Getting Chris
We snuck in to Teddy's house first getting some stuff like the baseball bat he snuck from my house, of course Gordie only had a shovel and Teddy had a metal looking cane that really does hurt and Vern didn't want to come because it was during dinner time but honestly Vern couldn't of done much. We all started walking the streets as the sun was going down. We went torwards the woods so no one would really see us but we had an idea where we were going and that was to the Cobras hide out spot.
"Are we even close?" Gordie asked with his shovel dragging almost.
"I get you miss your boyfriend but shut up! We get there when we get there" I looked back at him he's litterally asked that a million times.
"If he was anyone's boyfriend he would be yours" Teddy smugly smiled.
"Why because I'm the only girl who will tolerate you guys?"
"No because you like him"
"I do not like him!" I said annoyed.
"Yes you do you guys danced at the dance together"
"Ya Teddy that's what you do at a dance. And it wasn't anything special it was a friend dance" I shrugged.
"Oh right sure. He would do almost anything to make you smile" Gordie looked at me.
"Ya for you to man he looks out for you just how Denny used to" I said blankly.
"Well now we can go to high school all together and maybe something will happen" Teddy gleemed.
"Ya about that me and Darry got in a huge fight and he decided to send me the this Christian private school" I said getting angry.
" What?! He can't just do that to you that's not fair! I got my parents to finally let me go to the same high school as you guys and now your not going!" Gordie exclaimed.
"I know but he's making me go next year and there really is nothing we could do about it" I said upset. We all went silent till we heard deep laughs. We looked at each other and ran torwards it. (Ik great idea right?!) We peaked from the bushes seeing a big fire they gathered around and drank around. I saw a lot of cars and there was a light blue and white pick up truck. I barely saw anyone there but I saw Ace, Billy, Vern's older brother, and Eyeball keep looking back at it. I didn't see anything back there though but I guess Teddy did.
"I see him I found him! He's sitting in the back of the pic up truck!" Teddy whisper yelled. It was honestly probably because it was dark, my eyes weren't fully cured and probably because I wasn't wearing my glasses.
"Hey I see him I see him he's tied in the back of the truck I think both hands and feet I cant totally tell though"
Teddy whisper yelled impatiently wanting to get Chris back.
"Well there's about 8 of them and three of us so let's just try to sneak in. let's keep walking down the trail a little farther and then we'll go under the cars and Teddy you walk the opposite way down there so if they start coming over I need you to be ready for distraction for them to be ready to chase you meanwhile me and Gordy will get Chris. Try to distract them casual throw a few insults in then have them chase you got it?" They both nodded and they never took it as Bossing Around they knew me and Chris were more of leaders than they could ever really decide. Teddy gave me his army switch blade and I made sore Gordie left his shovel I took the wooden bat tho just in case. Me and Gordie started walking behind the trees and down a few feet so we could try to go around where they couldn't see us. We both crawled under the cars and went under the truck. It was more of an open field with just a straight empty Road that probably went to the middle of nowhere. We rolled out from under the car and made sure no one saw. I saw that Chris had a few bruises on side of his face. "Chris" I whispered softly.
"Hey get out of here what are you doin the goons are gonna get ya" he said trying to turn towards us.
" Just relax man we got it all right!" Gordie reassured him as I pulled the blade out of my pocket trying to cut the rope.
" You guys shouldnt be here get out of here while you still can alright I'll be fine"
"We're not leaving you Chris" I said as the rope went undone.
"No you don't get it! Your falling right into their trap they looking for you Savannah they took me and hurt me just to get to you because they knew you guys would be coming trying to find me he just wants to get back at everyone who's ever stood up to him and that's been you and the rest of the guys they already got their revenge on me. you got to go they'll let me go next Wednesday!" He whispered aggressively. Great just great well I'm not leaving him and it'll be fine we just got to get out of here. I untied his feet.
"By next Wednesday you'll be dead" I scolded.
"Hey you low life goons what you doin way out here?" I heard Teddy say walking out probably meaning they were about to see us. There were a few of them that chased Teddy but I could tell not all of them left. Chris jumped out from the back of the truck but fell. He held the back of his leg right behind the knee.
"Hey what's wrong" I asked as I heard a small wince of pain come out.
"It's fine they just got me in the back of my leg with a cane or stick I don't remember" he said standing up on his other leg as me and Gordie helped him up. We started walking back till the we heard the deep wolf voice.
"Aww well look who made the party! Leaving so soon?" He said having a wolfish grin on his face.
"Look Ace you got what you wanted alright. You took away our Tree house you almost got me killed and you beat the hell out of Chris what more do you want?" I asked didcusted.
" We want you princess! Everyone thinks your the slutest girl in town but also the wannabe tough girl. But deep down we all know your a low life scum bag that has a broken family and is broken herself. I mean everyone around you, you hurt"
I heard Chris whisper several times.
"Don't believe him it's not true"
"What do you want to do with any of us? You want me fine you can take me for 3 days but in return you won't ever mess with me the guys or my brothers and there friends deal?!" I said angry. He had a wolfish smile signaling that he won.
"Nooo Curtis what are you doing are you stupid-" I heard Chris yell.
"Shut up Chambers" Ace growelled
"If anyone ever tried to get you out of our deal, the deal is off" he growled in my ear. I showed no fear to him. Anything he told me to do I'm just gonna try to rebel with it if I can.
