Chapter 7: How was school?
****Ally's POV (in body)****
This Monday I followed Michael to school.
He got there early since he's a good bean.
He went to class while I went on my own mission.
I found Jeremy's locker.
I took out my supplies and got to work.
*********Jeremy's POV**********
I woke up and dragged myself to school. My squip seemed really nervous.
Do I ask him? Does this involve me? Is it dangerous? Should I be worried? What cou-
'It's nothing Jeremy.' The squip said tiredly 'Don't think about it.'
'Oh sorry' I respond, only half meaning it.
'Let's just get you to school.'
When I got to school I was completely shocked at what I saw.
My entire locker was covered in Post-it notes
They were all quotes from me about friendship.
I picked up the closest one.
"If you leave a brother behind it's lame, 'cause it's a f-ed up world but it's a two player game."
I tore it up, angry. I ripped them all off the door, then opened it.
Along with the other school books I found something else.
A scrapbook.
It followed a simple pattern at first, pictures of me and Michael smiling together. We seemed happy it looked to be from we were in middle school
Then it turned into Michael by himself crying. In some he was cutting himself.
Then it took a change.
He started smiling again.
The last picture was of him on a the beanbags.
He was on the red one, while some orange girl laid on the blue one.
My beanbag.
Jealousy consumed me.
Had he really replaced me so easily?
Was I really that easily forgotten?
Didn't he care about me?
How could he?
Why would he?
'Because you've been ignoring him.'
I look around. Who said that?
It was in the same robotic voice of the squip, but it was female.
That's when I noticed my squip wasn't talking. At all.
He hadn't talked for the last fifteen minutes.
I looked down at the book and noticed there was a new picture.
The orange girl glaring at me from a distance.
I start to feel light headed.
I hear some people start asking if I was okay, but it felt like they were miles away.
My vision blurred.
I swear I saw Michael with the orange girl hovering protectively behind him.
******Michaels POV*********
I was peacefully sitting in homeroom like usual. The hype around the rumors had died down quite a bit, but he had a better reputation.
His was half -way through his favorite song when he heard a lot of commotion outside.
He curiously looked outside where he saw Jeremy laying on the floor.
It looked like he was about to pass out.
I stared at him, I felt so bad for him.
I felt a presence behind me, but I ignored it.
One of the teachers called the hospital.
I offered to get his stuff together. I noticed a plastic bag filled while notes and a book of some kind. The bag said Jeremy Heere on it, so it put it in his backpack.
I wrote him a note:
"Hope you feel better I put your books together for you. Love, Michael.
I couldn't focus much that day.
After school I drove to Jeremy's house to drop off his backpack.
I knocked on the door, which was opened by his dad.
"Hey I'm just dropping off Jeremy's bag."
"He passed out in school, they called a ambulance. Don't know what happened other than that."
"Okay bye, I should go call the school."
I drove back home.
When I got there I found Ally sitting on the couch.
"Hey Mike! How was school?"
(AN: rrrroooollll ccccrrrreeedddiiitttsss)
I explain what happen and her face morphed into one of complete shock and dismay
"Oh no, that's horrible." She says d sadly "Not like he didn't get What deserve, but still."
"I know it's pretty bad." I say " Hey this is off topic, but do you want to order pizza?"
AN: I broke my promise of updating soon, I'm sorry. BUT I HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE! I burnt my thumb badly, and I write with my thumbs and I had to ice my whole hand. So the world is supposed to end tomorrow. YAY! I CAN'T WAIT TO DIE! Nah it's probably not real. BUT STILL! Any way Bye!
717 words
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