When I stepped in to the store I honestly didn't have to much on my mind except should I have dally steal this for me or do I have enough to pay for it? I was inside the record shop down the street from our house. I loved music. It's just good to listen to whenever even when you just want to tune the whole world out. I used to always come here when I had a working record player. Mine started getting old and after a while the sound didn't work. The record wouldn't spin then the needle would fall off. I used it for as long as I could but one day i didn't listen to Darry for 2 weeks when he told me to clean my room and I wouldn't so he went on a cleaning rampage and threw away my record player.
I've been seeing this really nice light brown one for about 2 months and I want it more then anything but I can't afford. Since Dally likes stealing maybe I'll just tell him. Darry doesn't like it when I get involved with Dallys mischief events but do I give a care? Course not I'm 14 I don't care about anything anymore to be honest.
I started looking at the records till the cashier Mr. Wilson called me over. I like him he's a really nice old man.
"Morning Mr. Wilson how you doin today?" I smiled.
"Just Swell! Hey I got this new record by Chuck Berry. It's the last one I've been saving it for u thinkin u might like it" the old man smiled. He was always so nice to me.
"Wow this is brand new it just came out on Thursday! It's only been 3 days and already sold out here! That's crazy man, thanks Mr, Wilson but I can't afford this" I said as my smile started to fade.
"Well it cost $4 but I'll sell it to you for 2 how bout that?" He smiled handing it to me while he holds his cane.
"Wow thank you but I only have a $1.60" I said shrugging.
"Well that sounds fair to me." He chuckled.
"Omg thank you so much"
"Of course I know how much these records mean to u and how much u love them. I'm just happy they won't go to waste" he said puting my money in the register.
"Trust me I could listen to them all day" I smiled slowly walking away.
"See u soon dear" he waved.
" Bye! Thank u!" I then started walking home with my new record in a brown paper bag. I was about a block from home when I saw a dark red Corvette start following me with a bunch of greasers in the car. In Tulsa u should never walk alone or else u might get jumped by most likely soc but greasers too. If u aren't cool with there gang or just don't talk to them they see u as a threat. It's just how it goes I guess idk y tho. I took a few short cuts threw alley ways trying to loose them and get home quick but some how they would just trail behind me again. They would all start howling and whistling at me. Idk y I wasn't wearing anything special. Just a dark and light blue flannel and a white t shirt with loose jeans. As I was thinking they sped up in front of me and stopped right in front of me. WTH I'm like 2 houses down from my place! R u kidding me! I thought to myself. Hey Grease wanna play a game" the guy smiled in front of me pulling out a blade.
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