It's been a few days and Klaus used Cami to help him get more information on Marcel and his army.
Klaus compelled Camille so she would pay attention to Marcel and his friends's conversations but also pay attention to who they were, which places they used to go and who was close to them. Every night he would meet her in a room at a motel near the French Quarter, after her shift was over, where he would meet her and listen to all she had heard and seen during the day.
Caroline didn't like what Klaus was doing. She hated seeing people being compelled. She suffered from compulsion and she knows how awful it is to not remember pieces of your day and how it is when you start doing things without knowing why and then forgetting and starting to think that you are going crazy. Another thing she didn't like about this was how he could be playing with Camille's feelings and she also knew what was that like and she didn't wish it on anybody.
Klaus left the motel and felt Caroline's essence, making him turn around to see Caroline in the street looking at him with her arms crossed and with an upset look.
"Good evening, love! Miss me that much to come all over here just to see me?" Klaus smirked, making Caroline roll her eyes.
"You're unbelievable."
"Thank you." Klaus smirked.
"That wasn't a compliment." Caroline said and took a few steps in his direction. "There's other ways to get information without having to put her in the middle of this."
"Someone seems to be missing kissing me..." Klaus whispered with a smirk, taking a few steps to get closer to her.
"You wish." Caroline quickly said.
"Then what's the reason for you to be so upset with Cami helping me?" Klaus asked.
"You're compelling her. You're taking away her freedom. You are taking away her free will to choose what to do. And you are toying with her emotions. You are manipulating her. She's not even part of this. She's human. She doesn't deserve to get in the middle of all this."
"She was already in the middle of this when Marcel started to fancy her." Klaus said.
"This is wrong, Klaus. You can't compel people just because of this need you have of getting your throne back. I get that it's important to you but innocent people don't deserve to get hurt not used like if they were just mere pieces in a game of chess. Cami is human and she has her own life. She doesn't need nor deserve to get hurt because of your fight with Marcel." Caroline said upset and Klaus took her to the motel room her was moments ago with Camille so they could talk in private.
"First of all, be aware about what you say when we are in public. I won't have my plan ruined just because you can't keep your mouth shut. Secondly, I am not hurting anyone and if I was with was none of your concern. And thirdly, who do you think you are to judge me and say what I can or cannot do?" Klaus said very upset.
"Klaus, can't you see it? Just the fact of you compelling her to do things and forget about it, it will hurt her. She will wake up one day wondering why she keeps coming home and has pieces of her day that she can't recalls. She will eventually wonder why she is taking so long to get home and why she does certain things. Those kind of things can make a person think they are crazy." Caroline tries to say calmly but Klaus stays in silence, making her say. "Whatever. Of course you don't care. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with trying to make you understand... You clearly don't care about what happens to others. You just care about getting your stupid throne back. That's the only reason you were okay with making the deal. It was so you could have an army by your side. You didn't care about our lives, you simply cared about getting more power. If you keep going after more power and nothing else you will eventually find yourself all alone. You'll probably have a tone of hybrids but they won't care about you because you won't show you deserve it."
"You think you have me all figure it out, don't you? Sorry to disappoint but you know nothing about me. And you are no one to judge me. You should keep aware of that sharp tongue of yours... I killed people for less." Klaus said as he walked over to her, ending up with her pressed against the wall and with them very close to each other.
"I told you when we made the pact. Just because I give you my word to show you my loyalty, doesn't mean I will stop using my freedom of speech to defend what I believe in. I will never just say yes blindly." Caroline said and Klaus growled, feeling upset but also a bit aroused because he wasn't used to a woman who kept defending her believes even when it was against his actions and for some reason her not showing fear of him made him very... happy.
"I keep going back and forward when I'm trying to figure out if you are brave or just too foolish..." Klaus whispered to her ear as he grabbed her by the waist.
"I'm no fool." Caroline defended herself as Klaus caressed her waist, with one of his hands under her top.
"Are you sure about that? Because you keep talking to me in a way I don't appreciate it and the ones who tried, no longer are here to tell the story."
"So why don't you kill me?" Caroline whispered. "I can see that this... the emotionless monster... it's not you. You do care..."
"That's not what you said a few minutes ago."
"Because that was the only way you could see what kind of person you were being." Caroline whispered and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You are right. I don't know you. But if you were truly this monster you claim to be, you would have killed me, my friends, my family and the rest of the hybrids. And I know you think Elijah is a fool because he keeps waiting for your redemption but he isn't. A man who cares, even if it's just a little, still has a chance to redeem himself."
"Crazy talk." Klaus whispered, not wanting to believe that someone could see he was still capable of being saved.
"Is that so?" Caroline whispered and left.
Next on The Pact
"What are you doing? I could have killed you!"
"I told you. I'll stay here."
"Why did you make that pact? Why haven't you tried to run away with your friends?"
AN: Hey guys! I hope you guys are liking the story so far. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments or, if you prefer, you can always pm me.
Amarathedoppleganger is a really nice person who has this Instagram account called mostlytvd_to_legacies where we can see great edits she made.
If any of you has an account that you would like to share I would love to help you out. If you know of any fanfics to share I would love to help you share that too.
Love you guys! ❤️
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