Virginia trip/Contain yourself
The band on top is called stray cats and there music they try to make old school but modern for there time. The song is called 18 miles from Memphis and I thought it would be a fun song to share with everyone. Hope y'all enjoy! And if you like this song look them up on YouTube and look up rumble and Briton Tonight by stay cats! Enjoy!!!
It was about 4 am and I was not a happy camper. Darry said he wasn't going to tell us what time he would wake us up but out of all the 24 hours he chose frickin 4 in the morning! We were going to take 3 cars. Dallys Thunderbird that he took from bucks, which was 3 seats Two bits Plymouth was 6 and we took Darry's truck. Which could fit 3. Allison couldn't come though her dad wouldn't let her leave which was stupid. Dallas Ponyboy and Johnny went in the Thunderbird Two bit Teddy and Vern went in the front seats me Chris and Gordie went In the back and Sodapop Steve and Darry went in the truck. Darry Two bit and dally had coffee and drove. I fell asleep towards the window but later on maybe an hour later Gordie and Chris and all the guys were whispering to each other but then I felt someone shift me over torwards whoever I was sitting next to I didn't remember who but I didn't care who. I was to tired to wake up. I was thinking that it was just Sodapop or Ponyboy being annoying. We drove for hours and hours with all our luggage in the Plymouth and the truck and blankets and pillows filling up the Plymouth. I woke up around 9 all the boys were hollering and throwing pillows at each other I then realized I was leaning on Chris. Teddy hit me with a pillow. "Ow you four eyed shit head!" I scolded.
"Nice goin Teddy now she's gonna be in a bad mood all day" Two bit said hitting him in the head.
"What?! it's not my fault she's not a morning person" Teddy said innocent.
"Ya but it's ur fault for hitting her!" Chris yelled.
"All of you go piss up a rope!" I scolded. We all started fighting for an hour with Two bit starting to drink to drown it out. What a great parent he's gonna be I thought sarcastically. If I stay in a car to long I get cranky and start fights. We all started a pillow fight as Two bit turned up the radio singing music as loud as he could. We were all fighting till we heard wolfman Jack on the radio.
"Hey everyone shut up! Wolfman Jack's on!" I shouted as we moved the pillows out of the way to scoot forward to here him.
"Oh boy wolfman Jack's, on wolfman Jack! Frickin WOLFMAN JACK!!! THANK GOD just make them shut up!" Two bit said sounding like he was gonna loose his mind but I think he did.
"Ya well that's how we feel about you when Mickey comes" I told him as we listened to the radio. The drive is about 17 hours and it's been about 7 hours. 10 miles to go. Great. The song LOLLIPOP came on and we all started singing dancing around and goofing off making funny faces and doing the popping sound. As the song was ending Two Bit sped up to Darry on Steve's side which was the opposite side of the driver. He rolled down the window yelling to Steve.
"What do you want!!?" Steve yelled over the loud freeway.
"Let's pull over at the next exit!" Two yelled. I know what he was gonna do. He was gonna try to get rid of us. Steve turned and told Darry.
"Alright Darry said to pull over at the next exit at a gas station! You got to tell Dally though!" Two bit nodded as he rolled up his window and pulled back on the gas even though Dallas was holling ass. Two bit signaled that he need to talk to Dall.
"Gordie tell them to stay behind us and follow us" Gordie nodded and rolled down Two bits cracked window.
"Hey Ponyboy! Have Dallas follow us!" Gordie yelled.
Pony turned around to tell him.
"He says he doesn't follow people!"
"Well we're getting off the next exit at a gas station just let him now!" Ponyboy nodded and Dally sped up and cut everyone off.
"Asshole driving like a drunk" Two bit said stuttering.
"Two bit..... Your drunk buddy" Chris said behind him.
"Chris I am offended! You think I'm a drunk!"
"You are a drunk!" We yelled.
"Hey I left the comb!" Vern said disappointed.
