Tests - Chapter 2
Warning: torture, if you don't like torture don't read whats under the ---------- ill make a box thing with the ---------- so if you don't want to see the torture just go to the last line
Cheys P.O.V
I wake up in a cold room I try to move my hands but I can't. I look to my hands to see I'm strapped down on a table, I look around the room to see some things on a smaller table but I can't really see what it is.
I see the door open and the female from before, May comes in. "Hello dear I see that your awake." She said in a scary voice, I just stare at her trying to think of something to say, "But anyways time for the test, I'm happy your awake for them." She said smiling, "W-what d-do you m-mean by t-test?" I asked scared out of my mind. She just laughs and grabs a small needle, walks over to me and puts the needle in my arm, I start to feel numb as I just stare at the wall while May grabs a bigger needle. "Now do as I say and this will hurt less." May said in a sweeter voice but still scary. I just nod as she puts the needle in my arm and my arm starts to feel likes its on fire then the feeling goes through my entire body
Now my body feels like its on fire and there's nothing I can do but feel the pain and scream, I scream and I scream and I screamed some more until the pain stopped. I look around and I don't see May anymore, instead there was Fluffy there, she had a knife in her hand and she looked mad, specifically mad at me........ "Your useless. Mom, dad, and I never loved you. We were just using you, your a worthless brat!" She said this with so much anger like I did something wrong, did I did something wrong? Am I worthless? What if they were just using me? She came up to me with the knife and gave me a crazy smile.
She started to slowly cut my arms, deep, long cuts. After she cut all she could on my arms she put the knife down and then she grabbed some chains. She unstrapped the straps from my legs, then unstrapped one of my arms, and put the chains around that arm she unstrapped the other arm and chained it to. She then chained my arms together, I kicked my legs but it didn't do anything. She put my chained up hands on a hook hanging from the ceiling, grabbed a bat, and walked over to me and started to hit me with the bat. It hurt so much soon I passed out from all the pain I felt.
I woke up in a boring room, it had gray walls and a dark gray floor, one of the walls was made out of iron bars. I look over to the other side of the room and I saw anther bed with a beat up girl in it. I saw who it was and my eyes widened in fear. I tried to hide under the bed but it really hid only half of my body under the bed. The other girl woke up too and the tone of her voice scared me "C-c-chey?" She said sweet but scared at the same time, it was Fluffy.......
somewhere else in the....lab?
"Sir the tests are done for the day, it went great the little girl... I think her name was Cheyenne, the fear was great and then the other one Fluffy, her fears were a bit worse but still good, and the other kids are still out but they will be up soon. That is all for today sir." A female girl said in a dark voice "Go along come back tomorrow with the next results." A dark male voice said. It sounded even more sinister than the girls voice. The girl nodded and then left, "Soon the world will see just what I can do and then they will fear me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
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