When everyone went to their respective bedrooms to go to sleep, Klaus went to Caroline's bedroom, seeing her with a top and small shorts.
"Klaus? What are you doing here?"
"Today you let your emotions take the best of you and to make sure there won't be any incidents, I will stay the night in here. In case something happens, I'll be able to take over the situation and try to calm you down."
"I can take care of myself, Klaus."
"I have no doubt about that but I think I should stay the night here. Don't worry. Nobody knows and I will stay seating in this armchair, with my notebook and maybe I'll read one of these books you have." Klaus said.
"Fine." Caroline said, not very happy and Klaus smirked and sat on his armchair while Caroline lay down and got under the covers.
"Good night, love."
"Whatever." Caroline said because she hated to feel like she was being controlled by someone.
After awhile, Caroline couldn't fall asleep with Klaus on the armchair, because she felt bad for him being uncomfortable all night.
"Klaus..." she whispered, making Klaus stop drawing and quickly look at her.
"Yes, Love?"
"Sleep in the bed. It's big enough for the both of us." Caroline whispered.
"As you wish." Klaus whispered and got under the covers with Caroline.
"Why are you so concern if it happens again? If it happened, I would lock myself in the basement to not hurt anyone." Caroline whispered.
"Because part of the pact we made was to assure your safety. And you shouldn't be alone when you have these issues." Klaus whispered.
"I know. But that usually doesn't happen. I just started to think about people I care about getting hurt and..." Caroline whispered and cut herself off by taking a deep breath.
"It's okay. I won't let anything happen to you, love."
"It's not me I am worried about. It's my friends. My mom... I don't want them to get hurt." Caroline whispered and started to feel her feeling starting to boil inside her.
"Take deep breaths love." He whispered as he caresses her waist, under her top, letting him feel her soft skin.
"I can't let my friends get hurt. Bonnie and Stefan are here because of me..." Caroline whispered, starting to feel overwhelmed by her emotions.
"Just take deep breaths, love." Klaus whispered.
"I can't." Caroline whispered in despair. "I can't stop thinking about Elena, who I promised I would protect, the hybrids I convinced breaking the sire bond and now are counting on me to do the right thing, Bonnie, who is always sacrificing herself, Stefan... and then there's my mom in Mystic Falls and I can't protect her because I'm here. Damon stayed there to make sure she was okay, but I still left her and..."
"Shhh..." Klaus whispered, pulling Caroline to a hug, letting her rest her forehead on the crook of his neck, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Everything is going to be okay."
"Please don't tell anyone about this. I don't them to worry about me. There's more important things to worry about." Caroline whispered.
"As you wish, love." Klaus whispered and gave a peck on her forehead.
Elena woke up from a nightmare where Klaus decided to drain her to be able to make hybrids without having to worry about her running away, and even if it was just a dream, it felt very real.
She decided to go to the kitchen to drink some water and try to relax, but when she entered the kitchen, she saw Stefan in there. They agreed on being friends and she knew their relationship wasn't going very far but their romance was very intense and it was still odd to be alone with Stefan.
"Did I awake you?"
"No. Don't worry. Just a nightmare." Elena whispered.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"No. I just want to forget it." Elena said. "Anyway, I'm just here to get some water so..."
"Elena, I know we broke up but... I don't want us to stop being friends." Stefan whispered.
"Neither do I. But I'm still not very comfortable when we are alone."
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. It would be worse if you kept dating me even if you didn't felt like it." Elena smiled.
"Thank you for understanding and being so cool about this." Stefan said and hugged her.
"Oh... I'm sorry for interrupting." They heard a voice, making them break the hug to see Elijah.
"You're not interrupting." Elena quickly said.
"What's your reason to be up?" Stefan asked.
"I was in my room, reading this great book from the 1800s when I heard voices and even if I know the house belongs to Elena, I still worried that it was an intruder so I decided to come downstairs and see what was happening. I apologize for interrupting. I'll be in my room if you need anything."
"You didn't interrupt. It was just a hug." Elena said and Elijah simply nodded and left.
Elena didn't know why but she wanted to make sure Elijah knew the hug didn't had any meaning behind it and was just a friendly hug, so Elena went to Elijah's room.
"Elena... Do you need my assistance with something?"
"No. I just came to tell you that there is nothing between me and Stefan. What you saw was just a friendly hug. You didn't interrupt."
"You already said that twice, Elena."
"I know. I just... I didn't want you to think that Stefan and I are sneaking around or something and that I go to groceries with you just because he is around Rebekah."
"Elena, I didn't think anything. I am only focus on getting the throne back so my family and I can have a home again." Elijah said, although it was not entirely true because he did wonder for a second if something was going on with her and Stefan. "Although I'm now wondering why you weren't sleeping."
"I had a nightmare."
"If you want to talk..."
"It's not important, it's just a nightmare." Elena whispered.
"Whatever it was, you don't need to worry, Elena. I am not letting you get hurt."
"I know. Klaus asked you to make sure nothing would happen to me and also that I wouldn't run away." Elena said.
"Yes. But I also see you as a friend of mine." Elijah whispered.
"Wait. Is Elijah Mikaelson even aloud to be that close to someone outside his family?" Elena said, faking to gasp in surprise.
"It surprise me too." Elijah joked and Elena laughed, a bit surprised that Elijah made jokes because he usually is very formal and serious.
Next on The Pact
"That's impossible."
"He is here."
"What's next?"
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