Hi. Again, I pretty much only wrote the flashback and Lia (_opheliac ) wrote 99.9% of the rest so all praise belongs to her and not me b/c i'm a bad, lazy writer lol.
Scott rubbed at his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time, the motion doing nothing but making the itch even worse. The air quality was dismal, just an exponentially bad day in a series of terrible days. While he would have loved to stay cuddled up in bed all day with his gorgeous fiancé, he really needed the overtime to help pay for that fancy new air purifying system he'd insisted they splurge on when Mitch was recently diagnosed with asthma after a series of chest problems. He knew Mitch hated the extra time apart, and HE hated it even more, but he'd rather take on the extra work himself rather than force Mitch to do anymore than he already was. Besides, not only did he want his love to be healthy, he really wanted Mitch to have the wedding of his dreams and not have to settle for what was in their measly budget. The extra hours would be more than worth it.
If he could, he'd give Mitch the world just to see him smile.
It was that thought that motivated an extra stop on the way home, and also what fueled the excitement that seemed to hinder his coordination as he unlocked the door.
"In here!"
He smiled to himself as he followed the sound of his voice to their bedroom and peeked in to find Mitch sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed, a few magazines and notebooks spread out on the bed before him. The gorgeous man grinned up at Scott and pushed his glasses back up his nose. The sight of him, clad only in one of Scott's own worn out and stretched t-shirts, made the blonde man's heart skip a beat. No matter how many years passed, it still amazed him that that perfect man was his future.
He leaned in the doorway just staring with a soft contentment.
Mitch blushed a bit under the scrutiny, but didn't look away. "You're staring again."
"Of course I am." He winked and pushed off the door to move towards him. "I have a surprise for you."
Mitch raised an eyebrow, trying to see what was hidden behind the tall man's back. When Scott revealed the small container of strawberries, his eyes widened, mouth already practically watering for the rare treat. They were in no way organic, grown in a controlled lab environment and exposed to more chemicals than they'd care to admit, but Mitch LOVED them.
"Babe, no! They're too expensive!!!!"
"They weren't too bad, I'll just tack on an extra hour next weekend to cover it." Watching the excitement already causing Mitch to shift back and forth as he waited for Scott to hand the treats over was more than worth the extra time.
Soon the bridal magazines and planning notes were pushed aside as they sat in the middle of sheets and blankets, feeding each other and sharing kisses and loving words. Mitch asked about his day and Scott worried over Mitch like always.
"Did you get enough sleep?"
Mitch laughed and shook his head in amusement. "I think I slept most of the day."
"You just seem tired. Are you sure you don't want to take a nap."
"Nope. Want to spend all my time with you." He got to his knees and moved closer to wrap his arms around Scott's neck as they kissed.
"I should go put these in the fridge and then...more kisses." Mitch's lips grazed Scott's just a bit as he spoke.
Scott nuzzled into his cheek in response, not wanting to let him go, but a few more kisses and giggles later he was loosening his grip and Mitch was sliding out of his arms as he took the remaining strawberries and disappeared through the bedroom door.
Mitch's notebook caught his eye and he pulled it closer to look at some of the scribbles along the margins. As he turned a page his heart could have burst with happiness as he saw Mitch had been practicing his new signature... with Scott's last name.
He had to wipe away a couple of tears born of pure happiness and put the notebook back in its original position.
It wouldn't be long now and he could truly call Mitch his own.
He got comfy in some soft pants and a tee before wandering out to see what was taking Mitch so long.
He was a bit confused when he didn't immediately see him in the kitchen, but as he moved to turn down another hallway he spotted him out of the corner of his eye and his heart sank to his feet.
"Mitch!?" He nearly fell in his scramble, socks sliding on the smooth floor as he rushed to get to him. The refrigerator was still open, the now empty container of strawberries on its side near the motionless body. The red berries had fallen a bit haphazardly and were scattered around him almost like rose petals. Scott was in too much shock to do much of anything but fall to his knees next to him and frantically pull him into his arms.
"Mitchy? Baby, please talk to me. Mitch, wake up!" He shook him a bit, frustrated or manic or all of the above, but still his love remained unconscious.
"Oh my God, please wake up. WAKE UP!!!!!"
He caught a glimpse of the strawberries and wondered if it was they that had caused this and the guilt and tears bore down on him. He scrambled to contact emergency services, but then pulled Mitch back into his arms, rocking him back and forth as he begged him to wake up, prayed that he wouldn't be taken away from him, hoped for it all to be nothing more than a terrible nightmare.
Oz woke with a jolt as his ears picked up the sound of his name being called. His eyes shot open and he immediately blinked to clear his blurred vision, and only after a couple of seconds he realized that he was no longer dreaming.
