I'll Always Be By Your Side (Huntlow)
This is an angsty Huntlow oneshot set in a human au where Hunter and Willow are childhood friends but Hunter has an abusive uncle and so wants to run away. Willow wants to come with him, but is shy about leaving her dads behind to run away with him.
This is based off of a request I recieved from @s0150184 (and actually I just realised this wasn't the specific request they gave me and I got confused by an idea that looked similar) about a Hunter x human reader book (and i thought it was a shy human reader), and so I ended up making it Huntlow instead
Headcanons for this chapter:
- For this story to make a little more sense in the way Hunter and Willow act, I have aged them down by a little, so Willow is 8 and Hunter is 10 in this oneshot
*Spoilers from Any Sport in a Storm - Watching and Dreaming (just basically most Huntlow scenes)
Willow's POV:
After I had finished eating my breakfast, I ran out of the house to find my childhood best friend, Hunter was standing by the doorstep, like he did every day. We interlocked hands and then skipped down the pavement together.
"So what do you want to do today?" Hunter asked, smiling with his tooth gap showing.
"Let's go to our den in the forest!" I replied, smiling back at him.
"We always do that, though!" Hunter pointed out, pouting because it seemed like despite him asking what I wanted to do, he had obviously had something else planned instead.
"Hey, you said I could pick!" I retorted, narrowing my eyebrows.
"Fine," Hunter sighed.
Soon enough, we arrived at the entrance of the forest. We climbed over the gate and then ran down the path, racing to our den.
My blonde haired best friend was a lot quicker than me and therefore managed to climb up the stairs and make it to our den first, but I shortly caught up after.
A few years ago, the two of us had been adventuring in this very same forest. I was very scared, but Hunter has always been really brave and wouldn't let me turn back.
We found a really tall oak tree that we then managed to climb up. I cured my fear of heights, and it then became our treehouse den.
But as we started chatting, I started to realise something was off with Hunter. He was normally the more talkative one out of the two of us.
"Hey Hunter, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at him with a concerned face.
"Oh, it's nothing..." He sighed.
He never lies to me, so I knew I had to believe in him and assume everything was fine, as he had said. After playing for a while in our den, we then climbed down and started exploring around the forest.
But as we were playing tag together, I realised that we were starting to mover further away from our neighbourhood, and into a part of forest we had always considered scary and therefore hadn't ventured into before.
"Uhhh Hunter!" I called.
"What's wrong, Willow?" He asked, turning around and running back to me.
"Where are we going?" I asked, "We don't normally go this far into the forest..."
"I thought we could try something different for once!" Hunter explained, "Different is always fun!"
"No, different is scary, I like routine!" I yelled.
My reaction made Hunter look taken aback. He sighed, and then he clasped his hands together with mine.
"It will be okay, I promise!" He said in a serious tone.
My cheeks started to glow red, but the tears started to form in my eyes.
"No!" I shouted, stamping my foot with defiance, "I won't go with you unless you explain what this is all about!"
"It would be a lot better for the both of us if I didn't say..." He mumbled, avoiding my gaze.
I turned my back on him and then crossed my arms. Why was he hiding things away from me? I'm his best friend, I tell him all of my secrets, so why is he not doing the same back?
"I'll explain," He sighed, "So you know my Uncle Philip?"
"Yes, he is so polite to me whenever I stay over at your house!" I responded, starting to wipe away one of my tears.
"Well, about that, he isn't very nice to me..." He sighed, "He does... bad stuff to me..."
"What kind of bad stuff?" I asked, a concerned look growing on my face.
"Stuff that... I don't want you to know," He responded, "I'll tell you when we're older, but for now, I don't want to ruin your innocence!"
"So what will you do about it?" I questioned.
"I'm going to... run away!" He answered.
"What?" I said.
He let go of my hands and then explained to me with hand gestures how he would run far away and live a life in the forest with no identity where no one could find him. This was starting to make me think he is going crazy, like who could possibly live a life like that?
"But what about me? Are you just going to... leave me behind?" I asked, preparing myself for his answer to be bad news.
"Well, I don't want to leave you behind, so maybe you can come with me?" The blonde haired boy suggested.
"Come with you?!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, we could have so much fun together, we could continue going on adventures every single day and one day, we could even have a forest wedding!" Hunter explained.
The idea of a wedding with him made me blush, but that still didn't make me want to leave my home.
"But I'll miss my dads, and I can't just leave them behind!" I argued.
My best friend sighed, "Oh right, I forgot you have a family that loves you...."
There was a silence until Hunter found a way to turn things around with a positive plan.
"I got a plan! I can live in the forest and you can stay with your family! I'll visit you every day and one day, we can live together!" He suggested.
It sounded like a good idea, but the last thing I wanted was for him to get hurt.
"But what if your uncle catches you?" I questioned.
He hadn't thought about that, so he put afinger to his chin, and I've never seen him think so hard about a question based on his expression.
"Hmmmm, I guess I'll just have to try and not get caught!" Hunter replied.
"But what about when I'm sad? If you aren't there, then no one will be able to comfort me?" I asked, tears starting to form in my sage green eyes again.
Hunter bent down and put a hand on my shoulder. His magenta eyes started to go watery too, but he still smiled regardless.
"I'll be by your side, except I will be spiritually, just not physically," He replied.
I blowed my nose on a tissue I had found in my pocket and then wrapped my arms around my best friend, and he did the same as we shared our last hug for a long time...
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