Bonnie got a letter from Davina saying that she wanted proof about Marcel's doings because Davina saw him as a nice guy and incapable of killing innocent people, making her wonder if What Bonnie told her was true or just lies to make her be against Marcel in this fight of getting the throne.
It was now night, so Kol brought a few things in case Bonnie wanted to stay there to sleep after the spells because they were powerful. They had to do this at night because it was when Marcel would make the trial against another witch who was found practicing magic.
"You know what I think this is?" Kol asked Bonnie while helping her preparing the things to let her be in contact with Davina so she could tell her about the spell.
"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me." Bonnie said.
"I think this girl is suffering from sherlome syndrome."
"Do you mean Stockholm Syndrome?" Bonnie asked.
"Yeah. I knew it was something like that." Kol said.
"I've heard her story. He saved her life. He made her believe that she had to stay in the attic because people were after her. Which is true. People are looking for her. Not only the witches who wanted to hurt her because of a sacrifice or whatever it is but also the people who want to know who is helping Marcel, who is the only person who can go against the rules." Bonnie said.
"Still. She's a teenager, right? Shouldn't she want to go out and see her friends?" Kol asked. "Which teenager does what is told to? Not even you did that!"
"She has no family. She hasn't been out in months. Marcel was able to make her believe that everyone was out to get her and that he was protecting her." Bonnie said.
"So if we help her... Don't you think she might switch sides and go back to protect Marcel?"
"If we show her we are trustworthy I don't see why she would do that."
"Nik is in charge of this. Nik is the one who wants the throne. You know his reputation. When she finds out..."
"She knows it's a guy with a bag reputation but she also knows that he will make every faction have someone who will fight for their wants and needs."
"Do you really believe he will go through with it? I mean, my brother was never one to compromise for the greater good, that was more Elijah." Kol said.
"I don't know but Caroline seems to believe Klaus will do as he says."
"Then maybe he will really compromise for once in his life." Kol mumbled to himself.
"Why do you say that?"
"Haven't you notice the way she can mess with his head? I mean, every time they get on a fight you can actually feel the sexual tension between them."
"Or maybe it's only them having different beliefs. Klaus believes in power being more important than family and friends and Caroline is against that." Bonnie said.
"Opposites do attract." Kol smirked. "The best and most sexy love stories are the ones about forbidden love... like a princess and the stable boy."
"Oh god! Are you talking about porn?" Bonnie said with a disgusted face.
"There's also the werewolf and vampire. The vampire and human. The vampire and witch... these are all like Romeo and Juliet. Should be against each other because they are so different and from opposite worlds but in the end it gets an amazing love story."
"You like Romeo and Juliet?"
"No. That story was crazy! They were kids who just wanted to get laid."
"Pff! Of course that's your opinion. You think everything is about sex."
"Not everything. But, come on! They were too young. They didn't had to die."
"Whatever. When is Marcel going to make that trial thing?" Bonnie asked to change the subject.
"In a few minutes."
"Okay I'll go talk with Davina."
Bonnie contacted Davina and made sure she knew everything for the spell, then Bonnie came back to make again the spell and found Davina in the corner of the street.
"Are you sure you want to see it?"
"I will only truly believe it when I see it with my own eyes. I don't mean to offend but..."
"I understand. You believed him. He saved your life. You barely know me... I understand but we can go whenever you want to. We only need to be careful to people not see us." Bonnie whispered and they walked over to the circle filled with vampires.
"Hello everyone! Tonight we are here to the trail of Miss Eliza Bernard." Marcel said to the group of vampires, who were circulating him and the scared witch. "Everyone is aware that no magic is allowed. Yet... Eliza here decided to break that rule. What do you have to say in your defense?"
"I wasn't hurting anyone. I was simply trying to talk with my brother who is far away. We wanted to see each other and talk."
"Why not video calling, then?"
"It isn't the same!" She defended herself.
"You went against my rules. If I go soft on you, people will start to think that I'm not a man of my word and that whoever tried to break the rules will go unpunished. That will ruin this system. Breaking my rules will originate chaos."
"And living by your rules will only originate fear." The witch said angry, afraid and upset. "You are stopping witches from using their gift, from being who they are. Magic is part of who we are and by not using magic we fee incomplete."
"If you want to use magic, then leave this town. I tried to be alright with you witches but you always want more."
"We have as much right as you to live here. This is our home too."
"I built this town. I am the king. I took this city when was nothing and made it great again. This is all mine. And the verdict is in." Marcel said serious. "You're guilty for practicing magic. And whoever breaks that rule, dies."
Marcel quickly decapitated her with his arm as everyone cheered.
"I can't believe it..." Davina whispered in tears and disappeared.
Bonnie told Kol how Davina disappeared and how she was unable to practice again the spell, so Kol tried to use some disguise and went to the church where he found a young girl with long brown hair.
"You must be Davina."
"Who are you? How do you know my name?"
"I'm a vampire but I'm also Bonnie's friend. I came here to take you to her but because it's a protected place I will have to put a blinder so you won't know where it is." Kol said and she nodded.
Once they got to the safe house, Kol took her blindfold and when opened the door, Davina ran to Bonnie's arms.
"I'm so sorry that you had to see that." Bonnie whispered.
"I will help you. I just need to have your word that witches will be safe once this new guy becomes king."
"You have my word." Bonnie whispered with a smile.
Next on The Pact
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Give me your word."
"I punish who dares to betray me but I also can compensate to those who show loyalty to me."
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