hooty's moving hassle
Saph: I am strong! I beat Koda at arm wrestling!
Char: Anyone can beat Koda at arm wrestling!
Koda : Hey-
4412 words
also btw I changed my mom's name in this story to Juliette bc I'm sprinkling little tidbits of my fantasy series throughout this- for example, Saph is gonna have two moms named Eerie and Divine and Koda is gonna have a non-binary parent named Alex like in my book
I have said it before I will say it again- COMMENT! I have fun doing this and I like to be kept motivated by your guys' comments
Carmen fanned out her cards in her hand. Ollie was also very much prepared. "Watch closely, Char." Carmen instructed. "Hexes Hold 'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play."
"Oh, boy, cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!"
Insert the cards fighting. I don't know man, I am tired. Short story even shorter, Mama Carmen won.
Ollie angrily hooted. "Woo! I win! In your adorable owl face!" She got up real close and personal. "Ah, I love the feeling of victory. It feels..fluffy?" Carmen thought for a second. "Uh, Carmen, it's happening again." Char said, worriedly.
"What's happening again?"
"Your curse is returning!"
Carmen opened up a trunk. "Oh, boy. This is horrible. I'm out of elixir." She picked up an empty bottle. "The last time this happened you turned into this thing." Char held up her phone with her wondrous picture of the owl beast.
"I know I should be repulsed but that look is fierce."
"You're right, you're right." Carmen relented. "We need to head to the market." "Market!" Char, exclaimed fists in the air. "I'm gonna steal everything that's not nailed down!" King proclaimed, like any good child would.
"Before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes Hold'em?" They patted their pocket to feel a sufficient lack of cards. "Hey, where are my cards?" A few feet away, Char handed the cards to Ollie and whispered "Take these and fly ahead. She'll have to follow us."
He did as he was told, Carmen gunning after him. "Ollie, you sore loser, give me back my cards!"
Into Bonesborough we go to everyone's favorite: Morton. "Hey, open up, Morton!" Carmen shouted. "Uh, just a minute!" He called back. Char, from her wonderful vantage point that is a bench, said "Is there anything better than people watching in the demon realm?" She gestured to an egg/bus thing and Tinella Nosa struggling to catch up.
"The curse of tiny legs."
"I know the pain."
A witch stomped forward, followed by two others, who had tied down a much larger demon onto a wagon/cart thing. "Woah! That is one ominous parade." Char said, pointing in it's direction. "That's no parade. Those are demon hunters." Carmen explained. "Dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beasts." She went back to banging on Morton's window. "Which I'm about to become if you don't open up, Morton!"
"Sorry, Carmen." Morton apologized, pushing up his window. "I was up all night poison tasting. For some reason, I don't feel so good." Okay, Peter Parker. "I'm all outta my juice pal." The brunette said, handing him her empty elixir. "Oh, gee. Let me see what I can do." He disappeared under the counter.
As the ominous parade passed, Char noticed two familiar witches. "Saph and Koda! Hey, friends!" Void got close to them but upon seeing their dejected faces, she was ready to throw some Homosexual Hands. "Wait, what's wrong? Who hurt my babies?"
"Them." Saph pointed in the direction of Bee, Boscha, Cat and Skara. Saph went on. "Bee's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me." They looked to the ground, hoping maybe the earth would reclaim them here and now. "And she keeps posting about it on her penstagram account!" Koda circled his finger, a scroll thing resembling a phone now appearing. On it was a picture of Skara, Cat, Bosha and Bee. "It's conjuring night. No dorks allowed? What a jerk! What's a moonlight conjuring?"
"You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games." Saph explained. "Like a slumber party? We have those!" Char exclaimed.
"And then you bring something to life with moon magic!"
"...Like a weird slumber party!"
"Koda and I have never been to one. You need at least three people and-" Char cut xem off. "I'm three people! I mean, we're three people! And we're way better than them." Char gestured to the group, where Boscha was laughing like a chicken. "Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring, Saph. Only real witches allowed." She laughed. "Leave her alone." Bee sighed. "It's not their fault they were born without talent."
