Okay this is for @ohsnapitzromelia my FIRST request and I am super excited to write this so I hope you all like it and decide to request one for yourselves!!!
"UGH.... I'm so bored!" I said as I turned upside down on his bed. Ponyboy sat on the floor in front of me.
"I'm sorry Meli but it's raining out so we're stuck inside." He said shrugging.
Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name is Romelia (or Meli for short) Winston. Yes I am Dally's sister but I'm nothing like him. He's a bad boy, wild and reckless, while I'm shy and funny and love to sing. I'm short and skinny with dark brown hair and soft brown eyes and I've got these weird little freckles by my eyes and nose. I'm younger than Ponyboy at 13 years old and met him through Dally. He's my best friend but I have a HUGE crush on him but I doubt he likes me back. Plus he also likes that Cherry chick. The only one who knew I liked him was maybe Dally but he never let on that he knew.
"Well can we at least play a game?" I asked and gave him a pleading look.
"Sure, what do you want to play?" he asked and we both thought for a minute.
"How about 20 questions?" I suggested and he nodded agreeing. "Okay you go first." I said.
"Umm, what's Dally like when he's alone with you?"
"He's really sweet and caring." I smiled thinking about him, "And he always making sure I'm okay." Pony smirked and I pretended to zip my lips closed, "You didn't hear it from me."
Pony laughed, "Don't worry I won't tell him. Your turn."
"What's your favorite book?"
"Awe come on Meli you know that it's Gone With The Wind. What's your favorite movie?"
"OOO... That's tough I'd have to say that it would be Gone With The Wind. Umm... Do you still like Cherry?" I asked a little hesitantly biting my lip.
Pony shook his head, "Nope, she was just a crush. Who's your favorite singer or band?"
I thought for a minute and opened my mouth to answer but closed it again. "Hmm..." I said thinking. "I've never really thought about it, I suppose my favorite singer would be Elvis but the Beatles are really good too. I'd say it's a tie between them. Favorite author?"
He thought for a few minutes sorting through his thoughts. "Hmm.." He said tapping his chin with his index finger. "S.E. Hinton (*wink*) is probably my favorite. Her books are just so relatable and I connect with the characters really well."
"Oh my god, I know right! I love her she's my favorite author! Okay what's your next question?" I asked and he thought for a minute as I closed my eyes so my head wouldn't hurt so bad, since I was still lying upside down. He was silent for another few seconds before he asked, "Canikissyou?"
Pony asked it so quickly and jumbled I couldn't understand it, "What?" I asked opening my eyes and scrunched my eyebrows together.
"Umm.. Uh.. It was nothing, a stupid question, I already knew your answer to it. It was stupid I shouldn't have even asked it." He rambled and turned away so he wouldn't meet my eyes. I saw his cheeks redden in the dim light am smiled a little. Damn he's so cute when blushing.....
"Come on Pony tell me, maybe you're wrong about what my answer is." I said trying to convince him.
"Meli you're my best friend I already know you're answer. Plus it was a stupid questions I don't know why I even asked it..." He sounded disappointed and sad.
"PONYYY..." I whined making him smile, "You know that I want know... This curiosity is going to kill me...."
He laughed, "Well you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat."
I acted offended, "Are you calling me a cat!" He nodded smiling like a goofball. "But Pony seriously, tell me what your question was I won't make fun of you for whatever it is. You're my best friend I wouldn't be a good BFF if I made fun of you all the time."
He sighed sadly, "Okay... I asked you," he paused for a second, "if I could k-kiss y-you..." He stuttered and looked at me carefully. His cheeks were red and his eyes hopeful. I was quiet for a few moments as he looked at me. He liked me! Ponyboy Curtis likes me!
Pony sighed again, "I knew I shouldn't have asked... I mean its not like you'd ever like me back. I'm just you're best friend am that's all I'll ever be. See I knew that I'd know your answer." I cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. Our lips touched and it was like fireworks went off all around us and throughout my body. It was so amazing, he's lips are so soft and tasted sweet against mine. He was surprised at first but soon kissed back. I thought it was kinda cute since I was upside down. We pulled back and he looked at me astonished.
"That would have been my answer." I said smiling at him. He looked at me shocked for a second then smiled happily as I grinned at him.
"Really? You l-like me back?" Pony asked in disbelief.
I nodded, "Yes, of course I do. You're an amazing guy. You understand me, like the same things, and just relate to me unlike anyone else, even Dally says that we relate better than me and him. I never thought you would like me, I mean I'm just normal and I've got these weird freckles..." I said and had to cross my eyes to look at them.
Pony laughed, "I love your freckles that's one of the reasons I like you so much..." He looked into my eyes as smiled. "Will you be my girl?" Pony asked softly and looked at me. I rolled over so I wasn't upside down anymore and faced him.
I grabber the sides of his face and pulled him closer to me. "Yes..." I whispered and kissed him again. Wait until Dally hears about this. ;)
Hope you like it @ohsnapitzromelia !! Tell me what you think!!! Hope I spelt your name right... Oh well, request my readers!!! I love doing these for people and so far this is my first and only one.... Oh well, until I get another request this is it for now!!! STAY GOLD!!!
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