Chris Dad/Shes Leaving you
Chris POV
I woke up around 8 and started walking home. I didn't want Savannah to worry about me going to my house with my brother and dad there so I left while her and everyone else was asleep. I opened the door softly with the door barely making a sound. There were broken beer bottles everywhere along with regular ones around my dad's arm rest chair. I started walking to my room till my brother grabbed me and slammed me against the wall.
"Found you you little shit!" I tried getting him off me but he grabbed me by my shirt and threw me torwards my dad.
"Hey Dad you remember that tramp Savannah Curtis?!" Eyeball yelled.
"She's not a tramp! Leave her out of this!"
"Ya well he's goin steady with her dad! Chrissy got a girl!" Eyeball remarked. Eyeball then just sat on the couch and waited for my dad to start yelling at me. He started off laughing and talking to himself but then broke the beer bottle by throwing it on the floor.
"Are you fucking kidding me Chris! You really want to date that that that tramp! You mean the one who has all these guy friends with her? smartin up! What you think she dosent do THINGS for them!"
"She was better then mom! she's better then most these girls in this town! Who she hangs out with has nothing to do with her!" I yelled.
"She's gonna leave you watch you'll see" he said getting close in my face.
"Stay out of it" I said standing my ground angry.
"Let's play a little game then" he said.
"The doors shut and she hates you what are you gonna do?" He smirked.
"He goes in through the window dad" eyeball gleemed which wasn't a lie I go in through the window all the time.
"Fine the windows shut!" He said shoving me into the wall as hard as he could.
"I'll open" I said getting him a way from me.
"I'm afraid it's locked" he said grabbing me by the throat.
"I'll call out her name!"
I said as I tried pushing his hand with now a broken piece of a beer glass away from me.
"She can't hear you" he said getting the glass to go into my chest.
"No" I said trying to get him to stop but also telling him that I was not gonna loose Savannah.
"She can't see you because she's forgotten all about you!"
"Please stop!" I said being horrified of loosing her along with the pain. He finally cut me slapped me and threw me to the ground.
"You know why she won't hear you Chris because she would already have a well off husband, she never wanted you she's just using you, if she's so great why would she even look in your direction" he said throwing the piece of glass next to my face. I got up once he turned around packed a bag climbed out my window and ran back to the Curtis house. Everyone was awake but I avoided eye contact.
"Darry can I take a shower?" I asked.
"Ya go for it" he shrugged. I walked into the bathroom but Vanna saw my bright red face and my cut chest and I immediately locked the door. I took a shower and just got ready.
Savannah POV
I woke up and didn't see Chris which worried me because I knew he left to his dad's. I told myself not to worry because I knew he'd be ok. The only thing that worried me was that I think I saw eyeball watching us sit together and hold hands on the porch but I wasn't shore if it was him. I put on some of my grandma's jewelry and the dress that she gave me on. I know your supposed to wear black to a funeral but I know my grandma wouldn't of wanted me to be sad and wear dark clothes. She just would've wanted a sunny morning breakfast and for everyone to smile and talk about the good times we had. I walked out of my room hearing Chris talk to Darry. I then went out to go see him and of course he has a slap mark on his face and a cut on his chest. we made eye contact but then he quickly looked away and left into the bathroom. I know for him he wants to protect me but sometimes I just want to protect him. I quickly walked into the kitchen and got some chocolate cereal.
"Hey kid where's your boyfriend?" Dall asked. My heart completely dropped thinking oh my God he knows! But as I was about to yell how did you find out I shut my mouth and remembered they liked messing with me.
"He's not my boyfriend and he's taking a shower" I said trying to sound casual.
"Mhhmmm" was all he said till he walked out.
"Morning Ponyboy"
"Morning. Hey that private school has a summer reading list you might want to hide this letter from Darry" he said handing the envelope to me. I grabbed it turned the stove on and burned it and then dropped it in the sink and let it burn. Ponyboy just watched me as he ate an apple.
"Man.... All that just so you don't have to read.... Impressive"
"Ya well thanks, you guys need to start getting ready though"
"It's still early"
"Ya but 8 boys sharing one bathroom and you all take forever that's gonna be awhile so just start getting ready" I said walking out.