Angry as hell, a few vines came up from the ground. That hits different after For The Future. Anyway- "Woah!" The blonde said, smacking one down. "Don't waste your time getting thorny over them. Cause we're gonna have our own moonlight conjuring." "Are you serious?" Koda got a giddy smile on his face. "This is on my bucket list! After owning a real human bucket."
"That's a really weird thing to want but I appreciate your enthusiasm. I'll go tell Carmen!" And the human zipped off.
"I've got good news and bad news." Morton said, appearing up from the counter. "Bad news is I'm all out until next week. Good news is feathers are a good look for you."
"Well, gee, C, why'd you wait to re-up until now?" Morton asked. "I've been very busy." Carmen crossed her arms. "Yeah, busy playing Hexes Hold'em. She's obsessed with it!" King accused.
"I am not obsessed with it!"
"You're playing it right now!"
"Am I winning?"
"You know, I wouldn't suggest this to just anybody." Morton began. "But if you need your elixir, you could try your luck later this evening." "In the night market?" Carmen whispered. Morton continued. "There's a guy with a stand. Goes by Grimm Hammar. If anyone has what ya need, it's him."
"Carmen!" Our demigirl is here. "Koda, Saph and I are gonna have a moonlight conjuring and stick it to Bee. So can we-" Carmen held her hand up. "Not tonight. I'm going out. I need you to watch the house." And there's her answer. "I have many precious objects in there."
"Like me!" In response, Carmen picked King up by his neck. "You're coming with me." They informed the child. "I need an extra pair of eyes to look out for pickpockets. And an extra pair of eyes in case I want to pickpocket."
"Pickpocket!" I love mother-son duos doing perfectly, 100% legal things, don't you?
"Then maybe they can come to the house and-"
"No. Besides, conjurings are dumb. Sitting in a circle holding hands, pffft! It's like magic for babies." She made sure to shake King around as she said this. She then walked away.
"Char! What did Carmen say?" Saph asked, running up to the blonde. "So, guys-" Void held their fists at their side and was about to deliver the bad news before Koda cut them off. Koda, you fucking bitch (once again, bitch but like affectionate). "Oh, look! The moon's rising into place!" He pointed into the sky. "And the celestial powers only align once a year." Oooh, unintentional guilt-tripping.
Saph's face lit up. "Oh, I can't believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring. Thank you, Char! Did Carmen say it was okay?" She asked. "Um, yes." Char lied. "They said yes. We can do it at The Owl House. As long as we don't make a mess or touch anything or ever bring up that we did it!" She nervously laughed.
"Oh, you're the best!" Saph exclaimed before taking up a chant with Koda. "We're gonna do a conjuring, we're gonna do a conjuring, conjuring!"
"Char, you're in charge while I'm out." Carmen informed the demigirl. "Make sure Hooty doesn't get into any trouble." The door opened. "Hoot! Hoot! I don't need a babysitter! I'm a big boy house!" Yes, you are, Hooty. "You can count on me." Char decreed, standing up. "I'd never do anything to betray your hard earned trust." And insert some totally not at all nervous laughter at the end.
"You're acting suspicious. You're doing that thing where you hide in your hoodie."
"Meow, I'm not!" It quickly changed the subject. "Oh, where's King?" They asked. "He's right here." Carmen replied, opening her cloak and revealing the baby in a baby carrier. "His little body just conks out when he's weightless. Look at this." She swayed from side to side and he proceeded to be very dangly.
"Aw, he's so dangly!" Char cooed, grabbing his dangling little feetsies.
"Anyway, really going now." But before she did that, she turned around. "And Char? If you mess up the house, I will never trust you again. No pressure, byeee!" They hopped onto Ollie and dipped. As she waved, Char had a moment of doubt. "Should I really be doing this?" They thought aloud. "No, Saph is counting on you. Okay, she's gone!"
"Release!" The bush released. "I'm a sneaky sneakster!"
