I open my eyes to see Darry and soda getting up and walking out the room with some guy. I was so dazed I didn't even want to keep my eyes open. I closed them for a little bit but then noticed that I was sleeping on Pony shoulder but he didn't move. He just held his book in his other hand. I slowly Rose my head up.
"Where are they going" I questioned
"There talking to the doctors they'll be right back don't worry how you feeling?" He asked putting his book down.
"Okay I guess but my head is pounding but at this point I don't care have you heard anything about Mom?"
"Well I think that's what Darry and Soda went out to ask"
I just nodded and started closing my eyes.
About five minutes after they walked back in and I lifted my head up they just look blank I couldn't read off anything soda or darry. They just walked in and sat down.
"So what he say?" I asked kind of nervous and anxious
They pause there was a silent moment and I couldn't stand it
"Soda what did they say?" I asked feeling warm tears coming back
"Vannah we don't know if she's going to make it out of surgery something went wrong so far they're trying to fix it" Darry said not even making eye contact
I was so angry I didn't know what to do normally when I'm angry and I can't scream or hit I just cry I don't want to in front of them but I couldn't help it I started sobbing I punched the wall few times and it hurt as hell but I didn't Care. I then just sat down with my head in my hands. I was scared of what was going to happen cause I didn't know. I could see Pony trying not to cry but his eyes were getting bright red. Darry you can see the gloss barely over his eyes but he kept it together. Soda didn't fully cry but he did not not cry. I wish I did more with her. After everything we have been threw why did she have to go now. When I'm gonna need her most. I hate getting close to people cuz i knew that eventually it would happen sooner or later. I remember us always talking about my future. She told me I could be anything I wanted to be and she would support me no matter what. All I knew was I wanted to save up a lot of money and buy her a big house with a big kitchen so me and her could cook and a ranch so all of us could go horse back riding together and see Dallas get thrown off. I just wish I could have been there for her. I never should have gone to that stupid dance! We stayed there for about another hour till they brang my grandma in. The doctor pulled us all outside the room.
"I'm sorry there was nothing we could do she had a heart attack and surgery was not gonna end well so we thaught it would be best if we pulled her out and let you guys say your goodbyes" in that moment my heart completely sank. I didn't know what to do with my self I felt like I've been shot in the heart.
"I'm very sorry" Doc said walking away. I walked into the room looking at my grandma slowly breathing.
"I'm gonna go call every one at the house" Darry said walking back outside.
"Pony Sodapop can you go find Gordie and the rest?" I asked looking at my grandma. They walked out and I guess to go find them.
Once they left I sat next to her bed.
"Hi Mom" I said holding her hand.
"You know I luv u right" I started crying.
"Why do you have to go. U weren't supposed to go! Not now not like this. I don't want you to go" I cried now standing up.
"I don't want you to go I'm not ready! Please don't go don't leave me" I said hugging her. I hugged her hoping she heard me. I then stood up again still crying.
"It's not fair! Why does everything I care or love have to go! U were supposed to be there for me for my graduation my softball games in high school My wedding seeing Gordie win a Nobel prize and just being with me and the gang mom. Please don't go just please don't go" I began to sob. I sat there for about 10 minutes waiting for everyone to show up. I knew that this was probably gonna be the only time I could talk to my grandma alone.
"I love you mom more than anything in the world. Thank you for always being here for me when I need you and thank you for always making fun of the guys with me" I smiled with tears rolling down my cheeks.
" I'm really gonna miss you" I sobbed as I hugged her one last time. Just then I felt her arm in brace me weekly.
"I love you too Savannah" she said and kissed the top of my head.
"U know u'll always be my good girl" she whispered in my ear. I stood up as she smiled at me just then the boys came in. Gordie Chris Vern and Teddy came in with single flowers that they must have plucked from someone garden. Two bit was real sweet and brang flowers. Dally went up and gave her a hug
"U know I know I'm never nice but thank you for all that u've done for us" he said in a strong new York accent.
"Of course I have my secret cookies recipe under the sink have miss Savannah cook you some" she smiled.
"Hi Mamaw" Soda said with tears coming down.
"I love you thank you for always being there for us" he said whipping his tears away.
"Hi granny" Two bit came over giving her the flowers that had a picture of me him Johnny Ponyboy and her.
"Oh my Two bit. U may be a greasy side burn sun of a bitch but your one of the sweetest boys I know" she smiled brightly.
Steve walked over akwardly but went up to her. He felt wierd having everyone kinda watching.
"Hi Stevie" she smiled. She was the only one who ever calles him that.
"Hi mamaw. You were always one of the best cooks who took care of all of us. Thank you for that" he said shyly but you could really hear the sadness in his voice.
"You know grandma I never really had anyone to take care of me or to take me in as there own but... You and Mrs Curtis were the best 2 mom's that anyone could have asked for. So thank you for everything you do done for all of us" he smiled. She pulled him into a hug and looked deep into his eyes with so much love and care. Everyone said there goodbyes but those were the most meaningful. She told us stories for a little and eventually Everyone saw she was getting more and more tired and it was getting harder to keep fighting. They eventually left as of course I was the last one to leave. I sat and layed with her in bed.
"Please don't go mom" I cried.
"I'm not going anywhere....I'm not going anywhere" she said but the end just faded out. Just then one the machine lines went straight and had a long beeping sound. "She's gone." I cried almost yelling.
"No no no mom please come back!... Y did u leave me!" I sobbed Gordie ran in first to grab me and pull me back. I just sobbed and sobbed. Gordie held me until I calmed down. That's when Vern ran to get everyone. Of course I was one of the only ones crying. I hated everything. I hated myself I hated the dance I hated my life! EVERYTHING!
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