Everyone was in complete silence almost holding there breath.
"Uhhhh..... No I don't think I ever have" he shrugged. He was so mellow like he was guilty and to be honest it was quite strange. We kept the game going round and round but we all had fun eventually It got late and of course we were all tired. I couldn't really fall asleep to be honest but nor could baby. I was facing towards the boys bed where the window was looking at the stars. I saw the boys knocked out completely. I turned over holding a pillow close to my chest like a teddy bear and saw baby sleeping but she then opened her eyes and whispered
"can't sleep?" I shook my head no.
"Me either. Whatch ya thinking about?"
"I don't know life I guess" I whispered. She smiled at me with her eyes shimmering.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked. I nodded.
"Do you have feelings for Chris? At all?"
"To be honest I've never really thought about it"
"That's because you've never had time to" she looked at me with an eyebrow raised.
"I guess. I don't think I do. How do u know if you like someone?" I asked ya I've had a crush on guys but a crush never lasted more then 3 days then never thought about guys again.
"Well what do you think when he smiles at you?" She asked.
"I don't know it's fun seeing him smile and I like hearing him laugh even if it's at some stupid dirty jokes" I smiled.
"Ok well what about his looks?"
"I don't know his hair is super short but why does that matter I only would want to like him if he had a good personality" I thought.
"Well you have known him almost your whole life so what do you think of him? Does he make you smile does he ever make you mad does he listen to you and understand you or does he just not care if you are hurt?" She asked.
"Well he does say the stupidest stuff and it makes me laugh but at the same time so does Two bit and he's always been there for me ya he has his stupid guy almost square moments where he acts like a jack ass but he doesn't really have that to much with me. he's like Sodapop and tries to understand me I don't know when I'm around him I can just be myself and he still gets along with me" I smiled barely noticing.
"Ok I don't know how to explain this to you but you may actually like him and well-"
"Oh no you think I could actually like him, no way naw ah not old Savannah. Your Crazy even if HYPOTHETICALLY I liked him he doesn't like me. What would even happen if we were dating or if we broke up"
"Well I think that you guys would know you tried and that your always gonna be best friends" she looked at me. I answered with an I guess but we then said our good night's and fell asleep slowly.
The next morning I woke up around 10. I was pretty annoyed because I really don't like sleeping in late but whatever. Baby was already up brushing her teeth and doing her hair. I got up slowly rubbing my eyes trying to see better.
"Morning Baby" I yawned.
"Morning" she smiled putting perfume on. She then sprayed some on me randomly and I just stood there looking confused but then went on. I grabbed my clothes and changed not caring that the boys were in the room but they were sleeping. Right as I put my high waisted shorts on Gordie woke up. He got up and got ready as I brushed out my hair then Chris finally woke up. We all were just slowly talking but just as I finished brushing my long hair Gordie asked me something.
"Why do you keep your hair long?"
"Idk? why not? I like it long and that's all that matters I guess"
"Ya but girls aren't supposed to have long hair" he said meaning no harm. He just gets curious.
"I Know but it's like you can't always obey the rules sometimes you just have to do what you want" I shrugged getting it in a regular level ponytail.
"Ya and she's Savannah and really does what she wants so.." Chris smiled. Just then everyone came into our room loud as all hell.
"Hey come on we're going to breakfast!" Darry yelled. We all ran out ready to go. I'm pretty sure we took over the buffet and are more then half of what they had. We all went back to the room and decided that it would be fun to play beach volleyball.
Savannah, Baby, Dally, Chris, Two Bit, Ponyboy
Johnny, Darry, Steve, Sodapop, Teddy, Gordie
Vern just sat on the sidelines eating his rainbow sherbet ice Cream. Baby was wearing a pink bikini top that was brand new (1950-60s version) and I was wearing my blue bikini. We had a lot of fun. Dall always would frickin spike but we would have a set up normally I would dive for the ball Chris or Gordie would set it and Me Dallas or Two but would spike. Ponyboy would normally just pass. The other team had there own method but since Darry was so tall he would barely tip it over the net or would spike and we never new. Steve was always the type to run and hit his face on the net. Later on the guys all thought it would be fun to go to the dance classes and pick up some babes. Darry and Baby didn't want to go but everyone got them to. Me and the boys said that we would hang out in the room but instead we ran to our rooms and got towels and went to find a pool. We knew the dance classes were gonna be about 2 hours so we took our team but couldn't find a pool Everytime we asked someone they would send us in the wrong direction.we looked for about 20 minutes but have up and came across a lake in the forest.
"It did not look this dirty last time I came" I was so dirty a gator could live in there. I don't mind getting dirty but this water just looked concerning.
" Well don't be a sissy!" Teddy said pushing me in.
"Teddy you swine!" I yelled. They all took there shirts off and just walked in.
"Guys I remember there being a doc and it being a lot deeper" I said concerned looking around.
"Who cares! We're having fun!" Gordie smiled
We all started splashing around and goofing off. They all started tackling Vern as he tried getting out.they all dog piled on him as I started walking out but then I noticed something on his neck.
"Um guys what the hell is on Vern's Neck" I asked concerned hoping it was just a leaf.
"Very funny guys" Vern said sarcastic.
"No Vern there really is something on your neck" Chris said staring at it.
"LEACHES!" The boys screamed. I jumped out of the water as the guys scrambled to there feet. We started yelling at each other to take them off. I had some on my legs back and side. I turned around to see poor Gordie pulling one out of his swim shorts. Then all I see is him fall back and faint.
"Oh shit!" Chris yelled.
We all ran to him and stared at him not knowing what to do.
"Man I've never met anyone who has fainted" Vern said shocked.
"Well maybe he made the mistake of looking at your face" Teddy said rudely.
"Shut up guys" I said pushing them. Chris started calling out his name until he finally opened his eyes. We got him to sit up and he still looked pale.
"Man they should really put a sign" I chuckled.
"Oh they did I saw the sign but didn't read it but it says here beware of leaches and water spiders do not enter" Vern said reading the sign. We all started yelling at him. We started walking back as Gordie still looked like he was scared for life. We got back to the rooms and since we were all super muddy we separated into rooms and took showers and got dressed. We went back out to look for everyone and saw them just about to sit down together but then I saw something that I really missed. Darry having his arm around baby while she laughs and smiles.
Hi guys so srry it's been taking so long it's been crazy but definitely plz vote and plz leave a comment on what you think it would mean a Lot ik the book hasn't been all that but I hope you guys are enjoying it!
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