"I've got leaves in my pants! And I like it!" Koda, what the fuck dude?
"Company! Hooray! Finally someone to listen to my stories! Okay, this one time, a sparrow flew into my mouth and I-" The door shut. "Heyy."
"Welcome to the living room! We call it that because it's technically living. The walls are breathing, look." Char held out her hand in gesture to said living room. "Enchanting!" Saph thought aloud, approaching the breathing walls.
"And look at all these human treasures!" He pulled out a skull. "And actual humans." Back to Charlie. "We've got snacks, we've got weird music!" She played a witch cackle on an old record player.
"We've got a bucket!"
"Yes, my man!"
"And best of all, we have actual friends to do the conjuring with! This is so exciting!" The brunette exclaimed. "So, how does this conjuring stuff work?" The blonde finally asked. Sappho's Poems to the informational rescue. "Well, first we find and object to animate." She began walking towards a flower pot. "Since it's our first time, we should pick something meaningful. Something beautiful."
Koda spawned. "Like this strangely buff little man?" He held out the doll and squeezed it. "I'm half-beef, half-bob!" Everyone's favorite. "Yes, he's perfect!" Char exclaimed. "That's not exactly what I meant by beautiful." Saph sighed. Koda put on his sad face. Remember, kids: guilt-trip them.
"Okay, buff boy it is." Saph relented. "Yes!" Char exclaimed once again, hugging Saph around the shoulders.
"Tonight he shall be risen!"
The three are now sitting in a circle, Beefy Bob in the middle. "According to the conjuring books I've read, we say the incantation and make a connection with the doll." Saph said. "Figurine." Koda corrected as the three joined hands. Saph and Koda took up the chant.
"Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight, take this chance. Moonlight, come tie the string-" "I don't know the words!" A blue glow spread throughout the house. "That's your cue, little man." Koda whispered looking down at the doll. Instead of Beefy Bob coming to life, the house shook.
"Guys? Did the entire house just hiccup?!" Char asked, rather panicky. "Little buff guy, what did you do?" He asked, squeezing Beefy Bob. "A real man never takes accountability!" I love alpha male podcasts, don't you? "I think we might've animated the house by accident!" Saph said.
"THE H O U S E?" Char quickly ran outside, seeing that, yes, they had animated the house and now they were walking. Hooty's eyes were completely blue. "Hooty! Hooty! Hooty, you have to stop!" Void yelled, trying to get through to the tube.
"By the power of moonlight, I have risen, hoot, hoot."
"He's in some kind of trance!" Koda told her, before almost falling to his death, thankfully being caught by lesbian #1 and #2. "Our magic must've spread throughout the house instead of the doll!" Saph shouted. "Figurine!" Dakoda Alex Adams, you are dangling from the side of a walking house, is now really the time? To avoid falling themselves, Saph and Char joined hands. A blue glow overtook all three of them. "Hooty, stop!" Char yelled and he stopped. The lesbians pulled the gay up.
"How'd we do that?" Koda asked, the trio looking at their now not so glowy hands.
"Saph, Koda, hold hands again."
They did as the human said and joined hands once more. The blue glow overtook them once more and the house began walking backwards. "We're controlling it with the power of friendship." Saph remembered one tiny detail. "And the moon. Probably the moon." "This is amazing. What do we do now?" Koda asked.
"On the one hand, we should probably stay put." Aw, look at you, Luz Char, being all responsible. "On the other hand, we've got a giant walking house and should totally take it on a joy ride!" And look at Gus Koda letting the intrusive thoughts win. It's okay, I also let them win. Char looked up, to see the moon slowly setting.
"Okay, okay." She relented. "But we've gotta get back before the moon sets or Carmen will kill me."
We now cut to King and Carmen in the night market. "The curse." Carmen placed a hand on her forearm, which was becoming increasingly feathery. "I need that elixir. Quick." She approached an ominous person sitting alone. "Hey, you. You know where I can find a Grimm Hammar?" They nodded and a tiny person came out of their eye, pointing towards a stand.
