2 days
I woke up the next morning with my bones aching. I just lied there for about 5 minutes then I think billy grabbed me by my hair and yanked my hair back. "Rise and shine" he laughed in my face. I slowly got up in pain and got all my books together. I was super hungry but I guess I'm gonna have to wait till break. Eyeball dropped me off then sped off with me barely out of the car. I saw the gang laughing and talking with Alison too. I walked into school and last minute they saw my bruised cheek and my tired red baggy eyes.
"Hey Curtis!" I heard the guys all yell. Oh what there all my friends now? I kept walking until chris walked in front of me. As I walked forward he walked backwards. "Hey man damn you look terrible-"
"Gee thanks for noticing" I snarled.
"What they do to you" he kept asking.
"Chris shut up you don't care so don't even bother.
" Look I said I'm sorry alright" he smiled.
"Look come on we're still buddies and why the hell you going on a date with Kale I mean the guy is named after a fruit-" he laughed as I then interrupted.
"Jealous Much Chambers? You don't know him and I make MY choices so move the hell out of my way low life Chambers!" I scolded regretting what I said. He just fake smiled laugh.
"Look come on I'm sorry alright why you even mad you never get mad" he shrugged as I finally got to my locker.
"Because you treat me different like I'm some lost little girl that needs a parent! You treat me differently because I'm a girl even though you know I can nock almost anybody out!" I said getting angry. He just wasn't getting it.
"Look you don't own me so don't go around telling me what and what not to do!" I said grabbing my books and walking away. Allison came beside me.
"Nice one chief" she smirked.
"Haha very funny. Anyways how's you and Verno?"
"Good but I'm thinking of breaking up with him"
"What why?!"
"Because your not friends with him and I don't want to make it wierd for you"
"No don't worry were still cool"
"Idk but let's just get to class we have a pop quiz I saw her schedule this morning and it's not looking pretty" she said sounding tired already. The day went by and Chris kept trying to talk to me and say random stuff that I didn't even bother listening too. I was walking out to the car but Billy came to pick me up.
"Hurry up hoe!" He scolded
"Look I'm sorry alright I never should have treated you that way. It was stupid of me. Every guy is stupid u Kno that! U've known the gang since we were little so u know that we're stupid especially me" he said as he talked behind me. I opened the door as he held it pushing it away.
"Look your my sister alright I care about ya. Just come back with us" he said putting his hands in his pockets looking down.
"Get in bitch it's not the time to play house with your boyfriend" billy barked.
"I have to go chris I don't got time for your bullshit" I said getting in the car he tried to talk but was then cut off by Billy.
"Kissy kissy kissy" he sneered in a baby voice. I wanted to forgive Chris but I don't want them treating me differently. I appreciate it that they want to protect me but I just want to have fun not be some house wife when I'm older. I turned around from looking at Chris to Billy and behind him was Teddy and Vern getting ready to poor a bucket of Chocolate on him. Just then Teddy and Verno mocked what billy said and poored it on him. Billy looked shocked and I was trying so hard not to laugh.
" Your ass is grass" he scolded jumping up from his seat.
"Hey what do you know it's made out of chocolate kisses M and Ms and kit Kats" Vern smiled. Chris smiled at me and motioned his head saying let's get out of here.
I shook my head no sad.
"I can't I only got 1 more day" I shrugged. Billy quickly drove off almost peeling out. Asshole. He yelled at me and made threats the whole 10 minutes to The Cobras spot.
He got out of the car and slammed the door holorring at every one of what just happened. I stayed in the car holding my black book bag. I then saw Ace walking over to me. I looked over where the trees were. Just then Ace stepped in front of my view and leaned on the door.
"You know about this you little fucker?!"
"No I didn't have anything to do with it" I said being honestly.
"Oh ya?" he smiled looking away. He then quick as light opened the door grabbed me by the hair and threw me out of the car. He grabbed me by my hair again and pinned me to a tree where a part of the best was sticking out of the tree and stabbing me in the back.
"You know how I fucking hate liars" he sits getting in my face now holding me but the throat.
"I'm not lieing Ace I swear I don't even talk to them" he then stared deep into my eyes then threw me to the ground.
"Get up!" He said walking away in discust. I slowly got up and grabbed my book bag. I went to the back of the truck just sent my books there and sat there. Nothing really happened to be honest they would always pick on me try to hurt me I don't really mind it after a while. I then just started thinking about my date. I couldn't believe it it's great I finally got one descent day of the year maybe it's better if I don't go actually leaving school it's not worth it. I'll just tell him tomorrow that I can't and it just wouldn't work.
