Sweet Treats (Hexsqaud)
A fluffy Hexsqaud oneshot where Luz tells the rest of the gang what candy is, and then they try it!
I know in the request @Chocopede told me that if a ship is needed that it can be Huntlow or Amillow, so I'm doing Huntlow and sorry but to make the story fit into the canon of the show, Lumity will be there too, also thanks to them for coming up with this idea
Third Person POV:
The day all started off with Luz waking feeling very tired. It was 6:00 am, and her friends wouldn't be waking up for another two hours.
So with that in mind, she crept out of bed, unplugged her laptop before grabbing it from her desk, and then creeped out of the bedroom she had been sharing recently with Amity, Willow and Vee.
When she got downstairs, she sat down in the kitchen and opened up her laptop. She typed in her password and then stared at her screen saver of some art she made of her and Amity for a while before going onto Google.
Each day, she really wanted to teach her friends something new about the human realm, but didn't quite know how to start if off yet.
That was until she got a light bulb moment and thought of how sweet candy was and how her friends would love it! And even though she had eaten it like a thousand times, she decided to do lots of research on it for those two hours she had...
Two hours later, Luz was exhausted by all of the research she had done, but luckily, her friends were coming down to breakfast now. Willow and Gus were running down, but Amity pushed past them and charged towards her girlfriend and gave her a hug.
"Where were you?" She asked, "I was so worried when I saw you weren't in bed when I woke up!"
"I was just doing some research on some cool human stuff that I can show you all!" Luz replied, tucking back a strand piece of pink hair that was out of place on her girlfriend's hair.
"Cool human stuff? Sign me up!" Gus exclaimed, running into the kitchen to join the two of them.
"And me!" Willow added.
"Me too!" Hunter also added, putting an arm around the back of the black haired girl who stood beside him.
They were all getting too overexcited, so Camila had to tell them to calm down and wait for their breakfast, which they sighed at. So they began talking amongst themselves of what they thought the suprise might be about.
Soon after, breakfast arrived on the table, and Camila quickly dragged her daughter out of the room to have a private talk.
"Okay, Mija, what exactly am I buying for your friends today?" She asked.
"Nothing Mamá, I did online shopping on my laptop!" Luz replied.
"Yes, but of what?" Camila added.
"Candy!" Her daughter replied.
Camila lay against the wall and sighed.
"What's wrong?" Luz asked.
"Nothing, it's just that the kids are hyper enough as it is," She mumbled, "And won't candy just make it worse? What if they are allergic?"
"Don't worry Mamá!" Luz said, trying to reassure her by wrapping her arms around her, "You managed me when you were younger, I'm sure you can manage four now, minus me and Vee!"
"I guess so!" Camila sighed, a smile creeping onto her face.
The two then walked into the room, and Luz went back to eating her breakfast. While doing so, she was bombarded by questions from her friends but refused to answer anything for them.
As soon as she ate the final part of her food, the doorbell rang, signalling that the delivery had arrived. The three witches and the grimwalker bounced out of their seats and pushed past each other to get to the door first like dogs. Luz and Vee quickly scrambled after them since the four of them didn't yet have disguises for their ears yet.
Vee managed to act like a shepherd and herd all of them back to the kitchen while Luz answered the door. She took the boxes full of candy and then placed them all onto the kitchen table for everyone to gasp at.
"Would anyone like to take a guess at what's inside?" The girl asked.
"Kittens?" Amity answered.
"Venus flytraps?" Willow answered.
"Sigil gloves?" Hunter answered.
"I know, tiny little giraffes!" Gus answered.
"Uhhhhhhh, tarot cards?" Vee asked.
"None of you are anywhere near close!" Luz responded.
All of them sighed, but then their curiosity peaked once more as Luz began to open the box and hand them each something.
"What are these?" Amity asked, taking out a red Skittle from her bag and pressing down on it.
"This is candy. What you specifically have is a Skittle!" Luz replied.
"These are so colourful!" Willow comment, staring at her candy necklace she had been given.
"I know, right?" Luz replied and then walked on.
"What is this sensation on my taste buds?" Hunter asked, sticking out his tongue, which made Willow giggle.
"Sweetness! Have you guys never tried anything that tasted like this?" The Latina girl asked.
"No, but this is different!" Amity responded.
"A nice type of different!" Willow added.
"This is incredible!" Gus suddenly exclaimed, taking his lollipops out of his mouth to speak.
"Yes, it is!" Vee added, snapping off another piece of her chocolate bar and stuffing it into her mouth.
Luz felt a sense of pride and satisfaction as she watched her friends eat and chat happily and was glad it was a success. Camila then tapped her on the shoulder, signalling she wanted to talk privately.
"Wow, this was really successful!" She said and then sighed, "I'm sorry I doubted you!"
"It's fine Mamá, you were just worried, and that is normal!" Luz replied with a warm smile on her face.
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