Going to the dance
We all hung out for a bit eating more cake ice cream and different desserts. We were already to go super hiped and super excited. I was starting to think that I should just stay here with my grandma and brothers. I didn't want to go that much. I just wanted to stay here and chill. I thought about it and asked mom if I could stay with her. I just wanted to be with her. My favorite thing to do was just to hang out with her. She said she really wanted me to go and have a good time and that we'll have time together next weekend. I told her thank you and that I would have fun. My brothers and Two bit were goin to drop us off at the dance. We took Two bits black junky Plymouth.
"Bye Mom. Thank you so much I luv u" I said giving her a hug goodbye.
"I love you too you look amazing my devil angel. I love you more then everything in the world don't forget that sweet heart! Have fun! I love u!" She smiled as we hugged I then walked out the door, Chris Vern Allison Me Teddy and Gordie all squeezed in the back while Two bit Darry Sodapop and Pony went in the front. Stupid Two bit was really the only one who was allowed to drive his car so idk how Baby got it. Maybe she hot wired it. I don't know. Either way I was sitting in between Vernon Alison it was weird because every time one of them looked away the other was looking at him I mean maybe this is a person Nelson likes I don't know I'll probably ask her later. You finally showed up we are all ready to walk inside and get out of the car of course we can get out without too but stupid car backfiring and scaring people that were in front of the school we all just laughed.
"Hey ill pick you guys up at 9" Darry yelled as we shut the door we were about to walk in till all of Heathers gossip friends got in our way.
"Can we help u" I said calmly looking at them.
"God ur such a hoe! U try to be just like me! Ur jealous of how I look the clothes I wear my boyfriend-" she said walking up In front of me. I then just cut her off.
"Bitch no one wants your boyfriend that's why he's with you and if I wore what u normally would wear I would be working at a hooker bar u little skank so u can go and call people whatever u went Heather but I ain't gonna go put up with your shit" I said walking through them.
"Well of course ur gonna talk to me like that I mean u don't have parents to teach you to respect the riches" she smirked turning around to face me again.
Chris new I was about to loose my shit.
"Gordie hold my jacket hold my mother Fuckin Jacket cause I'm about to knock out Goldie Locks teeth right now!" I said handing him my leather jacket then going at her. Chris then got in front of me and pushed me back.
"Well I'm not suprised that the little grease ball is hanging out with the rest of her little low life friends. I mean she's hanging out with a Chambers kid after all" she smiled.
"Was that supposed to be an insult?" Chris turned around.
"I would call you retarded but that would be insulting to retards. Ur lower then that tramp. But at the same time u must have been born on a high way cause you know what that's where most accidents happen and most accidents are never loved and are dropped a lot as a child but u must have been thrown at a wall" she paused and looked angry.
"You know u guys are bringing this on to your selves. What are you gonna say it's my fault and point fingers at me now?"
"Ya and u know which one" I said annoyed.
"If I throw a stick will u just leave" Alison spoke up.
"Omg it just spoke. The thing speaks!" Heather said in front of all her friends. All her friends started laughing and I could tell Alison wasn't feeling too hot I was about to say something until Vern spoke up.
"You know maybe if u ate some of that cakey make up on your face you could be pretty on the inside. Idk I'm just kinda stating the obvious here" Vern said looking around cooly.
"You know that's cute that you need all your little boyfriend's to defend you Curtis so what? do you just sleep with them all cuz idk that's what I've been telling people and they seem to agree.
"Well that's cute that your spreading rumors about me at least now your spreading something other then your legs" I smiled now starting to walk away. We all high fived each other as we walked in side. She was mad her face was bright red.
"Hey don't think to hard your face is already as red as a bamboos butt!" I yelled walking in. We all ran in howling till we saw a teacher with a desk in the entrance.
"Hi Mrs Curtis I will cross you Vern Alison and Teddy off the list what are your names gentle men she said looking at Chris and Gordie. Crap I forgot there was a list so only kids at our school could go. Teddy and Vern new what to do.
"Omg eww Hannah and Jack are making out!! Eww omg Mrs Williams do something" Vern said pointing to nothing. Mrs Williams quickly got up yelling.
"Hey leave room for Jesus!" She just got up and walked away. We couldn't go past cuz it would be to obvious and to boring. I told Alison and Vern to stay up here and make sure to keep the teacher away till we get back. We ran behind the school as fast as we could and Chris was really fast. There was a stage and behind that stage was a little blocked off squeezed room.
"Stay in here till u see Teddy or Vern on the side of the stage then run out" I said closing the door. They both just nodded. I then started running back with Teddy. We made it right back on time as she turned around. Vern and Alison I could tell we're shy with one another but had small talk. "Alright srry guys just kids these days but go ahead and go in" she said forgetting Everything just seeming fustrated. I was super excited there was a Minnie chocolate fountain that of course when no one was looking Teddy put his mouth under it and started drowning in chocolate. I quickly pulled him out.
"We haven't even been here for 2 minutes and your already gonna get us kicked out!" I laughed. I then looked over to see Vern stuffing hiss face with chocolate strawberries and putting chips down his shirt. I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pulling him backwards.
"Let's go. Now I'm going to distract Mrs. Gree and you go distract Mr gorge" I told Vern. Which meant Teddy was gonna go get Gordie and Chris. We all split up and put our plan to work. Once we saw the boys get in we left the teachers politely and met up. We all hung out and rocked out to Elvis Dion and the Belmont's Jerry Lee Lewis The 4 seasons and all the fun music. When the song the Which Doctor came on and me and Chris just goofed off cause that was one of our favorite songs to listen to growing up. We all sang and danced that night. Heather torwards they end just sat with her boyfriend looking miserable which I was very happy about but then she started having fun and once she saw that for one sec I glanced over at her while I was looking through a crowd she started making out with her boyfriend but I didn't care. She finally came over to me again.
"Why you always sniffing where I'm at you think I got some Scooby snacks for you or something" I asked annoyed as she stared at me.
"You know they got a mini fridge over there I'm thinking you might be able to reach the top shelf" she smirked.
" Look. what you want Heather and make it quick I still smell your train smoke breath" I said covering my nose.
"How do u even know what that smells like u live at the train tracks?" She said crossing her arms.
"Aw man u haven't been on a train? Well I cant say I'm suprised cause I'm sure when you or someone needs to get somewhere they'll get on you and ride you bareback oh and if u do good maybe they'll give u a carrot" I said walking away. I sat down for a little bit cause it got so hot. We started getting drinks eating and having fun Chris then pulled me aside.
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