Muggy? Mall Talk/ Eyeball!!
Srry ik it's been boring but I promise it gets better and fun!
"Savannah shorty short stack Minnie Munchkin!" Two bit whisper yelled.
"What Two bit " I said grouchy
"Who pissed in ur cereal this morning?" He said getting that from me. Thief.
"What do u want I'm trying to sleep before school"
"Wanna do something fun?" I then followed him into the kitchen and waited for Darry to wake up. Darry walked in to the kitchen finally.
"Morning Darry check the weather?" Two asked walking by.
"Ya dar it seems kinda idk muggy as I would put it" me and Two giggled as we drank hot chocolate out of bowls. "Savannah Two I swear if all our mugs r out-" he was then cut off by Baby.
"Darry why are all the mugs out here?" She asked walking in laughing. He gave us the stink eye as we laughed.
" You guys r picking that up especially that ur up early Vannah." He said grabbing a mug from outside to get his coffee.
"Man ur cranky this morning"
"Well u r what u eat or drink" Two bit added.
"And what would that be Two bit"
"Well he drinks his coffee black and what does that taste like miss Curtis?"
"Bitter!" I smiled. We high five as he stared at us like idiots.
"U 2 just get out get out of my house" he said annoyed.
"I got to get ready I'll wake up ponyboy" I said running into the room.
"Pony wake up" I said nicely for once he just mumbled. So I then just body slammed him.
"Owwww! Savannah ur such a frickin brat!" He shouted then tackled me. He started pulling my hair.
"Does that hurt does that does that hurt?!" He yelled. I then turned over and got him off and had him pinned he then kicked me in the stomach. I went flying back to him ready to knock his teeth out but soda caught me
"Savannah come on. out" he said putting me out side and closing the door. Believe it or not but that's the most fun we've had since mom and dad died. U see mom and Dad went on a road trip together but on there way there they got in an auto wreck. It was pretty bad me and Pony we're always together. We were as close as could be. Before he skipped a grade we did track together then try to gang up on everyone which we totally failed at but what I'm trying to say is at one point we were best friends but after Mom and Dad left things haven't been the same. I get that he was upset but still it's like he never wants to have fun with me anymore. The day went by again drama of course punching some one... I have my reasons. I got home bored looking for Sodapop. He was in the backyard of course. "Hey Soda did u make anything to eat?"
"No srry just eat an apple."
"Man I've already eaten 5 in the last hour" I complained.
"Ok then learn how to cook" me and Steve gave him a crazy look. Then he thaught about it again.
"Ok wait never mind don't do that just wait till dinner." I walked back inside after that boring discussion.
"Let's go to the mall" I told pony I bored of my mind.
"Ok let's go to the movies then"
"No let's go and steal everything" Dally said.
"Not a bad idea I guess that is the purpose of a mall" I said sarcastically.
"No let's go find a chocolate cake store!" Two and Steve yelled. Well this is new for Two bit he normally points out the lingerie stores so baby steps. Darry walked in and I guess got off early. "Hey Darry can we go to the mall?" I asked.
"No school night and don't u have better things to do?"
"No not really. Can I go to grandma's then?"
"Sure but someone needs to go with you?"
Dally came running outta of the kitchen. "I will!!! I mean um I can take her" he said the end more cooly. I saw that he had no more cookies so there u go.
"Ya I'll go I haven't seen her in awhile" Pony said getting up.
We all started heading over I knocked on the door she opened up the door and a bright smile lit up from ear to ear. She loved it when we would visit and I loved visiting her. She reminded me so much of mom.
"Hey Mom" I said as I walked in idk ever since I was little I called her mom.
"Hi my devil angel" she giggled. That was also my nick name. I have so many I lost count and she was the only one who could call me princess to.
"Ponyboy! Look at u ur tall and handsome! The girls most be falling all over ya" she smiled.
"Ya probably bc of how much he smells" I laughed. He just hit me in the back of the head. She just rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Hi Dally"
"Hi Grandma" he said hugging her. All the boys called her grandma except Pony and Soda they call her mamaw.
"Here y don't u guys take ur shoes off go ahead turn on the heater or ac and oh Dallas how'd u like the cookies" she asked.
"They were amazing as usual grandma" he smiled.
"Good um princess come help me in the kitchen we can make desserts or if u want I can try to set up the pool or we can play catch or I'll take u to the mall or how about we-"
"Mom stop we don't have to do anything crazy I just like hanging out with you" I smiled.
"Is 20 bucks good?" She asked.
"Mom put ur purse down let's just make some brownies or cookies." I said excited. I just loved seeing my grandma smile. She meant everything. She was at all my school events would take me shopping or if I told her hey let's drive out of state and take a vacation she would totally do it. She can be bossy but she was fun and would do anything for me and I would do anything for her. We made the cookies and goofed around like we always did.
"Oh I have a surprise for you" she said pulling me into her room.
"Mom u didn't have to get me anything" I giggled. I always loved how thoughtful she was too. She then pulled a yellow and white small checkered dress. Oh man I don't like dresses but I can't tell her that I don't want it. Ok I'll just do the right thing. It's the only thing to do.
