Chapter 8- New rule?
I turned to Blue after Alpha had finished his sentence with a fire of excitement burning in my eyes. He turned to me with that same fire but also and undercurrent of something else."I can't believe we finally get out of her, even if it is just for a bit but I mean they have never let us out bef-" he cut off my Rambling with a light chuckle and he said," I can't wait either but I need to set some rules before we head out. This is directed yo all of you but mostly you Dawn. None of you should break order, we have an order to help ensure our safety and we don't know what we are up against." The Others all grumble out 'oks' and 'alrights'. Blue turns to me not hearing me agree, I huff slightly but as I see his eyes pleading with me I nod and see his eyes fill with relief. "Btw have I ever mentioned how beautiful Blue's eyes ar-" I cut off my thought there and mentally groan, What is this boy doing to me? My thoughts are cut off as Alpha comes back with a chunk of tore out flesh, obviously from what we are going to be tracking. I take in a massive breath of the scent and I catch a current of it going into the forest. I notice the other's eyes on me, seeing as I'm The best tracker of the group and the scent is very faint, I look at them and nod my head as best I could," I got it." They all nodded and suddenly my Holding pen is opened and I rush out only to run into another pen. The humans move the portable pen outside the gates and I can see the Black-clad humans, Barry and Alpha on motorcycles and in trucks, through the holes in the door of the cage ,ment for air . The others are soon beside me in their portable cages and I hear Blue say to us all," Ok, remember the order." Alpha turns and yells," Three! Two! One! Head out!" A button is pressed and our doors burst open and let us sprint out with me taking up Blue's right side and Charlie, his left, with Delta and Echo close behind us. Blue looks over at me and asks," Direction?" I catch the scent heading slightly Northwest so I call out," Northwest." I finally realise the humans are behind us but my attention is brought back as the scent gets stronger, the others can smell it Now too and we skid to a stop in a small clearing that is still roofed by the trees around us. I hear the Humans pull in behind us but my attention is lock on the massive white dinosaur that emerges from the trees. It bends down and says, " Hello little ones, I'm The Indominus Rex." I notice Blue shift slightly so he is in front of me more. He speaks up in a clear, strong voice," How do we understand you? You are not a raptor." She chuckles lowly before sayin," No little ones but I am part raptor. Can you really believe then awful humans almost mad who kill one of your own?" The Others stand in anger shock, while I am in a pure rage, I whirl around as the others get over their shock and whirl round aswell. I let out a loud threatening growl towards the Humans.We have a new Alpha now. The black-clad humans raise their guns as our Alp- I mean ex-alpha talks to Barry about what just happened in hushed whispers. Both of their eyes suddenly widen before they turn back to us. We run at them and I instantly go for the Human the put the device on my head, not noticing the I.rex step back into the trees. I quickly kill that human before I hear a sorrow filled yelp, I spin round and my eyes narrow in on delta who was lying on the ground, letting out his final breath. I cry out in anger and sorrow, Blue comes over and stands next to me warding off any humans, I rest my head against his scaly but surprisingly soft neck. He stands protectively in front of my as I briefly mourn before my eyes zero in on the Human who had killed Delta. I took off after him before I leaped at him and took him down. I stood up and noticed that the humans had fled. I saw Echo leaning against Charlie and Blue beside them waiting for me. I softly smiled before walking over and resting my head on him. He supported me and spoke out," We will rest and mourn for a few hours but then we have a battle to fight." I pushed my self off of him and tried to not look at Delta or Delta's body. Charlie lay down beside Echo comforting her, making me smile softly. I look over at Blue and to lay down beside him, much to his suprise and rested my head across before drifting off to sleep. I didn't realise Blue was staring down at me with a loving gaze before keeping watch over everything.
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