Me. Myself. And. You.
The girls were nothing alike. Jane's room was all pink and fabulous. While Kerry's was dull. Filled with shelves and shelves of books. All one color. Grey.
It was a cold windy winter morning. The trees and their withered hands that laid across the pathway. The light filtered through the cluster of branches that were very weak making the streets seem haunted and eerie. The gush of wind sent the trees shaking.......
Kerry sat on the edge of her bed, legs barely dangling off the edges. Her eyes focused on her so called "sister" as the girl flipped through the pages of one of her books. The sound of paper being harshly flipped causing Kerry to flinch.
"How do you read this stuff? There aren't any pictures!" Jane huffed as she tossed the book to the side, causing another yelp from Kerry. Jane rolled her eyes, what was so special about a bunch of paper with words? Boring! She missed her exciting life, she missed her friends and the place she left back home. What was so special about New York? Just the busy streets and loud citizens living their pathetic lives. "What do you do for fun?" Jane kicked her legs up on the computer chair watching as Kerry eyed her from behind her glasses.
"I like to read, sometimes write." Kerry shook off her "sister" as the girl groaned in frustration.
"What about drinking, partying, friends and boys?" Jane watched as Kerry lifted up her eyebrows.
"Oh don't tell me you've never partied before! Gosh, I bet you're still a virgin." Jane laughed as Kerry's cheeks went crimson. "Okay sis," Jane let the rotten word roll off her tongue. "Hand me that computer of yours, I will find us some fun!"
Jane stood from her chair before snatching the computer from Kerry's hands. "Hey! Be careful with that!"
"Yeah, yeah hush you baby. Oh look! Someone just messaged me on this website." Jane turned the laptop so Kerry could see the broad male on the screen. Light golden hair swept across his forehead as dazzling blue eyes captured his face. "He's a hottie! Plus he is right here in New York! Let's message him back."
"Jane, I don't think this is such a good idea..." Kerry began to fidget with her fingers, something she normally does when she's nervous.
"Oh! He wants us to meet him in front of this bar, he says he can get us inside." Jane pulled the computer around so Kerry could see the front of the bar. "I can drive, I'm sure mom will let me borrow the car tonight ,especially since I'm bonding with my lovely twin!" Jane placed the laptop in the desk before running towards Kerry's closet.
"Jane, I'm not going." Kerry whimpered. She always seemed to let people walk all over her.
"Sure you are, how will your mom feel if I tell her you won't bond with me? It will break her little heart. Now get dressed, it's time to have some fun!"
The briskey air whipped the girls' thighs as they stood outside of the club. Music poured out of the building, as they leaned against the closest alley way.
"Jane, we've been out here for twenty minutes, I don't think anyone is coming." Kerry shivered against the cold hair, her knee high dress barely covering her shaking legs.
"Give it some time." Jane frantically glanced around the alleyway looking for any sign of the online hottie.
"I don't like it out here, it's kind of spooky." Jane rolled her eyes. How did this girl live without any adventure in her life?
"Kerry and Jane?" A deep voice echoed through the alleyway. Kerry jumped as Jane let out a sigh of relief.
"You scared me! I thought you weren't going to show." Jane chuckled as the shadow appeared closer, both girls staring down the blackened shadow.
"Hey, you arent-"
Both girls screamed before a thin cloth was placed over their mouths causing them to both disappear into a world of mutual slumber.
Kerry woke up first. her heart was thumping. Her head was throbbing. Her head was covered in a musky bag. Being the smart one. She kept quite. Crossing her fingers that Jane would not wake up and start screaming.
"Are you sure these are the girls?" A deep voice resonated in the surrounding.
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