"Scott? Scott!" Mitch's voice finally reached him through his fogged mind, and he blinked, confused and disoriented, eyes filled with unshed tears as they opened and set on Mitch's worried face, too close, too beautiful and too real.
"M-Mitchy.." He sobbed, and before he could realize what he was doing, his arms shot out to reach for Mitch, latching them behind his neck and bringing him down against his chest.
In his mind, he knew that it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do - the remnants of the dream were still playing behind his eyes, and it was easy to believe that the dream wasn't reality, and that this was - that the warm body against his was his Mitch, healthy and alive, and that everything was fine. It was easy to believe that he still had a shot at happiness.
He felt Mitch freeze in his arms for a second, then relax, before the brunette wrapped his arms around his torso, shifting his head so he could place it against his chest. He was warm and soft and his hair smelled familiar and obscure at the same time, his voice soothing as he started whispering, "You're's okay, Scott, breathe. It was a nightmare. It was just a nightmare.."
It had been a nightmare, but at the same time, it had not been. It was real life, the dark memories of his past never leaving him, and he didn't know how to cope with it anymore. He wanted to stop crying and tell Mitch what was really happening, but it seemed like his body had too many tears to shed.
"You were there and we were planning the wedding..and then you.. you were on the floor and..", he managed to say, his sobs interrupting him as he was speaking.
Mitch's arm tightened around him. "Babe ... I'm so, so sorry.." The boy paused and sniffled, and if possible it broke Scott's heart even more to know that he might have started crying too. "I can't imagine.."
"I...I never got the chance to marry you.."
"I know... but I also know that he loved you. A ceremony didn't matter to him. You were married in his eyes, I just know it.."
Scott knew that Mitch was telling the truth, he knew that in his heart they had been married already. They had never needed a piece of paper to feel like they were each other's forever. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. "I just..miss him so much..." He kept crying, his hold around Mitch tightening. It felt like he had been crying for an eternity when he finally stopped, his eyes dry and his heart a bit more calm. It was then that he started to feel embarrassed. "I'm...I'm so sorry.."
He rolled them on their sides so that the brunette wasn't on top of him anymore, realizing how compromising it looked. However, he couldn't bring himself to stay too far away from him, so he didn't completely pull away, keeping one hand on Mitch's waist.
The boy, whose face he could now see, simply shook his head, one hand starting to rub gently at his back, the gesture relaxing and intimate and everything that Scott needed. "Don't apologize. I know you miss him." He smirked then, and even in the dim light Scott could see the spark in his brown eyes. "I mean, I bet he was pretty awesome."
He couldn't help but let out a laugh at that, and he felt his shoulders relax. "He was. He was the most beautiful human being. Funny and kind and beautiful, and I was so lucky that he chose me.." His eyes started to fill with tears once again at the reminder of what he had lost. He couldn't help but bring one hand to move Mitch's hair from his face. "You're so similar... It breaks and heals my heart at the same time.."
Mitch didn't seem fazed by the gesture, he just smiled sadly, and kept rubbing at his back. "I bet he thought the same about you ... And I know it would break his heart to see you this upset. I know that doesn't make it better but..."
Scott shook his head, bringing one hand to rub at his eyes, the other still close to the brunette's face. "I know.. I'm sorry, I didn't want to break like this.. I just.. Memories." He bit his lip, trying to stop his mind from thinking about the dream again. "It just seemed so real..maybe because you are real, here with me.." He trailed off, not really sure of what he was saying.
Mitch just kept smiling at him, his eyes soft and warm. "You're fine babe. Don't be embarrassed or afraid be vulnerable in front of me, no judgement here." He paused then, biting his bottom lip as if wondering. "I mean, I can't imagine if I lost Scott ..and we're not even together."
"I hope you never find out.. I still can't believe.." He shook his head, unable to picture a world where he had Mitch around him without falling in love with him. It took him a couple of seconds of silence and feeling Mitch's breath hitting his face before he realized how close they were, and he felt his heart skip a bit, his cheeks, he was sure, turning a bright pink. He hoped Mitch didn't notice, and he cracked a joke to dismiss his embarrassment. "He would kill me if he saw us right now.."
The smaller boy rolled his eyes at that. "He's a giant child, he'll get over it," he said, but even in those words Scott could hear the fondness in his voice.
He couldn't help but smile. "He might be a giant child but let me tell you, I would have killed anyone who got too close to Mitch. He doesn't seem that different."
"He's just a drama queen, don't take him seriously."
"Hey you, watch it! That's me you're talking about!" This time the smile tugging at his lips was real, and he couldn't believe how good it felt.
Mitch grinned at that, dimples showing and eyes sparkling. "Ohh he does know how to smile! Would you look at that.."
It was his turn to roll his eyes, a blush still showing on his cheeks. "Shut up, now who's being a drama queen?"
