? Because that's not what you said a few days ago. But then again, maybe you simply said whatever you had to say to get what you want." Klaus whispered angry.
"Why do you always have to twist things and put words in my mouth? Do you even know how frustrating you are?" Caroline asked upset showing again her hybrid face but now was different, her anger was starting to make her wolf side dominate her, causing her to have a big headache. "Ahhh!"
"What is it?" Klaus asked, moving his hand from her waist to her neck, making her look at him with a hybrid face.
"I need to go out and get some air." Caroline growl and quickly left the plantation.
"Bloody hell!" Klaus yelled angry.
He was now very upset. He felt like for how much planning he did, things were starting to be out of his control, which made him feel powerless and that's something he loads. He spend his human life being weak and powerless, when he become immortal, it changed and he didn't want to be again that terrified and weak man. He made a reputation of big bad wolf, he scared everyone just so he could have more power and not be the one who was afraid or powerless. He loved plans because it made him feel in control but now he felt that he was having less control over things. Things he didn't plan were starting to happen... Elijah was becoming acquaintance with the doppelgänger, which was against Klaus's plan because that could end in Elena using Elijah to leave so Klaus would become unable to make more hybrids. Marcel made people afraid to betray him, which made the plan all more complicated. Rebekah was starting to be more and more upset for being unable to go out, which made Klaus fear that she would try to do something stupid that would ruin his plan. Now, there was the hybrids who seemed to already be talking about rebelling themselves... and then, there was the person who Klaus could never control, Caroline Forbes, one of his first successful hybrids and who was able to go against him and still survive.
Caroline Forbes was driving him crazy. One day, she was very friendly with him... but the next day she was making speeches about deserving free will. He didn't know how it happened but Caroline could be his confidant but also the one who could rebel against him at any time.
Klaus decided to leave the plantation and go to a woods that was outside New Orleans, he took off his clothes and turned into a wolf, he started to run around the woods, feeling free and without worries, but suddenly it stopped when he heard a howl. He ran towards the sound of the howls and saw a beautiful white wolf captured in a wolf hunting device.
He didn't know why but he felt the need to help this wolf, so he ran away, turned back to human, put his clothes on and went back to where he found this wolf.
Elijah was now going to teach Elena how to practice archery in moving targets.
"Where are we going?" Elena asked.
"To the woods, where we can find animals so you can learn how to hit a target when is moving."
"What? Hurt animals? You never spoken of this before." Elena said upset.
"Elena, how else would you expect to learn to practice archery with moving targets?"
"I don't know... with bags that would move around or something like that." Elena said.
"Come on, Elena."
"I won't do it." Elena said crossing her arms.
"You said you wanted to learn how to practice archery in moving targets." Elijah said.
"Yeah... but not in animals."
"Elena, it will be alright."
"No. I won't hurt an animal."
"Why not?" Elijah asked because he has been killing animals even when he was human so he didn't saw this as an issue.
"Because animals have the right to live. They shouldn't be used to practice archery or anything like that."
"I never thought this would be an issue. You're not vegetarian nor anything like that." Elijah said.
"I do eat meat but that doesn't mean I want to kill animals. It's just... I don't feel right by taking an animal's life just like that. Who am I to be the one deciding a certain animal no longer deserves to live?" Elena said and Elijah just looked at her surprised. "Elijah, if you watch Bambi, you'll see how hunting is really stupid."
"Alright. I won't make you do something you don't feel comfortable with. Let's practice on these trees and then we will move to moving targets." Elijah said.
"Thank you." Elena smiled to him.
Next on The Pact
"You're lucky I was around."
"You're wound isn't healing."
"Of course. All you care about is your stupid plan."
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