The hextrio paused, seeing a certain pink haired witch walking down the road. "Hey, is that.." Saph wondered. "It's Boscha! The girl who made fun of us." Koda said.
"Yes, mom, I'm going to a moonlight conjuring. No, mom, you can't come. And yes, mom, it's sad that you're asking." Boscha then turned around to see the house of owl. "She noticed us. What do we do?" Saph asked. "Hmm..." And then Char got an awful idea. Char-Char got a wonderfully, awful idea. "Hey, hey, you! You should, uh, stop being so mean to people! Your kind of a jerkkkkkk!" The trio giggled amongst themselves.
"Ew, a talking house is giving me a lecture? Whatever, I'll just TP you like I did the rest of the neighborhood."
"But don't you see? I am no mere house! Rah!" The house stood up and Boscha ran off, screaming like a bitch. Eat shit, Boscha. "I've never pranked anyone before! And now I have a taste for it!" Koda got a mischievous lil' grin on his face. "We should follow her to Bee's house to show off our conjuring!" Saph proposed. "That will show her who's got no talent."
Char looked to the sky to see the moon setting. "Actually, I'm starting to think we should head back." She said but Koda made a compelling argument: "Bee's updating her Penstagram!" He held out his scroll and Char read the caption. "Shoutout to my fellow witches #humaNSCANBITEIT?" Bite what, Bee? Your unhappiness? Can someone come bite my unhappiness away? Please?
Char gasped dramatically. "Let's do it!" And the house went on the way to Jewell Manor.
Back to the witch and demon. "Uh, hello? I seek the one they call Grimm Hammar." Carmen peered into the tent. "I'm the one they call Grimm Hammar." A head peered from under the counter. Said head then became a full body, jumping onto the counter. He had the body of a pig.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome! I've got weaponry from the Hinterlands, curses from the Winterlands and jelly beans!" He made it rain jelly beans. "Jelly beans!" King exclaimed, reaching his hands out for some jelly beans.
"They're lethally delicious!"
King was about to eat one but then Carmen turned on mom mode and smacked it out of his hand. "You're Grimm Hammar?" They asked, eyeing the little pig demon. "Tiblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammar the third." You know him, you hate him. "Please, call me Tibbles."
"Haha, he wants to be called that!"
"Okay, Tibbles, I need some of this elixir." Carmen showed him the bottle. "Oh, this is one wicked brew. Lucky for you, I just stocked up!" He pulled up a bottle with his tail.
"Huzzam! I'l give you ten snails."
"Add two more zeros and it's a deal."
"A thousand snails?! What kind of game are you playing?!"
"Capitalism. Where everyone wins except you." Yeah, 'bout sums it up. There's a reason teenagers are having mini panic attacks three years before they become legal adults over becoming an adult. Yes, Andrew, this is passive aggressive.
"Hey!" Carmen slammed her hand on the table, before noticing a deck of cards. "Say, you play Hexes Hold'em?" They asked, much to the dismay of the little demon. "Really? Now?!" King threw his itty bitty arms up in exasperation. "Oh, is that what that game is called? I was just using these as coasters." Tibbles said, hopping back onto the counter.
"How about we make it interesting?" Carmen proposed. "I win, you give me the elixir. You win, you can take something of mine."
"Oh, what fun! You're on!"
Back to the hextrio wreaking havoc and chaos throughout the city. Jewell Manor was coming into view. "Look, Bee's house!" Saph pointed. "Time to show Bee what a real conjuring looks like!" Yeah, good luck with that. Before they could show off they're cool conjuring skills to our standard mean lesbian, some ropes stopped the house in it's tracks.
"What happened?" Saph asked, looking up at the rope. "Is that a..giant crossbow?" Char asked, pointing to said giant crossbow. Eat your heart out, Marcy Wu.
A demon jumped onto the house, said something mildly ominous and then tied up our protagonists. He tossed them inside the house while they did demon hunter things outside. Hooty was still hooting ominously and Koda was biting the rope, because why the hell not? "Hooty! Hooty, you have to wake up!" Char shouted, kicking the door.
