One shot
One morning, Soda went downstairs where Darry was already making breakfast.
"Oh no, Soda. You're not going to work today." Darry said with an urgent look on his face.
Darry handed his brother a mirror. Soda looked in the mirror and saw several red dots on his face.
"NOOOOO!!!!!!! I CANT HAVE PIMPLES!!!!!!" He screamed, hiding his face.
Darry placed a hand on Soda's forehead. "Gee. You're burning up. I think you have the measles."
"MEASLES?!?! NOT MEASLES!!!! What are measles?"
"Just lay down and don't scratch. I'm gonna call your boss and the doctor." Darry almost had his hand around the phone when Ponyboy walked in.
"Dar, I don't feel well. Plus I'm real itchy." The younger boy said, scratching at his arm. He had red dots all over his face and arms too.
Darry sighed. "Go back to bed and don't scratch." Then he called Pony's school, Soda's boss and the doctor.
As he opened the door to leave, he found Two-bit coming up the walk, itching furiously.
"Oh not you too!"
"My mom told me to go somewhere else because she never got the measles. I was hoping you might know what to do." The redhead replied.
"Well tha doctor's coming by in a bit. I'm sure he won't mind one more." Darry says.
"Just quit scratching." Darry calls as he gets into his car.
Despite this, Two-bit keeps scratching as he went inside.
The three boys hung around a while before the phone rang and Soda picked it up.
"Hey it's Steve. Our boss said that you got the measles."
"Yeah. It sucks."
"I've got 'em too. They're so itchy!"
"Hey why don't you come over? Pony and Two-bit have the measles too."
"Sure. I'll be right over."
Steve hung up just as the front door swung open and Johnny walked in.
"Really?!" Pony exclaimed. "What's next? Is Dally gonna get 'em?"
Johnny tried his best not to scratch the dots.
Then, Steve walked in behind him with itch cream, which he let everyone dab a little bit on themselves.
Then Dally came up the walk, rubbing his dot covered neck and groaning.
"So we all have measles?" He asked.
"Yup." Soda replied.
"Well I'll say, I didn't expect to have this many patients in one house call." The doctor said, closing the door behind him. "Okay I'm gonna take your temperatures." He took out a thermometer and told the nearest boy to him, Johnny, to open his mouth. "100.8."
"It's not that bad." Johnny says.
The doctor moved on to take Pony's temperature. "101.5." Then he took Soda's. "102.7"
"Yes! I'm the hottest one here once again!" Soda exclaims.
The doctor rolls his eyes and takes Steve's temperature. "Oops. Error. We need to retake it." Th doctor said.
"Guess it can't handle the Randle!"
He moves on too Dally. "Do you have to?" Had whined.
"Yes. Open up."
Reluctantly, the blond opened his mouth.
"101.6." The doctor announced.
Dally groaned loudly.
Two-bit opened his mouth for the thermometer automatically, still scratching everywhere.
"103 exactly."
The redhead turned to Soda, smirking. "Who's hottest now?"
When Darry got home later, he was very surprised.
He gave everyone some medicine he'd gotten at the pharmacy.
For the rest of the week, Darry had to take care of the six housebound boys.
This was a challenge mainly because he'd never known anyone who'd had the measles and he was no doctor. Also, Dally was a whiny little bitch when he got sick. "Obvious only child." Ponyboy had commented.
When the day finally came when the measles were all gone, everyone was exited. Except Two-bit, who had a rash from scratching too much.
"I'm just glad the Curtis gang is DONE with the measles." Steve said gleefully once they were all well again.
"Correction;" Darry said from somewhere behind them. "ALMOST done with the measles........"
The six turned around and saw Darry had red dots on his face.
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