Every one was dancing and having an awesome time. Chris and I just watched Everyone slow dance. Even the teachers. I couldn't stop thinking about what Heather said. On how I don't have parents to teach me right from wrong. I mean I don't mean to cause trouble or anything it's just shes a jerk. Idk maybe it's my fault but I'm not apologizing I don't apologize to any one I don't like. But I don't think I do wrong. I mean I don't go to church or anything like that but I think I know right from wrong. I'm not like Dally or Steve always causing fights and getting into other trouble. Just then I snapped out of my thought.
"Hey your lookin lonely what's wrong?" Chris asked lookin over at me.
"Nothin Nothin" I replied lying.
"No somethings bothering you. don't try to lie I can tell from a mile away" he turned to me.
"I'm just thinking about what Heather was saying about me" I said looking from my shoes up to his eyes.
"Hey don't let that bug you man. Your better then her and you know that. If you let that stupid blonde get into your head or if you just start thinking about what she says about you your just gonna start letting her run your life." He told me not wanting me to get worried about her.
"Come on let's dance ya?" He smiled gesture torwards the dance floor.
"I don't know what if people talk about us?"
"So let them talk show them how boss you are" he smiled grabbing my hand taking me. They were playing the song 'one summer night' (look it up it's a really good song from the 50's)
We slow danced just smiling at each other.
"Hey Curtis girl?"
"Yes Chambers boy" I mocked.
"Did you really miss me while I was gone?" He asked with true curiosity but you could see a little worry in his eyes.
"Of course I did are you crazy. I was so upset that I didn't talk for a week. I didn't know if Ace killed you or where you went. My mom was even worried, wondering if your dad was keeping you locked up in your room or starving you. Me and my mom even went to the hospital wondering if you got hurt or something but they said you weren't there. That's when the next week Ace and your brother told me that you were sent to military school. My mom didn't tell my brothers though so they wouldn't bug me about it."
He smiled that I missed him
"Well at least someone didn't forget about me"
"Of course not me and the guys would never forget about you" I smiled.
"Your my best friend Savannah Georgia Curtis" He chuckled.
"Your mine too Chris somethin Chambers" I really cared about Chris if something really bad happened to him I would loose it.
"So how's life" I asked. I always asked that randomly I don't know why.
"Fun I guess what about you?" he smiled.
"It's ok I mean I'm stuck with having you as a best friend" I said sounding disappointed but was totally sarcastic.
"Oh ya what a shame I mean I know a lot of other girls who would love to be best friends with me" he smirked.
"Ya right Chambers I'm the best you got" I laughed.
"Ya right" he rolled his eyes laughing.
"Shut up" I giggled.
"I don't shut up I grow up and when I look at you I throw up" we said at once. The song ended as we pulled away. I went to get a drink till Mrs Williams stopped me.
"Uh Mrs Curtis why were you dancing with Chris CHAMBERS" She said making Chambers a big deal.
"We were just having fun were nothing serious" I said in disguise of how she was trying to talk about Chris.
"Oh well good I really don't think you should really be hanging out with him I mean you have so much potential and you just have to reach it and if you keep hanging around people like Chambers and that Teddy and Vern kid you're going to end up like them. A nobody. I don't want that for you I mean you know the chambers and how they really are." She laughed sarcastically.
"Excuse me but you have no right on how to talk or speak about how my friends are or who Im friends with I don't care if you are the teacher I must have respect for you but you need to have respect for me and stop overstepping your boundaries you can do that with your other kids but it's not going to be with me so don't tell me what and what I can't do and never talk about my friends Chris Teddy Gordie or Vern ever again like that" I said sharply.
"Well if I knew you were going to act like them then I should have thrown all you street rats out I just noticed who it wss didn't want you to end up like him!" She said getting annoyed.
"Like what Miss Williams everybody's different some siblings just don't Shadow their siblings. you thought I was going to be like my brothers Darry and Ponyboy didn't you? Well what do you know I guess I'm Different aren't I. Well Maybe Chris is different from his family too." I said walking away.
"Keep Hangout with people like that And you're going to get expelled" she said trying to speak under her breath but didn't do so very well.
"Well bite me" i said in the same tone as her I could hear her turning around and I could feel her eyes burning up on me but I just walked away smiling ever so happy. The dance ended Gordie and Teddy gave the girls there number. All 6 of us walked out laughing and joking around.
"Heyyyy" Darry yelled trying to sound 'hip'.
"Don't ever do that again" I said giving him a concerned look. He just shrugged.
"Hey y'all keep it pg?" Pony asked.
"Darry tell pony to just shut his big horse mouth already!" I yelled from the back of the truck.
"Well I would like to know to" Soda yelled.
"No guys no body kept it Pg Everyone was in there having sex and making out!" I said sarcastically as possible as the boys laughed. Darry and Soda just rolled there eyes.
"Well did you at least use protection?" Pony asked seriously. God my brother is an idiot.
"Pony just sit down" I said sitting down in the truck. We dropped off Alison, and Vern walked her to the door but before she went inside they shared a little good night kiss. We all howelled at him.
"She said yes!" He yelled as she laughed and ran inside.
"Ey way to go Verno!!!" Darry cheered him on we all had a blast. We then dropped off Vern and told Darry that Chris was sleeping at Teddy's so we dropped off Teddy and after we left, Chris probably started walking to the treehouse. I went home that night and took off all that stupid make up and got into some comfy PJ's. As I walked out the guys howelled and cheered for me.
"What you guys have to much coffee?" I giggled.
"So what anything special happen to you girly?" Steve asked.
"Call me girly again and somethin bad will happen to you" I threatened. He just put his hands up in defense. The rest of the time I just stayed up with Dally and Two bit that night watching a movie in the living room. I was ready to get up and go to bed till a phone call came.
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