I went to my room and sat at my vanity brushing my hair out. I then heard a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said lightly not turning around. I heard the door open and someone put there arms around me and kiss me on the cheek. Chris.
"Hey Vannah" he said. I put my brush down and turned around.
The door was just a cracks open and I wasn't allowed to have my door closed when one of the boys or guys are in here.
"Chris what the hell happened?" I asked.
"Just a little bit but nothing bad"
"Nothing bad Chris?!" I whisper yelled.
"Chris your chest is cut"
"I know but I'll be ok. Look I'm fine see?" He said he looked at me and pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.
"Don't worry about it ok.... You look beautiful" I smirked at his remark.
"I know" I smiled walking away.
"Hey what about me" he smiled following me out the room. I laughed as he followed me like a puppy
"Dashing" I smiled. We all got ready and jumped in the truck. We drove out there and everyone was silent. We walked in to see so many people there. They all glanced over at us sympathetically because they new who we were and definitely new who I was. We walked in and not even Two bit ate anything. We found our seats and as we all sat together. Chris sat next to me and Baby sat on the other side of me. The preacher guy started talking about my grandma. I felt my tears slowly coming. I hated that gut feeling where you can't catch your breath and you feel like someone squeezing your chest so hard that you feel like you're slowly dying. Many people were crying others went up and had something to say about her. Just then I heard my name being called.
"Maria wanted her granddaughter to say something so Savannah Curtis will you please come up here?" He asked. I nodded and walked up slowly.
" Grandma she was the most kindest woman you would ever meet. She was always so welcoming to everyone and was just so much fun to be around...." I said welling up.
" You see many people might wonder why I'm wearing this yellow dress to a funeral well this was the last thing my grandma gave me... To be honest I never had a lot of time with my grandma I probably had 3 years with her and that's it. 3 years was all I had.... But for those 3 years I'm eternally grateful. Anytime I was upset she would tell me ' think of all the good things you have seen someone do and just write a list. It may get tedious after a while but there is much worse things to worry about.' ...My grandma was my best friend and I hope that she's ok now" I said with tears rolling down my eyes. I walked off stage and everyone stood up and started walking back to another room where all the food was. Baby came up and hugged me. We started walking back and just met different people that new her. Everyone was busy so I went behind the big closed doors to the funeral spot and looked down at my grandma. People say that when someone is dead they look like there sleeping but she just looked.... Dead.
"Hey Mom... Thank you for the dress it's lovely. You know I had fun at the dance with Chris. I know how much you loved to go dances when you were Younger so it reminded me of how we used to have fun dancing at home. Hey so you know you were right.... Again. Me and Chris started dating. He's really sweet to me mom. You know he loved you a lot. He always talks about you and all our good times we've had." I smiled.
I reached into my dress pocket grabbing a silver locket I had growing up that had me and my mom's picture and a another picture of me and her. Just then Darry walked in and told me we had to go.
"I'll be out in a minute" I said softly.
"No we got to go come on" he told me. I tried putting the locket in her hand but Darry pulled me away and I dropped it on the floor.
"No stop Darry put me down the lock-"
"No come on I'm tired." He said. Chris Sodapop and Ponyboy came and Sodapop or told Darry to put me down and he'll take me. Darry pushed past them but I didn't want to go yet. I kept squirming and kept trying to pull away but Darry finally scolded me "She's GONE Savannah! Let it go! She's Gone!"but Sodapop pulled me away from Darry but Darry just walked away to the truck. Sodapop hugged me as I cried.
"I know I know.. you got a little bit of time but please hurry ok" I nodded and ran back to get the locket as Soda left the room with the rest of the guys. I grabbed the locket quickly and looked at it and opened it.
"Your not wearing any jewelery! You always wear jewelry!" I sniffled. "Here you need your jewelry. I made sure to give you the silver one because silver has always been your favorite" I smiled crying but immediately frowned again.
"Please don't forget me mom... Please" I said. I knew she was dead but for some reason I told her that even though I hoped that I wouldn't forget her. I whipped my tears away told her I loved her for the last time and walked out that door knowing that I wouldn't ever get to see her again. Not hearing her say I'm her good girl not hearing her laughter anymore or hearing her say my nickname. I knew it was the last time for all good things. As Ponyboy always told me though. Nothing gold can stay.
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