Chapter 8 - Biana
I was practicing vanishing in the garden, keeping the flecks of light off of me, when Dallas strode in, Linh in his arms.
"These flowers are beautiful." she said. I moved to leave, when Dallas' voice caught my ear.
"They match your eyes." he said, caressing Linh's cheek. "You okay?" I wanted them to admit their love, and start dating. Now that Sophie and Fitz are finally together, I want to focus on them.
"As fine as I can be, given the circumstances." she said, "It hurts. I know Tam loves me, but he's being too over protective." Tam is way too over protective of her. All the time.
"He is." Dallas nodded his head. His eyes were a myriad of emotions, too many for me to pick any out. That's not what Linh wanted to hear. I decided to step in, and try to help him.
"Dallas, you really don't know what to say, do you?" I appeared, standing right in front of the pair.
"Biana, you shouldn't spy like that." Linh said. I was ashamed, but I needed to get Dallas on the right track.
"I'm sorry, but Dallas doesn't know what to say." I said.
"He might not, but that's still not a good reason to spy on us." Linh said.
"I'm sorry." I said, looking down. I scuffed the toe of my shoe against the path. "Oh! I meant to ask if you wanted to play Truth or Dare." I made that up, but it was already on our list.
"Hell, yeah!" Dallas shouted. If he's so excited, he will totally be ready to do some Matchmaking Truths and Dares.
"Dallas, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Linh warned. He didn't, but I don't want Linh to pull him out.
"I'll be fine." Dallas drawled, "I ain't ever gonna be too wimpy for Truth or Dare."
"You don't know Biana." Linh said darkly.
"I'll grab the others." I said, walking inside. I knew that Johnny and Tess were with Sophie and Fitz, in Fitz's room.
I knocked softly on his door. "Fitz? Do you want to play Truth or Dare?" I opened the door a crack and peeked inside.
"Truth or Dare?" Tess asked, her eyes lighting up. "Who wouldn't want to play?"
"Me." Sophie said, "Biana and Keefe are not people you want to play with."
"Aw, Sophie, don't be so down." Tess said, "They can't be that bad."
"I wouldn't say that if I were you." Sophie said.
"Please?" I asked.
Johnny and Tess were silently begging Sophie, their hands clasped. "Sophie, please!" Tess said.
"Oh, fine." Sophie said, shaking her head. "I know I'll regret this."
"You won't." I said.
"Besides, we're dating, so it's not like Biana can coerce one of us into admitting their crush." Fitz smiled. I admit it, I'm guilty of that. But I was just trying to get them to stop dancing around their crushes, and just be together.
"Where are we playing?" Tess asked.
"What about the gardens?" I suggested. I wanted to spend as much time as possible, surrounded by the bright flowers.
"Sure." Sophie said, "I'll send out a telepathic call. It's quicker than trying to find everyone by hand." She closed her eyes, and I knew she was transmitting the message.
"Tess, Johnny, and I will go to the gardens now." I said, leading Tess and Johnny out of the room.
"Any special rules?" Johnny asked quietly.
"Special rules?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah, like 'No Asking About Sandy.'" Tess said, "Soda's still hurting. He's trying to get over her, but he really loved her. And she just went and cheated on him. She got pregnant."
"That's horrible." I said. Nobody deserves that much pain. Especially Soda. He's always so cheerful, I would never be able to see that his heart had been broken, if Tess hadn't said anything.
"He hid it well." Johnny said.
"Well, are we playing Truth or Dare, man?" Dallas asked. His arm was around Linh, pulling her into his side.
"Yeah, we are." Tess said, "I'm gonna get ya, Dal, and I'm gonna get ya good."
"Oh, really?" Dallas arched an eyebrow. "I don't think so."
"I know so." Tess said, crossing her arms.
"Good one, Tess." Two-Bit shouted, grabbing her. He swung her around.
"Keith!" Tess hollered, "Put me down!"
"Who's Keith?" Two-Bit asked.
"You are." Tess said, "Now put me down. Or I'll get Dal to make ya."
"Okay. Putting you down." Two-Bit hurriedly put Tess down gently, right next to Johnny.
"Good." Tess said.
"If ya hadn't put her down, I'd be beating ya up, for not listening to her, ya hear?" Dallas said. His words contrasted his relaxed position.
"Yeah, I hear ya." Two-bit said.
"Okay." Sophie said, "I got everyone's attention. Now we wait and see."
As soon as the words left her lips, I heard yelling. It was probably the gang.
"You'd better stop being such a tag-a-long." Steve growled.
"Steve! You be nice to my kid brother, ya hear?" Soda said.
"He's just being a brat." Steve muttered.
"Hey! Break it up." Sophie said.
"Tam, Truth or Dare?" Tess' voice cut through the noise, silencing them.
"Dare." Tam said, confidently shaking his bangs out of his eyes, the silver streaks flashing.
"I dare you to compliment Dal." Tess said.
"What?" Tam shrieked, "I choose Truth."
"Not how the game works." Dallas drawled.
"Fine." Tam muttered. "You have a real talent for annoying everyone around you." Technically, that was a compliment.
"Why, thank you." Dallas said sarcastically. "So do you."
"Tam, your turn." I prodded him.
"Okay." he said, "Pony. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Pony said.
"I dare you to use this on yourself." Tam pulled out a white cube. He probably got it from Dex.
"What is that?" Pony asked.
"You don't know. That's what makes it such a great Dare." Tam said, his eyes glinting.
"Will it kill me?" Pony fiddled with his hands nervously.
"Nothing permanent." Dex spoke up.
"Okay. What do I do?" Pony asked.
"There's a button on the side." Tam said, "Press it."
Pony pressed the button, and a cloud puffed out, enveloping him in it. He coughed, waving his arm to clear the air.
"Your hair." Soda said, "Your tuff, tuff hair."
"What happened?" Pony panicked, running his hands through his hair.
"Your hair will be green for a week, give or take a couple hours. It depends on your metabolism." Dex said.
"A week?" Pony asked.
"It ain't that bad." Tess said, "You don't have to wait months for it to grow out. If you bleached it..." She trailed off, letting the words hang in the air.
"I guess." Pony still looked upset about his hair. "Tess, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." Tess said.
"I dare you to scream 'I love Johnny' at the top of your lungs." Pony said.
"Okay. That's lame." Tess said.
"Come on, do it." Pony said.
"I love Johnny!" Tess screamed.
"I love you too." Johnny whispered, snaking his arm around her.
"Darry." Tess said, "Truth or Dare."
"Tr-Dare." Darry said, "Your Truths are worse than your Dares."
"I dare you to kiss Zara on the lips." Tess said.
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