"That's it Ace alright that's enough! Eyeball come on do something man!" Chris yelled to his older brother.
"Eyeball! help! save my girlfriend!" Ace mocked.
" I don't trust you to go home cuz then I probably won't see you and your brothers might try to come and get you so how about tonight you stay here and will take you to school tomorrow deal?
I stared at him for a few seconds as he held out his hand.
"Deal" I said shaking his hand.
I don't know what Im gonna do but all I know is that I'm gonna be in the hospital again.
"Gordie take Chris home let the rest know I'll be fine and I have to stay" I said knowing I was going to miss them. Chris looked angry but he knew he couldn't do anything especially with a hurt leg. They cleared at me then slowly turned around and walked away
"Alright girly let's go". He motioned torwards the fire. The rest of everybody else came back when they heard Ace wistle.
They all stared at me looking like they were ready to kill me.
"All right now little lady Curtis is staying with us for the next three days so she disrespects you, you could slap her punch her whatever you think she deserves" They all had the snarky grin growing on their face. Shit.
Sodapop POV
After munchkin left, me and Steve got a ride home from two bit since he stopped by at the last minute to get gas. We were all just talking until I got home I just went silent. I walked right on over to Darry in the kitchen and sat down on the counter.
"So what did you talk about with Vanna?"
"Nothing I just told her how she's going to a different high school instead of the rest of the guys. I decided to sign her up to go to a private school or somethin like that."
I stared at him shocked in silence.
"Darry how can you do that to her after everything she's gone through you can't just throw her in a ring like that. she's been waiting to go to school with her brother and the rest of her buddies I mean Chris is back now and I heard Gordy is also going to this High School. She needs her friends and you're just taking all that away from her. She wanted to go to school with two bit Pony boy and Johnny and the rest of guys who she grew up with. that are her best friends not just ours" I spoke to him calmly.
"She has to learn that she cant always get her way. Soda you need to understand that she's 14 now. she needs to grow up. She doesn't even do chores around here and neither does pony that's not fair to you or me"
"Darry there's not many chores to do what just clean up after yourself keep your room clean. We all help each other out she even helps out doing the dishes so I don't know what you're talking about. But this! you're going way too far you're going to get her to really hate you." I said disappointed.
"She already does sodapop it doesn't matter. At this point I just try to do what's best for her I got enough things to do on my plate."
"Darry this isn't even about you this is about baby isn't it. You can't just keep taking out all your anger on Ponyboy and Savannah it's gone way too far you've been way too hard on her. She doesn't always get her way either. If She already got her way she would be on this softball All-Star team or maybe Chris never been took away from her or grandma or Mom and Dad. She gets hurt to you just don't get it."
"If you think you know what best for her then you could take her that's fine it's up to you!" He said getting angry
"Darry just stop already, right now! you need to go talk to baby cuz you're just pushing everybody else away."
I knew that one thing about him and munchkin that they both had in common is that they push people away when they know they need them the most. I just stood there staring off into space. I left the room and took two bits keys off the table I made sure he didn't notice that I was taking his car. I started driving into town to the movies when I saw Teddy Gordy and Chris together passing by.
"Hey guys where's munchkin" I asked cheerfully as always. They all looked upset but we're quiet.
"What's going on everything okay?"
They just shook their heads no.
"She's not going to be here for the next three days" Teddy finally spoke up.
"What do you mean"
She has to stay with Ace for 3 days because they made a deal and if you guys try and go see her the deal's off
What's the deal then
If she stays there for 3 days they could hitter puncher whatever they want but if she stays those 3 days without anybody trying to get her then they'll leave us alone" Chris spoke up. I didn't know what to do how was I supposed to explain to the guys that we have to leave her. At this point I need to get her back I don't care if that turns into another fight or if it turns into drag race.
"Alright everybody get in"
I drove them back to their house. Gordie let Chris stay at his place. I raced back home to tell Darry what was going on.
"Darry there's a problem so. I let Savannah go to the movies with the boys and I don't know I guess Ace and the Cobras we're messing with them or something or they went to go get Chris back, I don't know but somehow it turned into there had to be a deal and it was that if Savannah stays with them they could beat her for the next 3 days and everything and if she sticks to the deal Ace and the rest of the cobras would stop picking on them but I don't know what if they kill her!" I said concerned throwing myself on the couch. Dally and Steve walked out of the kitchen together.
"What!" They asked at once with cake in the mouth.
"That's her fault she's going to have to learn her lesson" Darry said getting up from his chair.
"What are you talking about this isn't you Darry. I get it you're mad at her and you're trying to make a point but this is gone too far. There Almost gonna kill her do you not realize that!"
"Soda you don't get it this time she needs to know that we're not always going to be around to bail her out. This isn't me being mad at her. if this was her first time and she was in really bad danger and not able to defend herself then yeah I'd say let's go but she's fine she could take care of herself. We had to stop bailing dally out to try to teach him and he still hasn't learned and this needs to be an experience for both of them that we can't always bail them out!" He scolded.
I never get mad at my brother's but honestly this made me mad he didn't even want to help her. Darry's just never like this I don't get why he's like this right now. He's not even this bad with Ponyboy I don't get what's so different about this time. I don't know do you think Darry has a point are you at least being fair?!
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