"If you want this to end as you say, three must hold hands. It's the only way."
"Hey, rede nicht so mit mir!" Char continued kicking the door. "Saph, will you help me out with Hooty?"
"I'm sorry, Char. You shouldn't ask me to help with anything." Saph said quietly.
"Saph.." But Charlie and the chocolate factory wouldn't have time for any words of comfort because the trio was then knocked to the ground. "Did the house stop moving?"
"Ugh, my insides didn't."
The door opened and, laughing ominously, demon #1, who I will now be calling Jefferson, walked in. He grabbed the trio and tossed them out. "Take the house and rip out the house demon. We can sell it to restaurants as exotic meat."
"No, Hooty would taste terrible!"
"Hey, I'm a refined taste, hoot, hoot!"
"What do we do with the worms?" Everyone's favorite child murderer, Tom, asked. Jefferson thought for a moment before deciding "Throw them over the cliff."
"Alrighty, kids, here's the end of your short little lives!" He pushed them towards the cliff. "Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait! Is this really what you want to be doing with your life? Tossing kids from cliffs?" Ah, looks like Koda remembered the 'humanize your killers' tactic from the last part.
"Actually, yes! It's been my dream since I was a boy!"
Char, Saph and Koda stared at him judgmentally.
"I was a strange child. Whee!" And he pushed them off. But fate had other plans and caught them on a branch. "If we're not killed now, we will be when Carmen finds out about the house!" Char said. "Char, I'm so sorry." Saph apologized. "You wanted to turn back but I just had to show off to Bee. The truth is, she and I used to be friends."
The branch was breaking a little as Saph went on with their explanation. "We'd play together as kids but when she got her magical powers and I didn't...she stopped hanging out with me."
"Guys, is now the best time?" Koda asked. To be fair, probably not the best time to have a therapy session when you're dangling from a branch that's about to break. Nonetheless, Sapphy went on. "I just wanted to prove to her that I was a powerful witch too."
"That's ridiculous!" Char shouted, ready to be a supportive bestie. "You helped bring a house to life! Bee doesn't know what she's talking about! Next to Carmen, you're the most powerful witch I know. No offense, Koda."
"No, not at all. I know what I'm about." The branch snapped a little more. "This tree can't hold us much longer!"
Saph got her arm released. "Now, if I could just reach that root! Gotcha!" Xe grabbed onto the root, which began growing.
King and Carmen time. Also, Tibbles, but he sucks.
"Oof, that was painful to watch." King said, looking at the charred cards in front of him. "You card shark! You hustled me!" Carmen said, quite angrily.
"Looks like you forgot about my wild card!" Tibbles held up his wild card. Said wild card jumped out of his hand and ripped his shirt off because we need more cards ripping their shirts off in this world and other worlds. "In any case, I'd like my prize now. And I chose the little bone boy!" He lifted King up. "I've always wanted a tiny servant to model my line of baby clothes!"
"No, I don't look good in clothes, I'm all natural!" He began pushing up against this monster who would dare to make him wear fabrics. "Carmen, do something!"
Carmen circled her finger but nothing happened because curse. "Agh! I can't perform magic!" She groaned. Tibbles done snapped and a few chains came from the ground, wrapping around Carmen and making her fall to the ground.
"You think this can stop me? I can still bite your ankles!"
"You think I don't know who you are, Carmen, The Owl Lady?" Tibbles hath exposed her and the witch gasped. "That's right, I've seen you're wanted posters around here. I wonder how much the Emperor's Coven would pay me to hand you over."
"Yeah, they tried to fight and they nearly got me but y'know, I handled it."
"They were children, Tom."
A shadow overtook the two and they looked up to see said children on top of a giant leaf being controlled by Saph.
"We may be children, but we're also witches! Powerful ones!" Saph sent her vines forward and fucked up the demon hunters, the trio rushing towards The Owl House. They rushed inside and once again joined hands. They then proceeded to step on Jefferson.
