Triple Blight Date (Lumity, Vinira & Jerbric)
A Lumity, Vinira, and Jerbric oneshot where Amity is planning a date for Luz, but her older siblings beg to come too, along with their respective partners, Jerbo and Viney. She is now left wondering how this triple date will play out...
*This takes place some a few months after the events of Watching and Dreaming, but before the timeskip*
Amity's POV:
While I was sitting on my desk and doing my homework, there was something playing on my mind. Me and Luz had been on a date in the human realm, but I've never organised one in the demon realm, and we've now gone a year without really doing anything special together.
So, with that in mind, I quickly rushed to finish my homework and then got my planning notebook out. It was purple, sparkly, and had a beautiful pattern of a moon on it.
I picked up my pen again and then started to jot down possible ideas for a date. I wanted to do something different from a cafe since that would be too repetitive, but I also didn't want to do something that was too different, and then our experience not ending up romantic.
I started ruffling with my own hair because his was so stressful, and I was so close to actually trying to rip it out. I also let put a grian of anger, which was too loud, and then I heard footsteps coming up to my door.
That very same door then burst open, and in came my two older siblings, Edric and Emira. They skipped inside with hands interlocked and then stopped behind me.
"So Mittens, what you doing?" Emira asked, trying to lean over my shoulder, but I managed to push her away.
"Hmmm, what is this?" Edric asked, managing to snatch the book while I was distracted by my older sister.
I tried to take it from his hands, but he had a very firm grip. He started reading aloud the possible plans of dates I could have with Luz, and my face flushed red with both fury and embarrassment.
"Sooooo, you're going on a date with Luz soon?" Emira questioned.
"I hope so..." I mumbled, but then found a sense of confidence when finding a witty comeback, "So what?"
"We should come along too!" Edric suggested.
"And why exactly?" I asked.
"So we can hang out with Luz, obviously!" Edric replied.
"And even ho on our first dates with our partners too!" Emira added.
My mind blew at that very moment, never in a million years did I think that them of all people would be dating.
"You two are dating?!" I exclaimed.
"Why so shocked?" Edric responded.
"But who are you with?" I questioned.
"I'm dating a lovely girl named Viney, he's dating Jerbo!" Emira replied.
I had heard of those two before, but haven't really met them properly.
"So, what out of these ideas is going to be the upcoming date?" Edric asked, flicking through all of the pages and then gasping at the end when he found a really detailed drawing of Luz.
"I never said we are making this a triple date!" I responded, taking the book out of his hands and holding it firmly against my chest.
"But why not baby sister?" Emira asked in a childish tone, "We could all have so much fun together!"
I was about to decline, but then the two immediately got down on there knees and started begging in pathetic whimpers. It's weird how I'm the youngest out of us three, yet I'm somehow the most mature snd that these two are begging down on there knees like I'm the Titan.
"Fine..." I sighed.
The two cheered and then did a quick victory dance before exiting out of my room. I sighed one last time and then decided to text my plans to Luz.
She seemed pretty happy with the idea and sent a thumbs up emoji, although I didn't know if she was just agreeing to this reluctantly. Luz only ever lies when a situation is serious though, so I'm sure she's cool with it.
For the rest of the day, I listened to music and wrote some Azura x Hecate until I could see the sky turn a dark shade of pink from out of my window. I had completely forgotten to buy myself a new dress, so I would just have to wear my Hecate one since the one I wore to grom and the one from the Bonesbourough brawl were too small now.
I waited outside of the twins' bedroom until they had finished putting back on there concealment stones they hadn't used in a long time and then we were ready to go.
All of us got onto our palismen and then with a quick tap, we zoomed off into the distance...
After a few minutes of waiting by the restaurant, Luz arrived on Stringbean and shortly after Viney and Jerbo arrived. Luz was wearing her Azura costume, which obviously meant she forgot to go shopping too.
The three of them started chatting to each other which hinted that they all do know each other and I was getting worried they were all complete strangers for no reason...
Anyway, we got inside and then once we found a table for six, we started looking through our menu booklets. Luz kept on glancing over the menu to see me and maybe give me a wink or something, which was really cute and I started blushing.
I was trying to keep my blushing to a minimum since I knew my siblings would tease me for it, but they were blushing even harder with Viney and Jerbo, so I just made fun of them instead.
When the food arrived, I had realised it was spaghetti and eyeballs, which meant now wouldn't be the perfect time to try and kiss Luz. We both put a strand of it in our mouth but we were too distracted by the fact the other two couples were being messy.
Emira and Viney were blowing hard into their straws until bubbles were coming out of their noses and Edric and Jerbo were throwing the eyeballs at each other and getting tears all over themselves.
It was all getting a little crazy for me so I banged the table for them to stop, but none of them even looked my way. I went red in the face with fury and then stormed out of the restaurant.
I sat on the pavement and put my face into my knees, wishing I had never brought Ed and Em with me. Suddenly, I then felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see my girlfriend.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"No not really..." I mumbled, "I don't know why I ever let my siblings come with me, they are ruining the date!"
"I wouldn't say ruining, you know how like we sometimes are a little crazy and dorky together?" Luz asked.
"Yes, like that time where we spent the whole day searching for Mildred Featherwylde only to find that she is really a human!" I answered.
"Yeah I guess like that, but you know the twins are very crazy people and I know Viney and Jerbo are very crazy people," Luz explained, "So maybe what brought them together is their wackiness and this is just natural for them!"
What my Battata was saying did kind of make sense in a way.
"So why don't we go back in and lot let that stop us?" She suggested, holding her hand out to me.
"Yes!" I replied, taking her hand.
And once we got in, things did start to get better. We kept on doing our own thing bit we even tried to join in with the other two couples too.
By the end if the night, I went home with a spaghetti headress made by Luz and she went home with an eyeball necklace made by me. I guess sometimes, you just need to not care what others think...
I put a little more effort into this then usual and look how it turned out!
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