"Vern we don't need combs! Just use my hair brush just 2 swipes and you guys will have your hair perfect" I shrugged.
" Ya but we don't want your coodies lice" Teddy said in a discussed voice.
"Fine Then you can go ahead an-"
"I DONT SHUT UP I GROW UP AND WHEN I LOOK AT YOU I THROW UP!" We all shouted and laughed with me giving Vern a noogie. Gordie started reading while Vern and Teddy we're playing a game and Two bit was singing. It was gonna be about 20 minutes before the next exit. Me and Chris started boxing in the car but he would teach me.
"No this is a cross hook and this is a jab!" He said trying not to laugh.
"So 1... Then 2..." I said counting my punches like some routine.
"Ah don't worry about it Chris Savannah can't count with her shoes on" he chuckled.
"Two bit you haven't even graduated high school and you could be as old as a grandpa" I said smiling.
"Your comebacks suck"
"Not as much as you do on Saturday nights" I smiled. Everyone ohhhhed at that moment.
"And I'm not trying to have comebacks I just like bagging on you guys" I smiled
Me and Chris kept going and eventually Gordie got car sick.
"Here take a swig of this" I said giving Chris a beer he shook his head no and Two bit took it. We pulled over at the gas station and everyone getting out moaning and groaning and just stretching out their legs I mean I understand Johnny Dallas and to be a Thunderbird is a small call car. We all talked as we got gas and they were all talking about how we should switch up cars. We started heading over to the diner first to get something to eat since we won't be eating for the next 10 hours. We got a huge booth and decided to have breakfast instead of lunch. I got French toast with hash browns and bacon and Ponyboy doesn't eat very much so he just picked off my plate. We sat there for a while but wanted to hit the road so we would get there sooner. We took a lot to go so we wouldn't have to take stops along the way. Darry made us all use the restroom like we were toddlers. For the boys there was a huge line and they took forever but I was the only girl so I just walked in no problem. There were 3 stalls and right as I locked my stall 2 girls walked out.
"Did you see those greasers?! They look like discusting pigs. There all just poor wannabes. Especially the one that tries to look tuff. He has jet black hair with a brown leather jacket. I bet he couldn't hurt a fly" a girl said. She had on maroon sweater with a white collar on and a dark grey skirt and some white kicks on. She had dark brown hair also black curled up and out of her face. She had pale skin with Rosy pink blush and green eyes. You could tell she had part of a southern accent.
"I know and that other girl she looks like she 12. Shes wearing those hideous jeans rolled up a little under her knees. I bet she can't even read. All of them are just low life scums who wouldn't even be good enough to kiss the bottom of our shoes" the other girl said in an annoyed tone. She had her hair up and out of her face as well wearing a light blue sweater white kicks and a light grey plade skirt.
"I don't even get why they come here I mean there probably here to Steele or you never now that girl might just be sleeping with all of them" the one with dark brown hair chuckled. Ewww first of all but they don't even frickin know us. We ain't here for trouble and I can read pretty darn well!
"Anyways let's go the boys will be here soon you know Tommy is joining the Navy" one of them said picking up there bag off the sink.
"Hang on you little shits you want to talk about me you say it to my face not behind my back hoe bags! Those are my brothers and friends and we may be greasers but we got more dignity and pride then you will ever have! And Dallas Winston the one you said couldn't hurt a fly he's been in the cooler more then you can count and can kill your boyfriend in a heartbeat! So I suggest next time you want to talk about someone just shut the hell up before it comes back and some one knocks your teeth out. I may be a girl but I know how to fight and I am not afraid to hit a soc that wears cackey make up" I scolded when I walked out of the stall.
"Oh Cortney is she talking to us? I know she's not talking to us like that" the one with a maroon top said.
"What you say to us? And remember this is your chance of taking back what you said grease" The blonde said.
