Part 8
If you had looked in the mirror, you wouldn't have recognized the woman looking back. Your hair seemed to float around you, charged with electricity. Every nerve in your body was humming. Gone was the normal e/c eyes. They glowed a bright blue, full of the power strumming through your body.
Your energy glowed all around you. With just a flick of your wrist, the steel door in front of you slammed open, a staircase leading up towards Dean. And freedom, not to mention revenge. Feeling such hatred for the Angels who had torn your family apart clouded your mind, fueling the power sparking at your fingertips. You wanted nothing more than to rip all of them to shreds for what they had done. Sure, they might have been your family at one time, but they had lost that privilege the second they messed with Dean and your daughter. Not to mention Sam and Cas.
The stairs were coated with dust and grime and your slippers had long since vanished. You didn't notice as you steadily climbed up out of the depths, plans forming in your mind. Fear tried to pry through your fury. Fear that Dean wasn't alive, that you would be too late. Pushing it down, you focused on the hatred and fear, letting it continue to fuel the energy coursing through you just as you came to the main floor.
If it had been a different situation, you would have taken stock of the situation, trying to sneak your way through the building to rescue Dean. But you were done playing by their rules. You hadn't been yourself in who knows how long, and the power felt good. It felt right, as did ending all of these Angels who had taken part in your torture.
With only a flick of your wrist, the door flew open, cracking against the wall. Clenching your jaw tight, you walked down the hallway, heading straight for Dean's room, hoping you would find, and the doctor there.
The once pristine white hallways were a grimy gray, the enchantment fading now that it was no longer needed. Doors hung off their hinges, rooms empty, beds nothing more than springs and rotting material. This place hadn't been used for quite some time.
At the end of the corridor, an Angel bounded around the corner, their sleek Angel blade grasped tightly in his hand. "Y/N, you're free!"
"You will pay for what you have done," you growled deep in your throat. Raising your hand, you curled it into a fist, the Angel in front of you screaming in pain. In the blink of an eye, you were standing in front of him, his eyes full of fear. "What did you do with Dean? And my daughter!"
He raised his hands up, trying to lighten the pressure around his larynx. "Dean is alive. Being held in his room. But your daughter, I don't know! I wasn't part of that!"
"Liar!" You screamed. Placing your hand on his forehead, you watched in amusement as his grace burned from the inside out, his eyes turning to nothing more than ash. Releasing your hold, you stepped back as his body fell to the ground.
Picking up the discarded blade, you held it tightly in your hand as you turned the corner. Dean's room was off to the left, at the very end. Two Angels stood guard, glancing down at you curiously. With a snap of your fingers, golden light sparked from their eyes, burning from the inside out. Crying out in pain, they fell to the ground, dead instantly.
The power made you fearless. But it wasn't just that. With your memories in your head, the power surging through your body, most of your emotions were held at bay. All you cared about was revenge. Making sure that no harm ever came to your family again.
With your chin high, your eyes still blazing blue, you snapped the door off of its hinges. It fell to the ground in pieces, dust swirling around, giving you the element of surprise.
Quietly, while the Doctor yelled for his guards, you slid into the room, settling into the corner. It gave you a moment to see what was going on. The Angel playing Doctor was standing at the foot of Dean's bed, his white lab coat no longer pristine but covered in blood and dust. He had a wicked looking tool in his hand, his eyes wide as he waited for the dust to clear.
Dean was laying on the bed, his wrists and ankles bound with rope to the iron rails. His face was a mass of bruises and cuts, his green eyes barely a slit. His shirt had been ripped open, his chest marked with sigils cut deep into the skin. How he could even be alive after such torture you weren't sure. But you did know that this maniac Angel doctor would pay for what he did.
"How dare you mess with my family," you muttered low. Raising your hand, you squeezed your fist tight, planning on sending the evil Doctor to Hell. Or the empty where most Angel's were sent. He gasped, clawing at his neck, and you squeezed harder. "You took away everything I love. Everything I lived for. Now tell me. Where is our daughter?"
You glanced over at Dean after you said those words, seeing his one good eye open wide. So, he hadn't been told yet, or his memories brought back. They were torturing him, and he didn't even know the whole story.
"Your parlor tricks won't work on me," the Doctor choked out. Closing his eyes, he mumbled under his breath and when he opened them back up, they were as bright of a blue as yours. "You might be one of the most powerful Angel's in the world, but you are no match for me little girl."
With a snap of his fingers, you were thrown against the wall, your head colliding painfully with the brick. Leaving you at the wall, he returned back to Dean's side, running the wicked looking blade along his bare skin. "Having you two so lost and confused has been the highlight of my life. And it's been a long life. Y/N, I had such great plans for you. You were so powerful, so full of energy. You could have become my greatest weapon. Instead, you decided to fall in love with a simple mortal. A hunter at that. To make matters worse, you birthed a Nephilim. Who might grow up to be the most powerful being ever in existence."
"You think doing this will make me bend to your will? Because all I want to do right now is tear you limb by limb."
Tilting his head to one side, he smiled at you. A malicious evil smile. "Maybe this will change your mind. Dean, this might hurt a bit." Taking the sharp blade, he pushed down on Dean's freckled skin, and you watched in horror as it sank down, deep into Dean's belly. Dean let out a guttural scream, his eyes rolling back in his head.
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