The two boys laughed quietly, and it was amazing how comfortable they were - Scott was sure that he wasn't the only one who felt at ease with the other. He could read it in Mitch's relaxed body language. The two stayed silent after their laughter died down, simply enjoying the quiet of the morning.
Despite curtains being draped over most of the windows, light still poured inside the room, washing over them with warmth, creating intricate drawings on the sheets and over Mitch's skin, and Scott found himself unable to look away, his eyes glued to the Mediterranean skin that seemed to glow wherever the sun touched it. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he basically jumped when a loud knock resonated through the room, interrupting the silence he had started to become accustomed to.
His heart almost skipped a beat when Mitch buried his nose in his neck, a whine leaving his mouth. "Noooo it was so peaceful!"
He couldn't help but blush at the new proximity, painfully aware of how easy it would have been to close his eyes and pretend that the Mitch that was glued to his body was his. Another loud knock stopped his mind from wandering away, and he rolled his eyes - he knew that it could have been no one but Scott that early in the morning. "Should we hide?"
Mitch laughed, taking one last second to stroke his back before pulling away, his hair messy and his eyes twinkling. "Don't worry, I'll deal with the angry bear." He stood then, stretching his back before yelling, "calm yourself, I'm coming!"
As the immature man he was, he couldn't help but giggle, rolling on his back to stretch his legs. "I could make such a predictable joke at that.."
The brunette smirked as he started to walk towards the door. "Go for it."
"I'm sure he wants you to come."
"Mitch get your ass to the door!!!"
Mitch laughed at that, the sound stirring butterflies in Scott's stomach. He was both thankful and annoyed with his other self for interrupting their moment. The dark haired boy stared at the door for a couple of seconds, before talking. "I hope you're ready ... we're naked, so prepare to be scarred for life!" He turned to send a wink his way, before opening the door.
Oz knew, from the moment he saw the other blonde's face, that he was not in the right mood for joking around - which, of course, made it even funnier when he grabbed the sheets and pretended to cover himself with an embarrassed look. "You better not look!"
Scott, though, ignored him, only sending him a side glance before he turned to face Mitch, stress and disappointment written all over his features. "Fuck you, Mitch! I was scared to death!"
Mitch didn't seem to realize it, simply shrugging and disregarding the sentence as Scott just overreacting, a fond smile on his face. "I left a note AND texted you... There was no bed space and you know mama does not sleep on a floor...unless a gorgeous man is naked with me, of course."
"I woke up and you were gone! Do you know how I fucking felt?!"
The smile faded from Mitch's face quickly after that, replaced by a stern look. "Scott I'm a grown man, not your fucking kid.. Despite what I call you, you aren't my actual dad." The words had been sharp and cold, and from the sound of them, it seemed like it wasn't the first time the brunette had said something like that out loud. "I appreciate that you care about me but stop worrying so damn much! You're gonna give that gorgeous face wrinkles and it would be a fucking tragedy.."
Scott said nothing at that, his blue eyes staring intensely at Mitch as if nothing else in the room existed, looking stubborn and ashamed at the same time. He honestly felt bad for his lookalike - he knew what it felt like to worry about Mitch, to be scared that others could hurt him. This version of them might have been different than how he and his Mitch had been, but that didn't mean that there wasn't the same kind of bond, of possessiveness in their relationship.
He actually felt out of place as he stayed still in bed, watching the two boys fight in a staring contest, both stubborn and yet not really angry, almost like they were really used to it. He wanted to exit the room and let them be. "Uh..listen, I'll go get dressed in the bathroom, okay?"
That seemed to wake the two boys from their trance. Mitch turned to look at him, the stern look replaced with a sweet smile as he shifted his gaze from one Scott to the other. "Don't run, he's mad at me not you. I'll go with him and get dressed, ok?"
He nodded, biting his lips nervously as he watched the boy step away from the door to start gathering his stuff. "Yes of course.. I'll see you later." He stood up, ready to head over to the bathroom when a sudden thought crossed his mind and he quickly turned around. "And Mitchy..thank you, for earlier." He spoke softly, a shy smile on his face, almost like that way he could avoid the other Scott hearing his words.
Mitch simply returned his smile, dimples showing, before he gave his friend an unamused look, said, "come on Dad, let's go," and walked out of the door.
The blonde didn't follow immediately, silently watching his doppelganger almost like he was looking for some sort of explanation, a look in his eyes that he couldn't even recognize. Oz held his gaze for as long as he could, a feeling of guilt spreading through his body - for what, he wasn't even sure.
"I'm sorry," he simply said, before he turned his back to him and walked to the bathroom, feeling like he had hurt his other self in some way - although he had no idea how. He stood under the shower for what felt like an eternity, thinking back about earlier in the morning, when Mitch had held him and called him Scott, and he wondered if, maybe, the actual Scott hadn't been right - if, maybe, it was too easy to blur the lines between the two of them.
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