"Oh, no!" Char said, looking out the window. "I don't mean to step on this victory but we gotta get home before Carmen does." They then proceeded to stomp away.
"'They're just children, Tom!'"
"King, I'm sorry."
"King? Who's King? I go by little bone boy now." King now had on a cyan sailor's outfit. Honestly, he looks adorable, I love King so much. "I know I have a problem. I get obsessed with Hexes Hold'em. But I'm done with that stupid game! Look!" To prove her devotion, she began eating a card.
"You promise?"
"I promise."
"Okay, okay." King said, pushing off his little ankle shackle thingamabob. "I'll grab you the elixir and then we can bust out of here." He stood up and was about to go grab the elixir when Miss Piggy's failed abortion spawned. "Bone boy!"
"You will do no such thing! The Emperor's Coven is already on its way to send this witch here to the Conformatorium." He held up a little squire outfit. "And I just rustled up some more clothes for you to try on!"
"Just because I have a model's body doesn't mean you can use me like this!"
stomp, stomp
"I can and I am, bone boy. I've got the cards stacked against you." But unfortunately for you, Tibbles, your not a protagonist.
stomp, stomp
"And nothing can stop me! Nothing!" And then something stopped him. It was the Owl House, you already knew this. "Sorry, mister!" Char called, waving out of the window.
"Haha! Wait, was that my house-"
"Carmen, quick!" The demon threw the elixir at Carmen who quickly drank it. They then used their magic to dispel the chains. "No, no, no! My scam stand!" Tibbles cried out. "Sorry, Tibbles, old boy. Looks like you forgot about the wild card." She sprinkled her cards on him and then walked away with King.
"Curse you, witch! Curse you, bone boy! I'll have my revenge! Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammar the third will have his revenge!" And then he was crushed to death by his falling stand.
Meanwhile, the owl house was settling back in its little owl hole. "Did we do it?" Char asked. The door opened. "Is the room spinning or is it just me? Hehe, just a little house humor." Hooty should be a standup comedian frfr.
"Sorry about all that, Hooty." The blonde apologized. "It's okay! I'm just glad I was included!" Ayo, he just like me fr.
The door slammed revealing Carmen + bone boy.
"Oh boy."
"You are so busted!"
"Oh man."
"You held a moonlight conjuring."
"I did!"
"And you animated my house. My house!"
"No, don't punish Char! We're the ones who pushed it to do the conjuring!" Saph jumped out in front of her fellow dyke. "If you're gonna eat me, just do it now!" Koda yelled. "Do it now!"
Carmen looked judgmentally at these children.
"Hey, you didn't have to do that."
"Yes, Charlie, I did."
"Well, you're all guilty, so you'll all be punished by cleaning my house top to bottom." Mama Carmen decreed, circling her finger and giving the kiddios some cleaning supplies. "And another thing- that was totally amazing and I am so joining you for next year's conjuring! Now get to work." The kiddios scurried away to do the work.
"Yes, Charlie, I did."
"Well, you're all guilty, so you'll all be punished by cleaning my house top to bottom." Mama Carmen decreed, circling her finger and giving the kiddios some cleaning supplies. "And another thing- that was totally amazing and I am so joining you for next year's conjuring! Now get to work." The kiddios scurried away to do the work.
"I can't believe they animated a whole house." King said, struggling to get the sailor's outfit off. "Yeah, you're right. That takes some powerful magic." Carmen said, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "You know, I still kinda wish we got to show up Bee." Char said. "Yeah, too bad no one will know of our daring adventures." Saph said, a low smile on their face.
We cut to the Jewell Manor. "Ugh, so what if we couldn't move a doll? Now we have time for what really matters; PENSTAGRAM!" Bosha pulled out her scroll and the group began scrolling. Meanwhile, Bee was sitting in her window seat, being emo. Boscha gasped and Bee went over to her, to see what was so shocking.
Photo after photo after photo after photo of Char, Koda and Saph controlling a fucking house.
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