"Oh I'm sorry did I stutter? You heard me tramp" I smirked
"Look LITTLE GIRL you ain't gonna disrespect us like that! We own you! I can buy your house if I wanted to no problem"
"And.... What does that have to do with anything? That your daddy's little girl or you guys got daddy issues? Trust me though you don't want to mess with greasers esspecially greaser girls" I warned and started walking away just then she grabbed me by my long light brown wavy hair and made my gead hit the wall.
"Ya and you definitely don't want to mess with squares like us" she smiled. I got up and swung at her but she moved and got me in the jaw. As she swung I swung as well and got her in the cheek. I normally don't believe in pulling hair but she pulled mine first and there was no way to get out of it. As the girl with blonde hair had me by my hair the other one grabbed me by my throat and shoved me against the wall while pushing me up. I started running out of air but once she rose me high enough I then kicked her in the stomach. She then dropped me and held her stomach the other girl swung at me as she pulled my hair but I blocked it and upper cut her. She screamed. I turn around to see the other girl charge me and before I could she had both of her hands over my throat. The door swung open with Chris and Gordie there. They probably herd the girl scream. I put one hand behind her neck and the other on her elbow and with all my strength pushed her to the left and she finally let go of me. She came at me again but Gordie grabbed her and put her against the wall. Ponyboy then walked in and called the guys and helped Gordie hold the girl with black hair. The blonde one had a full on bloody mouth and started charging me. Chris was about to let go of me to grab her but before he could I kicked her in the stomach and she just fell.
"Un hand me you dirty scum bugs! I will sew you! Trust me I will have my boyfriend go after you" The girl with black hair squelled. I wanted to charge her just to get one last punch out of her.
"Hey hey stop!" Chris said trying to get my attention. Dallas came over and just rapped his arms around me to contain me. And with my hight it wasn't hard. The guys looked all confused Chris finally stepped in front of me and finally looked into my eyes.
"Hey look at me alright your ok... Your.. ok" I finally calmed down and dally let me go.
"Awww Chris can contain Savannah how cute of a couple are they" Steve smiled.
"Shut it Steve" I barked walking out.
I walked out to the car with my knuckles sore and my head throbbing. I then noticed my head was bleeding and my knuckles were purple. Johnny came walking with a wet paper towel and an ice pack.
"Hey munchkin" he said softly getting in the car. I didn't respond and only looked out the window.
"Alright what happened? Why'd you hit her we were eating and we're just fine-" he asked calmly.
"Because I felt like it" I said annoyed. I didn't know why I was mad. Maybe it was because I felt like no one would listen to me or because they would just think it was my fault. I don't know.
"Alright quit your poutin before I bring Ponyboy in" he chuckled.
"Look I know you don't hit people just because. What the hell happen that made you go off?" I sighed and looked at him.
"There you go now what the hell happened back there?" He smiled. He gave me the ice pack to put on my knuckles and gave me the napkins to wipe the blood off.
"I went into the bathroom and the girls didn't know I was there and they were talking about you guys saying stuff that I didn't like or that any greaser would like. I told them off and then we just went at each other I guess" I shrugged.
"Well why did it bug you? It never bothered you before?"
"Well it bothers me know and I hate when people talk down to people like us? They don't know us and ya some greasers do things wrong but what about the others? What about the ones like us?" I asked trying not to yell.
"Well the truth is you really can't do anything about it as much as you want to. Man life's too short! Sure it sucks sometimes but you can't let that stop you. Time moves on and never waits for you. It's wired, when your a kid you got all the time in the world but then when your an adult you think how much time do I got left? You throw a couple of years away then you remember. 'i got 35 summers left. 35.' and I'm telling you it gos by quick. Look the point is life goes to fast and you can't get hung up over everything and you can't get mad and start swinging at people" he chuckled.
"But you got to learn to contain yourself because one day it might get the best of you and I don't want you to go threw what Dall does alright but just don't worry about it just try drown it out" he told me. I just looked at him and smiled.
"Thanks Johnny cake" I smiled.
"Don't worry about it everyone just needs to vent sometimes" he shrugged.
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