"I love it mom thank u" I smiled hugging her. Well it could be worse. She told me to try it on and it wasn't to bad. Growing up I didn't mind dresses to much as long as I could run and stuff but I'll wear this for her no problem. My grandma started getting a little teary eye when she saw me.
"Mom what's wrong?"
" U look just like ur mother and so beautiful" she smiled. I then gave her a long hug. I then suddenly didn't mind wearing the dress even tho I didn't have to.
"I love u my Savannah ur my princess" she smiled hugging me.
"I luv u to mom" just then the alarm went off for the cookies. She ran to go get them and once I started walking out of the room my brother and Dally started cracking jokes
"You 2 better shut the hell up grandma made it for me and it's not that bad. Im not gonna be rude! She started crying bc-"
"Of how ugly u looked. It's not the dress that made her cry it was ur face" Dally remarked.
"Dally if u want to keep ur teeth in I suggest you shut up!" I whisper yelled.
"Now she started crying bc it reminded her of mom" they paused for a moment.
"Well I guess you do kinda look like her" they said calmly.
"Just don't say anything in front of her!" I whisper yelled. We served the cookies on the table and joked around for a while. She would always make fun of the boys with me and the boys would tease her as well. U see for the 50s she's really chill. A lot of people don't mess around with there kids they don't even play with them but my grandma would do anything with us even play catch if she wasn't feeling good.
"Wanna play a board game?" Grandma asked hoping we would stay longer.
"Srry mamaw we can't I got to get munchkin home she has school tomorrow" pony said folding there blankets.
"Aww well u and all ur brothers have to come over" my grandma said giving us all a hug.
"Alright mom" I smiled. We all left and started heading home. We got back around 7.
"Hey guys how's mamaw?" Soda asked throwing me over his shoulder then tickling me.
"She good" I said in between laughs.
"Nice dress where u get it" soda complemented.
"From mom" I smiled. Just then Darry walked in.
"Vannah what's up with the dress" he asked going threw the mail.
"What u don't like it?" I asked.
"No it's just u don't normally wear dresses" he said blankly going threw all the mail on the table.
"Well mom made it for me" I smiled hinting him to shut the hell up.
"Darry be nice I read that girl's can be very emotional and touche" Soda said standing next to him. Darry just slowly turned around looked at him confused.
"Soda.. u don't even read" we all nodded confused.
"Anyways I'm gonna get ready for bed night guys" I said good night and went to my room and saw Two bit sleeping opposite way of Steve on my bed. Steve then started making out with Two bits foot in his sleep and u never know where Two bits foot has been his shoes got so bad one time they smelt up the whole house. I got the spay bottle and sprayed them.
"Morning lover boys" I smiled. Steve woke up and yelled in discust.
"Wow Steve I never new u found my foot so attractive hey does Evie know" we laughed buy Darry just seemed annoyed today. He'll prob snap out of it tomorrow
I went to school the next day as usual but since it's coming torwards the end of the year there was gonna be an 8th grade dance.
"Vannah! Savannah Georgia Curtis!" Alice yelled running threw everyone.
"Yes Alison somethin Reynolds!" I yelled back even tho she was in front of me.
"Haha very funny. Anyways there's a dance this Saturday!
"And y r u excited?"
"Bc it means the year is almost over" she smiled.
If we go then we're gonna go to make fun of people too" I smiled.
"But I'm not gonna go" I said starting to walk away.
"What? Look we'll crash it or whatever but come on"
"No way Alison srry but no" that was probably the most important part. I couldn't show up to that dance. Not without Chris. Not without Gordie. Not with out Teddy and not without Vern. We always agreed together that we would go. Chris and I were more of leaders. We both didn't take shit from anyone. Especially Ace and eyeball. But all 4 of us knew that we weren't going anywhere without Chris. Chris is the one who held Us Together Like Glue he always kept us together and whenever the boys had a fight he would make them skin it. It's like almost a forgiveness thing. Everyone thought the worst of Chris and his family. Chris had it rough at home and no one ever cared or listened. He would only tell me and Gordie but he would tell Gordie more cuz he was more of his best friend. But all five of us together felt like we were Unstoppable we were the best of friends. You know how close the gang is with Sodapop dally Steve two bit Johnny Cade Darry and Ponyboy. That's how close we were. But after Chris left it wasn't the same then after Gordie moved everything ended. Never cry in the boys know that so they just thought everything was fine between all of us but what they didn't know was how everyone just left. In my room on one of my night stands I have a picture of all five of us together that Mom took when we all went hiking. My brothers got along with all the younger boys that I hung out with They just didn't like Chris older brother eyeball and his friend Ace. We were all together when I was 12 all I know is that you really do never have friends like when your 12 but hell who does. With my brothers and everyone else we get alnog but we're more of a broken family.
"Hey umm... GREASE!" I then shot around and saw Eyeball.
"Ur a Grease to dumbass" I yelled back and kept walking.
"Alright I probably deserve that"
"Ya and u deserve to be shot too. Where's ur boyfriend" I said as he ran up next to me.
"Yaya ya whatever will u just stop for a minute!" He said grabbing me by the arm. I then ripped my arm away from him. What he gave to me next was the strangest thing
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