We finally got there with Chris driving like a slug the other half of the way. We started pulling out some of our suitcases till we saw a black Cadillac pull up next to us. The girl with curly hair came around the car and looked over at us.
"Hey kid" she smiled at me
"Hey Baby" I replied happy to see her.
" Hey Chris you made it" She said walking over to him giving him a hug.
"Wait hang on how did you know we were here?" Dall asked pointing a finger.
"I invited her" I turned around glancing at him.
"I thought you said it was just gonna be you ponyboy and Johnny?" She asked confused. Chris knew what was up.
"Well uh turns out everybody is coming they actually should be here almos-" just as I was finishing my sentence two bit honked his horn pulling up on the other side of us. All the guys jumped out of the car stretching and complaining. They all then saw baby and cheered.
"So where's Alison Steve and Teddy" she asked not asking about Darry.
"Allison couldn't make it but they will all be here soon. Why don't we all just find our rooms" I said walking away grabbing my suitcase. We got the keys and everything set up. We got 3 rooms with 2 Queen sized beds in each one and since there was an odd number of us we had to have some one sleep on the small couch. We all just threw our bags into each room and left it a mess.
"Hey let's go grab something to eat before we do anything I'm feeling a little car sick" Soda said sitting on the couch. We all agreed but this place was real nice and full of families so we had to at least get out of some of our PJs or whatever and put some appropriate clothes on. Dall just put on a regular t but of course kept his leather jacket and everyone else wore jeans and a tucked in shirt or flannel. Since I was a girl and we wanted to go to the super fancy buffet I had to wear a dress but this time didn't mind it because it was the one my grandma gave me. I wore my tiny gold heart necklace that she had with my black low rider Converse. Just as we were stepping out the door Darry pulled up and I saw the hate in baby's eyes. He got out of the truck and saw her and you would think he saw a ghost. He walked towards her casual and in the politest way said "hi baby" she looked at him and glared.
"Hi Darry" was all she said as she walked past him. We waited for him Steve and Teddy to get ready then we walked to the buffet area where there was unlimited food and all Steve and Two bit could look at was cake. We were seated with Chris on my left baby on my right and Dallas in front of me. Vern got about 5 plates of different foods not even getting dessert.
"Oh Vern u didn't have to bring us food thank u tho looks great" Johnny said politely.
"Oh this is for me I still got to get dessert"
"Yes because we can sure tell that you didn't get enough" Gordie answered.
Vern just started eating as we all were shouting and hollering at each other over the table being a little too loud. Baby threw my napkin on the floor with hers hinting almost to go under the table but the guys didn't notice.
"Why the hell did u bring me here" she asked.
"For fun" I replied simply
"No u didn't that's not the whole reason"
"Look you and Darry just need to talk it out. I know he's an old know it all wannabe grump but please just talk to him. I can't imagine his life without you. He is a terrible human being trust me I know but when he's with you his whole world changes. We all can't imagine not knowing you. You actually tolerate us and you take care of us. Look I'm not asking for you to immediately start a conversation with him just try to get used to being around him first I guess..." I said. She looked at me almost sympathetically.
"Hey everyone is starting to wonder wear u guys are" Chris whispered under the table.
"Just try to make the best of it" I said as we then went back up to our seats. She loosened up a little and seemed like she was starting to have a good time. I was talking to Chris about the movie 'some like it hot' with Tony Curtis and marilyn monroe and we could not stop laughing.
"Hey! so what? I've been gone for a little and you to are goin steady" baby smiled.
" Trust me I've been trying to get them to realize they liked each other but I can't convince her to admit it" Dall said in his new York accent. I could feel myself beginning to blush I didn't know why though.
"Ohhh Savannah's starting to blush" Steve started.
"No I'm not" I said in defense.
"What does it matter to you guys anyways" Chris said eating more. None of the guys were paying attention to this but then the owner of the lodge came over when he saw us. For a little bit he didn't like Darry but threw out the years he didn't mind him so much.
"Hey guys how you doin" he smiled and laughed greeting us. We all smiled and said hello to him.
"Hey baby hope your father is well are you guys going to stay for our summer talent show? I hope you guys will be in it together again this year" he smiled. I quickly changed the subject though.
"Do you guys have the lake or pool open?"
"I'm not sure if the pool is open but you can check the lake" he smiled. We talked about the old days with him and about how smart baby and her father were. After dinner we went back to the rooms got into comfy clothes and tried to organize everyone. We had Sodapop and Ponyboy share a bed Dall wanted Johnny to have his own bed so he slept on the mini couch then in the second room Steve and Two Bit shared a bed then Vern and Teddy with super man on the mini couch and in the last room was Chris and Gordie sharing a bed and me and baby. In our room we were all pretty orginized. Well accept for me I always leave my clothes everywhere. I threw my clothes in my drore and ran to my bed like a little kid on Christmas morning and jumped on my bed along with Gordie and Chris while we would be doing flips back and forth on to the beds. Baby would just laugh and take pictures then joined us. We were having so much fun. I didn't want it to end. All my problems gone and not worrying about everything. Seeing Chris smile having a good time was like seeing a cute little puppy with a red ribbion on it. I liked it when I saw him smile. Like a real smile. Sure he has fun with us but I could tell he had no worries at this time because we were all having fun. Later on we finally settled down and watched TV but we wanted to do some more fun stuff. Vern and Teddy came in and hung out with us. Baby then got us popcorn and sat with us.
"Hey you guys wanna play a game" baby said shoving popcorn in her mouth. We all nodded and said sure.
"All right Truth or Dare" she smiled slowly.
"I'll go first" Vern said raising his hand.
"Truth or Dare Gordie"
"I dare you to.... Go run out side with only a shirt and boxers get a bucket of ice and put it down your shirt" he smiled. Poor Gordie. He went out and as he was coming back Dallas walked out. They just stared at each other awkwardly.
"This is just to wierd for me" Dall mumbled and went back into his room.
He came back into the room as we dumped the ice down the back of his shirt.
"Alright my turn! Teddy truth or Dare"
"I dare you to go knock on the door and yell ' open we've got the place surrounded!'" he did so and watched the family looked so confused.
"Alright Chris truth or dare?"
"Truth" he shrugged.
"......Do you like Savannah or have you ever liked Curtis" everyone went dead silent and we're waiting.
Srry guys school started and I've been so busy but I promise I'm going to finish this book! If you guys have any suggestions let me know down in the comments and don't forget to vote (:
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