Part 12
You had resolved yourself to this decision, but you could see that both Sam and Cas hadn't. They kept glancing from you to Dean, and back again, wondering if it was worth the risk. If they could really trust this new Adonai person.
You decided to take their indecision away from them. Turning to Adonai, you rolled up your sleeves. "Okay, how do I get started?"
"You will need our help," she started. "We will help release your grace before it will be given to Dean. It should take effect within a minute or two."
It sounded so simple when she said it that way. But it wasn't simple. It was saving the man you loved by giving up the very thing that made you who you were. Grace was sacred, as unique to each Angel as was a human's DNA. Without it, you would always be incomplete. But you would be even more incomplete without Dean.
"Let's get this started," you exclaimed, taking your pocket knife from your pocket. "Like this?"
She nodded, pulling a vial from her pocket. Before Sam and Cas could even move, you slid the blade along your throat. It stung, but nothing like it would have without your grace. Blue light emitted from the cut, swirling and threatening to escape. Adonai held the vial to your throat, the light flowed down, swirling inside the glass.
You could immediately feel the effects. aS your graced escaped through the cut, your body grew weaker. Heaver. You could feel every muscle, working hard to compensate for the lack of power. Your lungs hurt, reminding you that you had forgotten to breathe.
"There, that's all of it," Adonai announced, placing the cork top on before healing you. "Y/N, you have to be the one to give it to him. And say these words. g oi grace ge heal g."
"What's that mean?" Sam spoke up. While you had been distracted, Sam had moved to your side. Struggling to stay standing you tried to answer him, just as Cas and Adonai did as well. "With this grace, we heal you."
You could feel yourself start to crumple to the ground, but Sam reached out, catching you before you fell. "Help me over to Dean," you ordered. Sam frowned but helped you until you were laying beside Dean. Taking the vial from Adonai, you pressed it against Dean's lips. "We're almost done, Dean. Then you'll be back with us."
Taking a deep breath, you whispered the words, your whispy blue grace slipping past Dean's lips. It only took seconds for him to inhale all the grace. Laying back weakly, you waited for him to get better. Adonai held her hand over Dean, searching, checking him to make sure it was working. You could see both Sam and Cas watching carefully, waiting for any sign that your sacrifice hadn't been in vain.
Slowly Dean's lips turned back to their rosy pink. His cheeks turned from ash to the light golden skin full of freckles. He took a big, deep breath, his eyes opening, unfocused and dazed. Relieved that it had worked, you leaned your head back, closing your eyes. All you wanted to do was sleep now that Dean was saved.
"What happened?" You heard Dean say and you forced yourself to focus. "And who the hell is that?"
Adonai had been standing over Dean still, her hand hovering over Dean's chest. "Dean, calm down," Sam started to say. "You've been very sick, and...,"
Dean pushed Adonai's hand away, lifting his shirt up. You watched as his shirt was removed to reveal unscarred, beautiful skin. It was then Dean turned to face you, his eyes widening when he saw how pale and exhausted you were. "Y/N, what did you do? He asked frantically. "What did you do to save me?"
Weakly, you reached over, brushing your hand against Dean's cheek. "What had to be done. Dean, I needed you to be well to help find our daughter. That's what mattered."
You took a moment to appreciate the man in front of you. He was so handsome, even with his mouth drawn tight in a frown. Your grace had done its job, not only healing him from the Angelic poison, but it had also taken the burn marks from his arms.
"Dean, were those burn marks on your arms just a figment of our imagination?" You asked, the memories still foggy.
Sam spoke up, shaking his head. "Those burn Mark's are from when the two of you were taken. The Angels had set a fire, and Dean raced in to save your daughter. He came back out, his arms burnt, but when he found out you were still in there, he rushed back inside, and Cas and I couldn't find you. We thought you were dead for a while."
"But they're gone now. How?" Dean asked, turning to Adonai with suspicion. "What did you do?
"Hello, Dean, it's finally nice to meet the man who swept Y/N away from her true life," Adonai spoke calmly, not phased by the ferocious hunter in front of her. "And I just reminded Y/N that she had the power to heal you."
He frowned, still not happy with the way things were turning out. His eyes pleaded with you to tell him the truth. Sighing, you reached out, holding his hand tight in yours. "You were under a powerful Angelic spell. Without my grace, you would have been dead by now."
Dean stared at you, his jaw ticking as he took km the news. "You're grace? Some of it or...,"
"I had to give all," you whispered, knowing he was going to be upset. "It would only work if I gave it all up."
"Damn it Y/N," he grumbled. "But that was a part of you. Without it, you're... you're...,"
"Human," you finished. "Yeah, but now we are both here and alive to go find our daughter. And that's what matters now."
He didn't argue, but you could tell he was still unhappy that you had sacrificed so much for him.
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