***Time skip***
1 week later
I was finally back home me and Darry are over the fight and technically school's out I just decided not to go on the last few days since I finished my test early and just circled any answer. I still had to go to the private school but it's summer vacation who cares. Chris and I were on better terms now it's not as bad but it's okay and me and the guys still get along. Allison and Verno are still together and now since I'm back with the whole gang I told my brother's that I wanted to rebuild a treehouse.
"Aren't you a little too old to be wanting a treehouse?" Two Bit asked.
"And aren't you a little too old to be wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt still watching Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry and still going to high school" I remarked back.
They all agree that we finally would build another treehouse but not till around 5:30 tonight we'd start since it was hot as hell outside. It was already about two and that's just when all the guys walked in throwing a football around.
"No football in the house Teddy!" Darry yelled as Teddy caught the ball from Gordie. Gordie Verno and Chris hung out with the rest of the gang and talked as me and Teddy went on the roof throwing the football and messing around. Darry walked outside confused.
"No playing football on top of the house!" He scolded. We got down and ran inside. We opened 2 windows in the living room that were across from each other. We sat on the window or behind it and threw the ball back and forth. Dally looked at us like we're stupid Ponyboy Gordie and Johnny looked confused and Chris Two bit and Sodapop didn't look suprised what so ever.
"Well I would like to say I'm surprised but..." Chris sighed.
"We're not" the three said at once. Darry walked out of the kitchen putting his hands on his hips and throwing a towel over his shoulder. " R u guys frickin serious?! No playing ball threw the house!" Darry shouted in disbelief that we got this creative. We got inside and close the window behind us we then went to two windows that were a little farther from each other but we're on the same side. We opened the outside of them and just tossed the ball halfway outside and Darry can complain cuz we were outside. We did that for about 30 minutes but then got bored of it. We went inside and snuck up behind Gordy Verno and Chris. Teddy tackled Vern and I gave Gordie a noogie. We all hung out for a little bit and teased one another.
"Alright I need your attention because I only have about one minute"
"Why you got a date?" Chris asked jocking even tho you could tell he did have somewhat curiosity.
"No but that's your guys attention span so...this Saturday I planned a trip for all of us to go to.... The Moatain lake Lodge in Pembroke Virginia" I said excited. They all were shocked but excited Darry froze though. He knew that's where he met Baby and that's where they fell in love.
"I don't think it's a good idea Savannah"
"No Darry trust me I got it all planned and they remember you and they were excited to hear that you were coming back just to visit and they remember that you also had your football game near the lake lodge which I thought was pretty cool but don't worry it's already set up and I already paid for it don't ask how but I did"
He just nodded in agreement but was concerned on how I paid it and I told Dally first and he's the one who stole the money for me.
We all relax the rest of the day at the house but we picked up some old wood from different locations of abandoned trash cans from old houses. we put it in the back of the trucks and kept running around trying to find pieces of wood. We all started working on it as we heard music playing from I think a club down the hill
I think come and go with me by the Vikings (it's a good song look it up)
We all started to dance around but then somebody decided to give Pony a long piece of wood and let him put it on his shoulder and every time he turned around he almost hit somebody. Darry finally took the piece of wood. Steve kept threatening Ponyboy that he was going to drill his hand in to the wall and Dallas no matter how hot it was he refused to take off his leather jacket and he was always smoking a cigarette and he even dropped it from his mouth to his hand and cussed everyone out. Stupid Steve dropped a piece of wood on johnny that was really small that really couldnt hirt a fly but Dally saw and smashed his fist into Steve's nose and they got into a huge brawl. We all had fun though and hung out. It got way to dark so we went back home exhausted. When I got home I went to the fridge and grabbed the the carten of orange juice that was half filled and I drank it just like that. I drank the rest and pony got mad at me. He kept on telling that im as messy a goat and that's not fair that i drank all the orange juice and I just straight up told him life's not Fair get a helmet. He then started punching me and I then just hit him in the head. So he then grabbed me and tickled me onto the couch and started punching me then began saying does this hurt does this hurt? Real mature for an older sibling right? Anyways so far summer has been pretty exciting but I still can't wait for the weekend until we go to Virginia it's going to be a long drive but fun.
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