A New Song
When they left the next morning, Miril was still somber. She didn't speak much. Instead, she clutched the bag that had held Maglor's lyre tight to her chest. Eventually she put it back onto Bill the Pony when she mounted up atop Elrohir's horse. They attached Bill's lead rope to their horse and started off.
They passed through many villages on their way up the Harad Road. Night followed day and day followed night for three weeks. They slept little. Each day, Miril was quiet as she lay against her husband's chest as they rode. As they drew closer to Gondor, she would smile as she saw something familiar.
She felt the child inside her kicking and turning. Five months had gone by. Boy would Aragorn be surprised when they arrived!
On the day they finally spotted the wall surrounding the Pelennor Fields, Miril was quite ready to be done riding. The guards halted them before looking in wonder upon the three half elves.
"Mordirion," called a captain, "Send word to the King that the Lords Elladan and Elrohir, and Lady Míril, have returned!"
A young lad leapt atop a speedy horse and took off to Minas Tirith. The three travellers followed more slowly. Miril smiled as she looked upon Minas Tirith. They were almost home.
Home. She supposed Minas Tirith would always be her home. Just because she was to have a child did not mean she would never return to the North, of course. But it might take some time to get there.
When at last they reached the gates, she was surprised to find a company of dwarves there. They were repairing the broken doors. They bowed to the three half elves in greeting and let them through.
"Looks like we have some guests," Miril smiled. "I wonder..."
A voice interrupted her thoughts. "Miril!"
"Gimli!" She grinned as she caught sight of the dwarf she had been about to ask about and dismounted.
Gimli appeared and gave her a hug. "It is good to see you."
"You as well!" She laughed at his enthusiasm and his face as he saw she was with child. "I am due this year, as you can see."
"Does Aragorn know?" He asked her this excitedly. "He had been constantly waiting for news from you, you know. All of you!"
The twins laughed as he finally addressed him.
"Lord Gimli, is our brother in?" Elladan asked him.
Gimli nodded. "Indeed, lads! Others are there, too! When got word from the rangers of Ithilien that you had been seen coming up from Harad, they sent word to some friends."
The four companions walked, leading the horses and pony to the royal stables. Leaving the beasts there, Miril followed Gimli with the twins up to the citadel. When the doors swung open, they were met with a gleeful Aragorn and a few other companions.
"Friends!" Aragorn cried as he rushed forward and embraced Miril, then the brothers. "My heart rejoices to have you home at last!"
Miril hugged her foster uncle tightly. Then she looked around at the others. Eomer was there with Lothiriel. Imrahil of Dol Amroth and Legolas of Mirkwood stood there also with Eowyn and Faramir. But the biggest surprise of all was Arwen, who was obviously with child also.
"I see we three all have reason to rejoice," Arwen smiled, coming forward and gesturing to Eowyn who stood by, her abdomen large from her pregnancy.
Aragorn laughed as he grabbed Miril yet again. "Halbarad would be so happy for you!"
"I know," she murmured into his shoulder. "I know."
They greeted the others before soon Aragorn took them aside to debrief them on their quest. Elladan and Elrohir did most of the storytelling. Miril would jump in occasionally, but not often. Two packs she had near her: one with the Silmaril, one with Maglor's lyre. When at last they came to the part about the Silmaril, all eyes turned to Miril.
"We must send it over the sea," she declared after several moments of silent hesitation. "It belongs in Valinor. Let the Ring Bearers take it with them when they sail West."
The bag with the Silmaril was never opened again in Middle Earth. It was decided it would be too risky. It might corrupt a good soul.
The company spoke of Maglor and his sacrifice for the good of the group. Aragorn listened intently to their story, and smiled at the end, though the smile was filled also with sadness over Maglor's death.
"So the evil in the South has been dealt with. Good. And perhaps a new peace with Harad shall be ushered in because of it." He stood from his chair at the table. "Gondor thanks you. I thank you. Now, rest and relax. Especially you, Miril."
They all agreed and Miril went up to her room again. After a bath and a change of clothes, she stood in her room and stared at her bed. Elrohir had gone with his brother to see to the horses and Bill. She was alone. Sitting on her bed, she slowly undid the bag that held Maglor's lyre. She would never forget him, nor the fact that she shared his kin.
In that moment, she chose. She chose immortality. She embraced the fate of the Eldar. She knew she would not see her father until the end of the world, and even then nothing was certain. But she could not reconcile forcing Elrohir to abandon his own family. And she had caused enough trouble trying to reclaim what she had lost. She had to let go. The Silmaril had judged her worthy in the end, thanks in no small part to Maglor's sacrifice. She would some day go over the sea to Valinor. But that was not this day.
Today, she would honor those she had lost. she would start with Maglor. She looked at his lyre, smiling sadly.
And she began to play.
A/N: That was the final full chapter. Up next will be an epilogue and then on to the sequel!
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