Friends? - Chapter 3
Cheys P.O.V
Its been a few weeks now, I've been here for a few weeks with all the "testing" Fluffy is helping and we found out that there are other kids in here to, Today the Scientist keep saying to be "Today you will be getting some new 'friends' " I don't know what it means but i don't think ill like it.
I was sitting on the bed in the cell when one of the Scientist came up and opened the cell " 01 come " he said, they keep calling me that i don't know why, I stand up and walk over to him, we start to walk to a testing room, There's a a big tube they tell me to go into the tube and I do cuz there's nothing else I can do, they close the tube and it starts to fall with this weird blue liquid when it comes to my mouth I start to feel dizzy, I slowly pass out.
I'm in this black void I see two little girls, one his red hair with black in the middle with black... horns? one her head. her tie is tied up into two pony tails. on her face is a mask. the eyes seem lifeless there red with black skulls in them, she has a collar on she is wearing this black shirt that only hides her chest with a super tiny red skirt, on her back she has tiny demon wings with a demon tail, she has heels on to.
the other girl has the same red hair but in the middle is a gray on her head she has wolf ears, her skin is gray, her right eye is red and her left is black 3 scars going through the eye, in her mouth she has sharp teeth, her clothes are teared and ripped, she also has a wolf tail.
I look at them and they look at me they kinda look like ghosts, I can see through them, the wolf girl looks mad and the demon girl looks like shes dead, "W-who are y-you!" I ask I try not to sound scared but I fall so bad, the wolf girl just growls, "i'm a demon, I don't have a name" the demon girl says, "h-how about De! that can be your name for now" I say the demon just nods,
I look over at the wolf, "Who are y-you!" I ask, " don't have a name" she says, her voice is super scary, "h-how about Wolfy that seems great!" I say she only growls so I take it as a yes, maybe this is what the Scientist meant by new friends, "w-will i'm C-chey! or what the Scientist say 01" I say.
the black slowly starts to go away and I wake up in the cell again, I look around to see if fluffy is here but I cant see her I start to feel sad but then I remember my new friends? I think there my friends but anyways, I smile cuz now i have someone to talk to other then fluffy I don't know how I will talk to them again but I will find a way, will I was thinking the cell door opens and fluffy gets pushed in, Shes beat up like always, I run over to her and hug her, I walk her over to the bed and sit her down and look her over, i'm not the best at being a doctor I am only 10 but I learned a few thinks in the weeks we have been here, I tear a bit of my skirt off and I clean her wounds the best I can, I sigh and close my eyes, "just go to sleep sis ok, you'll feel better tomorrow" I say trying to calm down, she lays down and goes to sleep, I go and sit down next to the bed on the floor and closes my eyes, I inhale and exhale trying to calm down, I open my eyes and I see Wolfy and De starring at me.
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