taken - Chapter 1
ok this is the first part for the story hope you like it ^-^
Cheys P.O.V:
I wake up and I move my feet to the edge of my bed, I rub my eyes and then I stand up, I walk to my closet and I grab some clothes, I put the clothes on, it's a shirt with a bunny face on the middle of it, a skirt that goes with the shirt that has straps going up to my shoulders holding it up, the whole outfit is white and a light purple.
I walk down stairs and go to the kitchen, I grab two apples and eat one, I walk back upstairs and knock on a door, a girl opens the door she has long gray and white hair, white eyes with gray in them, and in a cute white and gray dress.
With a sweet but tired voice she says "Hi sis." I smile and I hand her a apple. She takes the apple and takes a bite out of it, "Sis can we go to the park today?" I ask in a happy voice but before she could say anything else someone knocks on the door, "I'll get it!" I shout and then I run down stairs and I open the door, my sister whose real name is Fluffy trailing right behind me.
Two people are standing at the door, a male with dark brown hair with a white mask covering his mouth, and a female with long blonde hair with the same mask. They both have a white coat with a black shirt under the coat and dark blue jeans on.
"Hello is your mom or dad home?" The male asked in a dark and scary voice, "No, not right now but they will be home soon." Fluffy says a bit scared but tries to hide it, "Can we come in while we wait for them?" The female asked in a dark voice but less scary then the males.
"And why would we do that, we don't know you" Fluffy says in a dark voice, "S-sis is e-everything okay?" I say scared, Fluffy looks at me and gives a small smile "Go to your room sis I'll deal with this." She said in a sweet voice, I run up to my room and lock the door, then I run into the closet to hide.
Fluffys P.O.V:
I look at the two in the doorway and the smile disappears from my face, "Now what do you two want." I say in a dark voice, "We just need to talk to your parents. We are friends of theirs." The female said in the same dark voice, I look at the female up and down, "What are your names?" I asked, "I'm Jay and this is May." the male now known as Jay said.
"Fine come in but no going upstairs." I say in the dark voice. The two come in and walk over to the living room and they sit down.
I run back up stairs and I knock on Chey's door, "Sis it's me Fluffy." I say in a sweet voice, the door opens and I see my sister with her white hair with light purple in the middle, with her light purple eyes. "Okay stay up here until mom and dad get back okay?" I asked in the same sweet voice, " O-okay stay safe S-sis" she said, I walk back down stairs as she closes the door and I look at the two strangers and glare at them.
The female stands up and she walks over to me, "Hello what is your name again?" She asked in a sweet voice, "I'm Fluffy" I say a bit quietly. "Hey Fluffy what kind of animal is that? I've never seen it before." She asked and pointed at a window. I looked over at the window and saw nothing but when I looked back at the female she had a needle and she stabbed it into my neck. I fell to my knees as the world became dark and all I could think about was if Chey was safe as I collapsed and the world became fully black.
That was my first part! I hope you like it ^-^ ~700 words
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